


2 years, 4 months ago


Erebus saladine

Pretending . Chaotic . Afflicting


Name  Erebus

Called (His name)/Lord/Erie/Erry/Death

Age OLD....

Gender Male

Race Shadow Cryptid

Occupation Former Priest

Orientation Heteroflexible

Birthday 9/1/1653


Erebus is a powerful demon who's most well known to hide in other's shadows. While no human has actually been able to prove he's real, within his own realm the many people he's surrounded himself with know very well he is. Before he was reincarnated as this cryptid demon, he was a Catholic priest and was very well respected during his time working. He was well known throughout his village and (while he may had been extremely puritan) his practices were well enjoyed and he loved his job. On one late dark Sunday, His church was burnt down by a mob of anarchists, and in an attempt to save his belongings he was crushed under a pillar and forced to burn to death. He came back almost immediately into the demon realm, and questioned why God treated him this way? If He was real, he would've saved him. If He was real, why was he a demon? Today he finds his broken relationship with God vile and enjoys targeting people of intense Christian practice. He hides in shadows and eventually takes people into the darkness, slowly breaking their mind and leading them into insanity. He's hurt inside; and this is coping mechanism.


He's a loving guy with a hard outer shell, he appears to be in his 50s. He's very cold and hard to read to others, but all of his partners have learned to read him well. He was the first to partner up with M'tsynna and one of the most beloved in the relationship. While he looks horrifying, sounds like he got ran over by a car, and is over 10 feet tall... he really just wants somebody to love him! 


God's slave

Most if not all of his story is explained in the first tab, however I will go into better detail here at some point!



M'tsynna is his biggest love, being not only his first but she's also his foremost. He takes care of her more than she can take care of herself, he treats her like his goddess. He'd happily marry her someday if she'd let him, and honestly wouldn't mind just a relationship with her. He wants to be her world just as much as she is his, even if the other partners may get in the way of that. He loves her madly and will do anything for his goddess.


NKinda sees him as a pet rather than a partner, they are closer than most other partners (Besides M'tsynna) but not in a very relationship way. They're like two bros pretending to not be gay, they both just want the girl... but they get along well with each other and Avalon is helpful, so he can't complain!


Nam interdum velit sed magna iaculis, eu gravida massa venenatis. Donec commodo elementum eros sit amet porta. Fusce in dui libero. Proin rutrum arcu aliquam ex fermentum, ac venenatis justo viverra.


Nam interdum velit sed magna iaculis, eu gravida massa venenatis. Donec commodo elementum eros sit amet porta. Fusce in dui libero. Proin rutrum arcu aliquam ex fermentum, ac venenatis justo viverra.


  • His head is connected with a magnetic field, so it doesn't normally budge unless disturbed! If he bumps it or takes it off manually it is 100% likely to come off, however he can look all around freely without it falling off!
  • Erebus often plays the violin in his spare time, but has trouble keeping the violin under his chin. His head has fallen off multiple times while playing, and it's pretty hilarious.
  • Because of the way he died, he doesn't like to hold on to comfort items. He died attempting to save his item's lives over his own, so now he gives to everyone around him. However, there is one item M'tsynna gave him that he can't let go of. It's a necklace with "I Love You" written on it, and while he doesn't wear it all the time, it is undisturbed in a jewelry box on his nightstand. He looks at it every night before bed.
  • He is a whopping 10'7" tall and has to crouch through doorways, his head is often bumped onto the floor because of this. His house is specially modified for his height, although he does have trouble at M'tsynna's.
  • He'd never admit it, but he's a huge snuggle bug. He really just wants his baby to hold him and rub his back.