


8 years, 9 months ago




Obtained: Created by me
Status: Active; Secondary
Worth: $999
Notes: N/A

Layout by Jayden   •   Image by Xevalian @ tumblr


gruff • reticent • jaded
NameKhel AhnraVerseMass Effect
GenderFemale (she/her)OrientationBisexual
SpeciesKroganSongKiss With a Fist
RelationshipIt's Complicated TMFace ClaimN/A
AlignmentNeutral GoodMBTI????

Angry and unamused basically all the time. She’s lived through her fair share of just about everything, and while she’s generally not openly hostile if she’s not provoked, she has no desire to entertain any bullshit. She tends to keep to herself and is usually unwilling to discuss much, or any, of her past. She had hopes and dreams once, but that, well, that was a long time ago.

Strengths: Weapons training (shotguns especially), crafty and experienced, krogan strength.

Weaknesses: Limits due to age; struggles emotionally and interpersonally. Gruff and sometimes harsher than she should be.

Ahnra was born shortly before the deployment of the genophage. Growing up, she was a happy and hopeful krogan; she always had wanted to settled down with her mate and raise a family, teaching them how best to hunt and survive and be strong. Her generation- the first to grow up with it- did not really understand the genophage; they didn’t believe it would affect them.

When she realized harshly that her dreams of becoming a mother would never happen, she broke it off with her boyfriend of forty years and moved off-world.

She became a bounty hunter, a security guard, a personal bodyguard for whoever paid her well enough. She didn’t care about a whole lot. She never looked back to Khel or to Tuchanka or even much to the krogan. It was easier that way.

Upon being hired for a bodyguard for a snobby asari politician, somehow the pair’s hatred and contempt for each other blossomed into a strange type of passion. When the asari told Ahnra that she was to be a parent, Ahnra left again. Back to Tuchanka, hidden in her tiny clan. What kind of parent could she possibly be to an asari?

She witnessed Raigh’s rise and upheaval after her return, and upon Lyze’s gain of power, she decided to do something to possibly steer her Clan towards some sort of order, becoming her advisor.