


4 years, 7 months ago


Lux Combine

Kind. Secretive . Adaptive


Name Lux

Called (his name)/Luxxy/Sir

Age Unknown

Gender Male

Race Afterlife care demon 

Occupation Care of the passing

Orientation Straight

Birthday 6/6/1906


Lux is a demon who cares for ghosts who are passing on into the demon world. He guides them into their afterlife and lets them on their way. He's almost like a demon version of a guardian angel, and he's very understanding and kind. He loves to guide others and takes pride in his job to do so. He's well respected and honest.


The best way I can describe him is literally he's just a sweetheart. He loves to help others and is normally adaptive to many different kinds of environments and people. He doesn't judge by species and doesn't kill. If he weren't born a demon, he'd definitely be a sweet guardian angel. He can sometimes be strict though, but he's normally rational. You'll never see him mad over the little things.


Pride and joy

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In ut libero iaculis, finibus urna pharetra, elementum ex. Integer a lobortis felis. Sed sed ante eu urna egestas ultrices nec eu quam. Sed ornare felis eu semper faucibus. Morbi congue ultrices felis, congue porttitor erat elementum sed.


Nulla id molestie ex, eu vulputate felis. Ut consequat facilisis vulputate. Etiam lectus sapien, placerat non tempor vel, elementum sed sem. In sit amet sem pellentesque, convallis sem eu, consequat risus. Nam ac consectetur leo. Cras non orci nec dui auctor ultricies eget vitae sapien.

Mauris sagittis dui nec metus vestibulum pulvinar. Aenean bibendum ultrices dolor vitae euismod. Nullam consequat, massa id tempus facilisis, erat est bibendum ante, sit amet auctor lacus ante in mauris. Donec eu orci in libero suscipit vestibulum. Nam ipsum ipsum, pretium at urna nec, aliquet semper mauris. Quisque volutpat mollis orci. Aenean sit amet porttitor orci. Nullam lobortis enim in laoreet ultrices. Donec vitae diam erat.



Treats her like a lover, giving her the love she desires and deserves. He expects the same back though, unlike a lot of her other partners. He's extremely sweet and loveable, a total teddy bear for her. He'll run her baths, give her massages, and lots more knowing he'll get the same back. He treats her the most like a girlfriend rather than a goddess.


Often gives him lots of hugs! Believes he's probably one of the easiest partners to talk to, which is and isn't true. He enjoys his time with him and treats him like a great friend!


Nam interdum velit sed magna iaculis, eu gravida massa venenatis. Donec commodo elementum eros sit amet porta. Fusce in dui libero. Proin rutrum arcu aliquam ex fermentum, ac venenatis justo viverra.


Nam interdum velit sed magna iaculis, eu gravida massa venenatis. Donec commodo elementum eros sit amet porta. Fusce in dui libero. Proin rutrum arcu aliquam ex fermentum, ac venenatis justo viverra.


  • He speaks telepathically, and has this airy but strong voice.
  • He has the ability to shapeshift his legs, and so he can fly on command, stretch, or mold them!
  • He's very soft, even if he doesn't look it he's a softie.
  • He loves the smell of flowers and gets extremely happy when you gift him them! Every valentines day he fills the house with lilacs! Too bad Avi eats them all...
  • If you run him a bubble bath, he will love you for life. He loves little cute things like that!