


2 years, 8 months ago


Avalon quarters

Strong . Aggressive . Curious


Name  Avalon

Called (His name) Avy/Goat man

Age 34, Technically older

Gender Male

Race Baphomet Minotaur

Occupation Warrior

Orientation Heteroflexible

Birthday 4/19/1843


Avalon was born by the gods. Arising from the ashes of a Phoenix's death, he came to this world exactly as he is today. He was forced to roam with the intent to kill, but instead found the will to protect. He is built to be powerful, but only uses his power in circumstances where it is needed. He found M'tsynna and literally started off stalking her like a weirdo. He then connected to her and protected her, slowly building more of a bond. Today, he uses his power to protect his loved ones and is honestly just a big goof.


He's a goofy goat dude who likes to eat furniture and make loud noises. He has goat instinct mixed with humanoid instinct, and he can talk as a human would. He's often making random mistakes that a goat could care less about, but a human finds hilarious. He climbs on furniture, eats stuff he probably shouldn't, and rams into people when he's angry. Honestly he's funny to be around, but also extremely helpful. He's willing to do anything for the ones he loves and will go to extreme extents to help them. Literally if you told him to get you a flower from China he would WALK TO CHINA TO PICK YOU A FLOWER. He's crazy, funny, and loveable.



Most if not all of his story is explained in the first tab, however I will go into better detail here at some point!



M'tsynna is his goddess, as most of her other partners treat her.  He is highly sexual with her, but also kind-hearted and treats her as he should. He isn't pushy, but clingy. He will follow her around to get attention like a puppy, but knows her limits. He loves to pick her up and carry her around to try and show off how strong he is!


Erie and Avalon have relatively similar opinions of each other. They enjoy each other but know exactly what they're there for; M'tsy. Avalon tends to enjoy talking with Erebus as he's easy going and quiet.


Nam interdum velit sed magna iaculis, eu gravida massa venenatis. Donec commodo elementum eros sit amet porta. Fusce in dui libero. Proin rutrum arcu aliquam ex fermentum, ac venenatis justo viverra.


Nam interdum velit sed magna iaculis, eu gravida massa venenatis. Donec commodo elementum eros sit amet porta. Fusce in dui libero. Proin rutrum arcu aliquam ex fermentum, ac venenatis justo viverra.


  • Avalon eats furniture when he's pissed at people, he is also extremely clumsy but doesn't enjoy to admit it. He is literally just a goat...man. LOL!
  • He has an intense love for blueberries! He is content and happy whenever blueberries are within reach. Wanna calm him down so he doesn't eat your furniture? Give him a blueberry, it's like a dog treat. Good boy.
  • He can talk as a normal person does, but has the ability to make goat noises as well! He has a low pitched goat bleat that he has the ability to control.
  • He loves reading! He reads very often and enjoys scrolling through phonebooks just to read the numbers.
  • He has intense sugar highs. Give him ice cream and he will literally have zoomies for hours. All of his partners learned this the hard way.