


2 years, 4 months ago



Faded . Strong . Addict


Name Terracota

Called (his name)Terra/Cota/Cots

Age Appears in early 30s

Gender Male

Race Mutated Demon

Occupation DrugĀ Experimentalist

Orientation Omnisexual

Birthday 11/19/1964


Terracota is the accidental product of a mutation experiment in the early 60s. In an attempt to mutate the genes of multiple animals, this very mistake was made leading Terra to mutate into this odd entity. He has a mutated mix of genes from a humanoid entity, but also has the genes of animals like hawks, monkeys, chameleons, octopi, rhinos, and many more. He was basically just a huge pile of genes thrown into a vault in an attempt to make a species stronger, and instead he became this dark powerful being. He doesn't have a lot of interest in killing people today, but had much interest in escaping on his own journey....and in turn was killed. That's why he's found his place in hell.


He currently dabbles in drug experiments, meaning he's always looking to make mixed, laced, or all together new addictive drugs. He's addicted to psychedelics and mostly attempts to form new depressants and hallucinogens. He's very protective and happy with his partners though, spending most of his time with them. He just likes to get jaded, but besides that he's pretty normal lol!


Lose yourself

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sit amet neque porta, vestibulum erat quis, finibus diam. Morbi id leo et felis mollis tristique. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean tempor, velit volutpat ultrices ultricies, enim leo blandit sapien, nec varius nisi eros quis est. Mauris aliquam tellus et diam laoreet, in faucibus erat cursus.

In ut libero iaculis, finibus urna pharetra, elementum ex. Integer a lobortis felis. Sed sed ante eu urna egestas ultrices nec eu quam. Sed ornare felis eu semper faucibus. Morbi congue ultrices felis, congue porttitor erat elementum sed.


Nulla id molestie ex, eu vulputate felis. Ut consequat facilisis vulputate. Etiam lectus sapien, placerat non tempor vel, elementum sed sem. In sit amet sem pellentesque, convallis sem eu, consequat risus. Nam ac consectetur leo. Cras non orci nec dui auctor ultricies eget vitae sapien.

Mauris sagittis dui nec metus vestibulum pulvinar. Aenean bibendum ultrices dolor vitae euismod. Nullam consequat, massa id tempus facilisis, erat est bibendum ante, sit amet auctor lacus ante in mauris. Donec eu orci in libero suscipit vestibulum. Nam ipsum ipsum, pretium at urna nec, aliquet semper mauris. Quisque volutpat mollis orci. Aenean sit amet porttitor orci. Nullam lobortis enim in laoreet ultrices. Donec vitae diam erat.



He loves her dearly and is happy she supports what he does. He feels lucky to have her and thanks her constantly for that. He LOVES to pick her up and carry her around, either piggy back or bridle style. He gives her kisses all the time and is overall very happy to have her.


Gives him hugs constantly, ummm he has to obviously he's too fluffy not to. He often hallucinates what his face really looks like when he's high, and loves to explain the weird combinations his brain sees.

Dr. Rosewell

Has an intense need to have sex with him constantly? LOL NO BUT UHH... He really enjoys Dr's company and would love to consider himself dating him if he let him. Either way I'm sure their sexual relationship is flourishing because of Rosewell's sexuality.


Nam interdum velit sed magna iaculis, eu gravida massa venenatis. Donec commodo elementum eros sit amet porta. Fusce in dui libero. Proin rutrum arcu aliquam ex fermentum, ac venenatis justo viverra.


  • He constantly has LSD on him, don't try to take it unless you wanna die thanks.
  • He listens to a lot of psychedelic hippie music, he's honestly a big hippie on the inside </3
  • His colors change depending on who he's around, normally he's in either one of the colors that I've drawn him in because of his environment, but he can be drawn with any colors depending on his environment!
  • His tendencies are more humanoid rather than animal-like, unlike Yesterday and Avalon.
  • He really loves chasing crickets and HE DOESN'T CARE how silly he looks, he will totally chase them in front of you.