Brooks Honey



2 years, 7 months ago


The Other Side of Paradise - Glass Animals



Brooks Honey





















Brooks grew up as the oldest of five siblings! He was never particularly close to his family, although he did love them. He just didn't enjoy spending time at home, always out and about. He would sneak out often just to transform into his "human" form and interact with humans, fascinated by them (Ariel kin moment ig), this is how he met Ai! He was instantly attached to Ai and they became best friends. As he grew close to Ai, he grew more and more distant from his family. He didn't like being a merman and preferred being out of the water. His insecurities simply grew worse and worse the more he interacted with humans, and he was more and more tempted to leave the water permanently, although he didn't actually leave until he was 16 and his little sister Roan died.

Leaving home

Roan's death pushed Brooks over the edge and triggered his absolute hatred of being a merman. He officially leaves home, and never goes back. He had been a little sad to leave his other siblings, but he couldn't stand to be at home whatsoever anymore. Before Roan died, she made each sibling a friendship bracelet, which is the only thing Brooks brought with him when he left. He absolutely never takes it off no matter the circumstances. Brooks also stops transforming into his normal merman form as often after this, which causes him some issues.


Due to the lack of transformation, Brooks starts developing pain issues whenever he does attempt to transform, and it becomes hard for him to use his abilities relating to being a merman. This only gives him even more of an excuse not to transform, and the weak powers just make it easier for him to pass as a human. His ears are the only thing that link him to his merman roots, which of course means they're his biggest insecurity. Ai tries to get him to go to Maya, a healer of sorts for supernatural beings, in order to help the pain of transformation, but he doesn't care to, especially since he sees it as a bonus rather than an issue. He would never go home under any circumstances


Brooks hides any and all negative emotions by being incredibly cocky. It's not entirely an act though, he genuinely does have an overabundance of confidence, he's exclusively insecure about his merman features. He tries not to make it obvious, purposefully not covering his ears so no one can tell he hates them.

He thouroughly enjoys flirting with people, and will flirt with everyone he meets. He has always known himself to be pansexual, and he has never been particularily shy about it. He is somewhat of a hoe, and again is not shy about this. Although he does prefer to flirt with and (ahem) share a bed with humans who don't have The Sight so they can't see his ears and think he himself is completely human. He doesn't consider himself the dating type.

Despite his best friend being a literal cupid, Brooks isn't really sold on the concept of love. He knows people can be compatible, but when it comes to cliche and cheesy romances he is over it. That is the main reason he doesn't date, although not the only reason. Another reason is the fact that he has been in love before, only once. Or rather, is in love. He has been secretly pining for Ai basically since they met, but denies it even to himself. He doesn't want to ruin their friendship, and has convinced himself true love isn't real. It may have something to do with the fear of losing him, just as he lost his sister.



Brooks is a merman!
He can transform between merman and human forms. The main change is his legs to tail, and he keeps his ears in human form. His tail is blue, matching his ears. (Tail design based on a betta fish) He can transform at will, so he can be in water in his human form if he wants.
Merfolk also have a secondary power relating to water, each different (think H2O; Just Add Water). Brooks is the ability to control water at will, although the further he distances himself from his merman roots the harder this ability is to control.
Merfolk have naturally alluring voices, and some have the ability to influence others' decisions when singing. Brooks is one of the lucky few that can! He can’t make them do things they wouldn’t normally do though.
If Brooks kisses someone on the forehead he can give them the ability to breath underwater very temporarily

Fun Facts!

He taught Ai to swim
He is one of the few non-cupids to enter the cupid community - Ai snuck him in when they were kids, helped by Ai's sister Fiona
He has the most "important" strings Ai has ever seen (8)
Once as a child he almost tried cutting one of his ears off, there's a scar where he started but he stopped almost immediately
He really disproves of his sister Ripleys boyfriend Casper


Ai Rouge

Bestfriend | Love Interest

Childhood bestfriend who Brooks won't admit he's in love with

Atticus Love

Love Interest

Brooks enjoys flirting with Atticus

Lee Stolz

Love Interest

Brooks tries to pretend he doesn't like Lee but secretly he's intimidated at how MUCH he likes Lee


Love Interest

Brooks likes being yelled at by Fire (yes, like that)

Ripley Honey


Brooks first sister! They were never particularily close. He doesn't approve of her boyfriend

Blaine Honey


Another of Brooks sisters, she is the most like him

Dylan Honey


Brooks' only brother :O

Roan Honey


Brooks' baby sister.. She was his best lil bud before she died.
read the comic: or webtoon