


2 years, 4 months ago



Compassionated Hoarfrost



AUCh2mt.pngMain DPSApRmOuC.pngSub DPS Mxj9mBW.pngHealer/Support
  • Model Type
    Tall Female
  • Birthday
    March 17th
  • Constellation
    Glacialis Bonitas
  • Nation
  • Affiliation
    Adventurers' Guild
  • Family
    Birgir Family
  • Special Dish
    Cold Rice Salad
  • JP VA
    Taneda Risa
  • Itinerant Nurse

/ Overview

Krone Birgir is a Cryo character.

Hailing from Snezhnaya, Krone grew up and lived most of her years in Mondstadt. Krone became a field medic who currently has a residence at Inazuma and co-owner of Kenkō-tekina Apothecary.

/ Lore

"A well known medic for all adventurer's guild members, it doesn't matter if you are an ally or a foe, a knight of favonius, Millelith guard, a ronin or even a Fatui! Whether you have a stomach ache, require medicine, or are wounded, you can count on this itinerant nurse to treat you without hesitation if your paths cross with her."


"A young medic who is strong enough to tolerate anything and soft enough to understand anyone."

Despite looking shy and reserved on the surface due to her low voice and well regulated emotions, Krone is a strong-willed, tenacious, and enthusiastic personality; whilst on first impressions you might not expect dramatics or exaggerated emotions from her, Krone is more than capable of such outpourings. Her gentle appearance belies her realistic nature to the standard onlooker, but her reliability, compassion and resourcefulness are never overlooked by those closer to this enigmatic character.

It is rare to see this medic angry or troubled, as whilst she is capable of snapping if provoked, she is also very capable of handling her emotions, a trait many of her friends rely upon her for. An independent person, Krone has been known to overwork herself and this can be seen regularly by checking her eyes, to see if she has dark shadows beneath them from pushing herself to the limit. Her determination to be independent has been known to work against her in this way, however through her years of experience, Krone has learned to reach her hand out for help from her friends if she feels she absolutely must.

A well natured and good mannered individual, Krone possesses a special charm that only a select few can truly appreciate. She does not care for insults or challenges, and would prefer to avoid conflict that leads to physical combat if the matter can be solved intellectually. 

Krone places particular value on the opinion of those who are closest to her, and unfortunately this trait can be a detriment to her as it leads to inner conflicts within the young medic. If somebody Krone appreciates treats her badly, cruelly, or turns their back on her, she feels it within the depths of her soul and it affects her for a long time. 

Possessing a heightened intuition Krone has the ability to see the intentions of others even when they are trying to deceive her; not once has she found her intuition mislead her. Despite this awareness Krone has been known to give opportunities and second chances to those perhaps undeserving of them, and can find herself insisting that perhaps her intuition is wrong regardless of her keen senses and knowledge that there is yet to be an instance where she is truly wrong or misguided in her thoughts. 

Due to this keen sense of intuition Krone is one of the few people aware of what goes on with her local Mondstadt neighbors, having observed many strange and peculiar behaviors in the likes of Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, and the bard, Venti, Krone is aware that these men are not at all what they show the standard populace of the City of Freedom.  

Holding an excellent memory Krone is able to recall even the smallest of details from interactions months, or years in the past. This ability is shown by how easily she recognizes Ajax in Liyue, when they meet for the first time after their childhood together in Snezhnaya. This skill has helped Krone a lot in her studies on medicinal knowledge, and throughout her investigations. She prizes this ability as one of her best qualities


Krone is a graceful, tall young woman with long black hair and fair skin. Her multicolored heterochromatic eyes fade from light red to pale gray, almost white. Above her head, Krone wears a white cap with gold details.

Frosty Assistance: "Set of luxury garments custom made in the Sneznhaya region, and it was a gift from a very special person to her. Elegant, delicate, resistant and protective, it perfectly reflects Krone's personality."


Official introduction

Nonjudgmental nursing

"At first glance you would think that she is someone distant and cold, but when you get to know Krone or talk to her for the first time you immediately realize that appearances are deceiving, that despite lacking enthusiasm, she is quite emotional, expressive and elegant. She's weird but in a good way."

— Kaeya

"Nurse Krone... I don't know if we should approach her. What if she is a Fatui Spy?"

Is one of the rumours that you can hear in the streets of any place you go from authorities, but locals are going to be the very first ones to call them out and advocate towards this itinerant doctor who has earned the respect and affection of villagers who are unable to pay large sums of money for medicine or medical check-ups they need.

This wandering nurse has earned the displeasure of anyone who believes in heroism and who thinks villains are to be shown no mercy. Krone doesn't care if her patient is a low rank Fatui, a treasure hoarder, or anyone known for their misdeeds. She will always remain neutral as long as she is respected in the process. 

A nun of the Cathedral of Mondstadt once said that Krone is not capable of discerning between good and evil, but someone who knows her quite well said once that she is just too empathetic, but also simply smart enough to know what she is doing, being able to create trustworthy environments around people who might seem dangerous in the eyes of others. But in reality? No one knows about this sudden change since she used to have a different mindset before she went to Sumeru to study at the Akademiya.

An exceptional doctor, but just as she can heal others, Krone also knows exactly what to do if they make her to take the decision to defend herself.

Character Stories

Character Details

Krone Birgir is considered a itinerant nurse to most who come across her. For some it may be a bit troublesome because with her abilities she by just asking it might be able to have her own clinic to see patients in only one place, but to others it's a godsend that Krone is a doctor who goes from here to there, being able to get to places anytime anywhere.

Some villagers and other professional colleagues considers Krone as a gifted woman due to her formidable knowledge base, but she does not seem to mind. Krone considers herself “just another nurse” of the collective, and her knowledge is not one to gloat or show ego.

Affiliated with the Adventurer’s Guild Krone decidicates a vast majority of her time to joining expeditions as the teams medic, and exploring the lands of Teyvat, offering assistance to any who may require it.

Although she is not well liked by some of the Knights of Favonius or nuns of the Cathedral since, according to them, Krone is not capable of discerning between good and evil, but someone who knows her quite well would say that she is just too empathetic o simply smart enough to know what she is doing, being able to create trustworthy environments around Treasure Hoarders and low-ranking Fatui members thanks to her medical abilities without judging their affiliations.

A woman with good will as long as she is respected. She usually doesn't charge for her medical services as long as she doesn't lack anything, but it is better not to disrespect her. She is an exceptional doctor, but just as she can heal others, she also knows exactly what to do if they don't.

"I'm a very neutral person. I don't mind or care to you work for, but you don't want to piss off someone with a knowledge in medicine. So please... let me do my job and tend to your wounds before they fester."

Character Story 1

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A young woman who was born and lived part of her childhood in Snezhnaya, but raised until she became an adult in Mondstadt. 

Her parents expected their older kid to become a nun, or join the Favonius Knights once they started their new life in Mondstadt, but Krone wanted to follow the path of her grandmother. She wanted to become a nurse, a doctor.

As a child Krone used to be physically weak which led her to decide by herself to study harder and strengthen her mind in order to feel useful, where eventually she became knowledgeable in herbalism and medicine, spending a lot of time in the library both when she lived in Snezhnaya and in her later home-nation, Mondstadt, where she also started to finally study about this field dedicating big part of her current life to become a doctor. 

But where did these ideas come from? It was thanks to one of her grandmothers. A woman strong in mentality and spirit, which was one of the best medics in her previous hometown, Snezhnaya. A great and respected woman, but also intelligent.

Thanks to Lisa, the Librarian of the Knights of Favonius, who noticed Krone to spend full days and nights in the Library when she was younger, held the girl a hand and decided to talk with her parents to send her to Sumeru to study so she could become the best Doctor they would ever met, which also it would be the best they could do for their daughter.

It didn't take long for Krone to be able to become one of the best nurses of her year, and later coming back to Mondstadt as a certified doctor in no time. 

In Sumeru Krone even before leaving received a lot of compliments from other scholars, she even heard more than one time statements such as "There's a reason Lisa sent her here."

Even though she took classes both in the church and with the Knights, she didn't become part of them as some of her peers expected, and instead decided to directly join to the Adventurer's Guild. That is one of the reasons the emblem of the Favonius can't be seen in her clothes.

Character Story 2

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Due to her good will, and her motto of not judging her patients, Krone has come to earn the repudiation of some people, more than anything those who watch over justice and heroism.

But there is a story behind why Krone has such a different perspective about helping people regardless of whether they are divided according to the dichotomy some have of good and evil. These thoughts didn't started when she decided to become a doctor but started when she became a student at Amurta, in the Akademiya.

Krone was on a field research alongside a classmate, Tighnari, where they were looking for some medicinal plants until they accidentally came across with a group of Eremites who were setting up camp in the woods. 

Tighnari told Krone they should just turn around and go back to the Akademiya, trying to avoid any conflict with the Eremites since there were rumors of a small group that has been harassing students of the Akademiya around the forests. Krone agreed without hesitation, but one of the Eremites noticed both of them and tried to get close. Both Tighnari and Krone were about to start running, but the Eremite tarted begging for help. 

Krone's heart hesitated for a second and she decided not to run away at that moment. "Let's hear what he does have to say, Tighnari..."

Would it be a trap? No. It wasn't a trap. The man really looked desperate. The young student could really see it in his eyes and the way he was talking. Tighnari and Krone looked at each other with an expression of not knowing what they should do, since they were getting into a bind.

The Eremite knelt down in front of them and pressed his forehead into the damp earth on the verge of tears where once again he asked for help to save the life of one of his comrades, telling them that they were poisoned and he didn't knew what to do to save their lifes. "They are going to die, please! Please help me to save their lifes! They are not bad people, they don't deserve this... please...." 

Both students once again looked at each other and took a decision, and decided to help the poor man who was about to collapse of nerves.

After a couple of hours preparing medicine and waiting for it to take effect, Krone and Tighnari were finally able to take a short break. It was getting dark and they would probably be scolded for not going back to the Akademiya yet. But for the young students that didn't matter now. What worried them was that they were flooded with curiosity as to how these Eremites had been poisoned. And not just how, but why and who had done it. Perhaps this was not a job for young medical students, but at the same time, it had already become their problem and they had decided to continue investigating.

The man who asked for their help stated that it was some people of certain village located near a river. The Eremite said that his group was just a group of marginalized people who had no home to go to, and one of the ways they survived was by stealing food since nobody wanted to give them any kind of work. It was difficult for them to survive. They always used to go from there to here, but someone had started a rumor that they have been harassing students in the woods, when in reality they were just asking for some food or work. Perhaps some of the member of his group were trying too hard, but it was all they could do. They didn't even carried weapons with them.

Even if he seemed sincere, Tighnari and Krone still decided to make their journey to the village the Eremite told them about and listen to the version of those people. When arrived, the villagers showed them saint faces and tremendous hospitality, but it was enough for Krone to ask about the Eremites that one of the elders of the place took out a knife and attacked her, yelling that they were no longer welcome in the village since they were siding with the Eremites. The young student could only think of using her left hand to protect herself from the attack, which led her to obtain that scar that she currently hides with a red glove.

Tighnari was speecheless about what was happening, hearing the old man yelling how Sumeru would be a better place if all the Eremites died because they were a plague, but at the moment he saw that Krone was hurt, he took her by the other hand and started running. 

Since that day Krone started to see things differently. She would no longer judge people by their affiliations. She would not judge people by how bad or good they looked. This is one of the reasons why she would became one of the only friends of Viktor, a Fatui who wasn't able to move from the Church of Favonius, and later in Inazuma helped the traveller with Lyudochka, now known as Ringo from the Narukami Shrine. 

They are humans after all.

Character Story 3

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It had been quite some time since Krone's return as a certified medic from Sumeru where she immediately joined the Adventurers Guild in order to help out on the expeditions. Even without having a vision, Krone really stood out for her great skills in medicine being chosen several times even as the first aid team Leader in the expeditions led in Dragonspine.

One night one of her only friends saw when she came back to Mondstadt with a group of Adventurers. Although Krone's aura tends to stand out quite a lot, what really stood out at that moment were the disgusted expressions of the adventurers who returned with her, who, at the moment of crossing the main entrance to the city, separated from the doctor immediately without even saying goodbye, leaving her all alone.

"Don't worry, Krone. At least I know you do everything you can to keep them safe." Said one of the entrace guards on duty where the other just acted as if she didn't exist. Still Krone seemed unaffected by the adventurers' reactions. 

"You should go to rest, Krone. See you tomorrow." The guard said once again and Krone nooded with a gentle smile.

"Okay! From now I will be taking care of her! See ya guys, keep your eyes wide open!" Kaeya exclaimed with with a big smile as he put his arm around Krones's shoulders and started leading towards Angel's Share to have a drink.

"What did you do now to make them to have those funny faces? HAHAHA" Kaeya laughed while entering the tavern, immediately drawing the attention of those who were in the place at that moment. The same group of drinkers who were also some of the only friends Krone made in Mondstadt.
"We encountered with a group of treasure hoarders. A small group of four who were apparently newbies. One of them fell down the ravine where they tried to corner us. I decided to treat their injuries and the thieves thanked me, leaving while apologizing." Krone told the short story before receiving a drink from Diluc's hands.

"Mmh... Who where the adventurers you had to travel with? The same group as the past days?" Diluc asked curiously and Krone nooded. 

"I think you should just stop going with them." Rosaria interrupted. "Or... Why don't you try to start your own journey? You can come back anytime. We will be here waiting for you." 

Character Story 4

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It didn't took long for Krone to decide where it would be her first stop after leaving Mondstadt. Liyue was the best first option for the Medic. During several days of travel on the road she was able to help many people who were truly grateful for her services. Although she never imagined that after arriving at Liyue her life was going to have a big spin. 

While crossing through Guili Plains pretty early in the morning, not far from the main road, groans of pain could be heard, as if a great fight was taking place. Krone immediately ran to the place where the noise came from and was surprised that it was a single man standing in the middle of what seemed like a small battlefield, and several treasure hoarders scattered on the ground writhing in pain. With just a glance the Medic checked each one of them hoping none of them were dead. Luckily they had only been beaten up, since they barely realized that she was there, the bandits ran away quickly, leaving the man standing curiously, who in turn, started laughing. That man must be a Fatui, right? 

Krone was surprised, and even a little afraid because this guy really had a strong presence, preparing to rush off and continue on her way to Liyue Harbor. But something wouldn't let her move, and that was that the man's silhouette seemed quite familiar to her. It wasn't until he turned and approached her that Krone finally managed to recognize who it was the person in front of her.

"AJAX?!" She exclaimed, surprised and stunned, with her eyes wide open.

The boy on his side changed his expression to a confused one, darkening immediately, quickly preparing one of his weapons in hand to attack the woman who had just called him by his birth name. Who was she?

Noticing the woman take a step forward, the Fatui, without knowing why, took a step back. He had never felt like this, or at least not in such a long time. Who was this woman? Should he kill her right here? She didn't look like a fatui. But when he noticed how the sun's rays illuminated the face of the lady who was in front of him, many memories began to flood his head, and little by little the Fatui recognized her.

"March 17th!..." said Krone with a voice full of hope.

"...Krone, is that you?"

. . .

Some days later Tartaglia was sent to train and give some motivational speechs to some new Fatui recruits and he invited Krone to get motivated and join them, even though she denied his offer a lot of times. Krone really didn't wanted to get involved in the Fatuis Business but ended accepting only for this time.

During that one field trip he took the group to a place full of monsters. At some point one of his subordinates got badly injured because he woke up a Ruin Guard. Krone didn't thought twice in going to look for him to attend the Fatui right there while Tartaglia took care of the Ruin Guard faster than a blink.

He will never forget that day because what happened was insane. Apparently, according to Krone, his subordinate got some broken ribs and one punctured a lung, causing it to begin to fill with blood. It didnt took long to him to start spilling it. Every second was important. 

"There is no time to take him to a hospital. I need to threat him right here" Krone said since the city of Liyue was too far away, and that he had a chance of dying if she did not attend to him immediately. 

"These things tends to happen a lot..." At first Tartaglia didn't care if one more died. Cases like this always happened and this time it was this soldier's fault for not taking precautions. And even if she managed to save his life, he would become useless.

"How can you be so heartless?" Krone asked with a mix of disappointment and sadness in her voice, and also a bit upset. 

Seeing her ract like this with him when he mentioned that it made Tartaglia feel weird, like if she was really mad at him. Even so, she had immediately exposed his subordinate's chest as she made a small incision in the punctured lung area that filled with blood and inserted a type of metal straw. His subordinate was sweating but had stopped spitting blood, and Krone said that now it would be possible to return to Liyue City and that the boy would survive. It took her less than 2 minutes to do everything. She saved that life in a blink of a eye. A risky move, but she succeed. The rest of the recruits were amazed and they offered their respects to Krone, and she seemed more calm and quite happy after that. Even Tartaglia was speecheless.

Unfortunately the fatui began to get panicked, surprising Krone immediately. Had she done something wrong? No. Everything was perfect. What was happening to him then?

"They're going to kill me! I can't go home hurt! I've become useless. What will I do now? I'm a disgrace to the Fatui. I won't be of any use to them anymore. If I go back, I'll die!"

Krone looked at Tartaglia with a shocked expression, unable to say a word. Was what this guy said true?

Tartaglia, unamused, glanced sideways at Krone and knelt by her side, resting his hand on the doctor's shoulder, to fix his gaze on the restless fatui. How could this woman be so amazing without the need of fighting? She didn't even had a vision either and still, managed to save the life of this soldier.

"You are lucky to keep your life. Others have died after having made the same mistake as you. You have a family. You should go back with them once you can. I will settle everything up."

Then he looked back at the woman, with a smile.

"You just saved my subordinate's life. I am indebted to you."

Character Story 5

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"We will continue being friends forever, it is a promise!" Said the little girl with long, black hair while holding the little finger of the boy who was next to her in the living room of his house. "And I will protect you! I will study a lot to become the best medic so you never become sick!"

"I'll be in your care then, Krone. And once we become adults... will we still be friends?'

"Of course, silly! You are my best friend after all!!"

But who would know that that little and innocent promise wouldn't last too long? It was that exact same day when she went back to her home that little Krone heard her parents talking about moving to Mondstadt. That decision, in which the little girl had no voice or vote, broke her heart. Her parents invented all possible excuses so that the little girl would not feel bad about the new life they were going to have in another region and Krone had no choice but to accept it.

It may have been many years since Krone had to part ways with her best friend, but her desire to become the best doctor was still on. And even more, she hoped that perhaps in some future she would cross paths with her childhood friend again.

Even though the letters came and went during the first years, after a while they stopped coming. Krone was worried at first, but after a while she just thought that maybe her friend had just decided to move on with his life. She perfectly understood that a long-distance friendship was going to be complicated, not to mention that she was also busy with her own studies.

As time passed Krone's relationship with her parents began to deteriorate, especially after the birth of her younger brother.

"Why don't you help me with your brother, Krone? You spend all day reading!" It was one of the few arguments her mother would start. "We moved to Mondsdadt for your sake! So you would get a better future! You should be thankful!"

"This was never your intention! Dad and you took that decision alone! You didn't even cared about what I wanted. I didn't want to leave Snezhnaya! Why we had to move? Why did you forced me...?" Krone for years asked the same question, but never got an answer.

Arguments like this became a daily occurrence, also because Krone's parents wanted the girl to become a nun or join the Favonius Knights, to become someone important. But Krone didn't want that. She wanted to continue studying and follow her own path.

It was at this point that she began to befriend Kaeya, who gave her the idea to start practicing fencing to release all that tension and stress she was accumulating at home, to which Krone agreed.

"What are my parents hiding from me?"

In a short time the young woman learned to use a sword, but she still preferred to use her mind to solve any problem.

The balance between knowledge and use of the sword.

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It was no secret that Kaeya, the current Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius, was the first fencing teacher Krone had during her life in Mondsdadt. Even if the girl seemed more interested in books and medicine, she was a quick learner, which led her to quickly learn how to use a sword. 

Even if her training took place before and after her time at the Akademiya in Sumeru. Kaeya saw potential in the young woman, which led him many times to escape his duties just so he could continue training with Krone.

But what she learned from Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius was nothing compared to what Tartaglia taught her when the medic started a new life in Liyue.

Especially after finally getting a vision. The Harbinger decided to bringing out all the potential that the girl possessed, and even helped her discover abilities that she never imagined she would have.

After long months, by training day and night nonstop, Krone became very good with the sword, to the point where Tartaglia recognized that the medic was incredibly agile. She perhaps would never get close in strength and power in comparision to the rest of the Harbingers, including himself, or the traveler.

But Tartaglia recognized that Krone, with her intelligence, sharp intuition, cunning and agility, could clearly stand by herself if anything happened. He trained her after all.

Knowing Tartaglia, perhaps he was just bluffing himself since he had trained her. And while Krone was weak compared to others he had fought in the past, the Fatui recognized that the Medic had something to be admired. 

And while he doubted something like this would happen in the future, at least he was certain that he could count on Krone to have his back.


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Since the Birgir family left Snezhnaya, Krone lost all interest in making friends in her new home and decided to concentrate fully in her studies.

It was a freezing night in Mondsdadt, and Krone's grandmother was already on her deathbed. The whole family had gathered at that moment with the old woman, who in her last words decided to give her will to her son and incidentally a farewell gift to her granddaughter.

Krone received in her tiny hands her grandmother's vision. For a girl of her age it was a beautiful and shining jewel. A vision with a Snezhnayan, gold holder. Though the color was fading with each passing second until it finally shut down completely.

The vision stayed off for the rest of the next few years without sparking even a small spark. Still, Krone didn't seem to care. However, she carried the masterless vision with her everywhere, as a memory of her late grandmother.

One day Krone got a notice from the Bubu Pharmacy that a Doctor was required in Qingce Village but Dr. Baizhu wasn't available at that moment since he was out looking for medicinal herbs and it would take a time untill he received the information, so they asked Krone to help him take his place this time.

Krone accepted and left immediately without waiting another second. Tartaglia noticed Krone hurrying away from Liyue and stopped her on the way.

"Were are you going with such hurry?" asked the Fatui with his typical playful smile.

"I have to fly fast towards Qingce Village." Krone answered while tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I would go with you but... I can't leave Liyue right now." Tartaglia shrugged. "But if you can wait for a little bit..."

"There is no need, but I appreciate it." she answered back with a determined smile, before leaving.

Halfway through the journey, she came across a group of villagers being harassed and mistreated by a group of bandits.

They clearly looked dangerous and were armed. But Krone was not terrified, on the contrary. It took her only a few seconds to study and understand the situation. The bandits wanted to rob the elders, who were clearly opposing the assault.

The medic quickly approached, pushing one of them to the side to kneel in front of the old man that the bandits had just beaten.

"What do you think you are doing, you stupid woman? You'll see when I get my hands on you!" yelled one of the bandits to Krone, who looked back at him clearly furious while standing up clenching her fists, interposing between the elders and the bandits. 

"I will ask you politely to stop it." She said with a calm but serious tone.

"Stop looking at me like that, woman! Who do you think you are to give me orders?"

The bandit raised his hand and slapped the doctor, causing her hat to fall to the floor. The elders got surprised and nervous by seeing as how the doctor was attacked after she tried to defend them.

But unbelievably Krone didn't move an inch. Only her face was covered by her hair.

Through the corner of her eye, partly covered by her hair, she looked at her assailant with a penetrating and sinister gaze, making the bandit doubt for a second what he had done, but willing to hit her again. The bandit was beginning to get irritated and to feel intimidated by the woman who didn't even move from her place.

Because of this, he slapped her again with more force causing Krone to fall to the ground, to then grab the medic by her hair and force her to look at him. But the expression the woman had scared him.

Krone's expression could be described as a firm, yet sinister look. As if she was used to this kind of thing and nothing else could hurt her anymore. As if she was waiting for the perfect moment to act.

Perhaps the bandit took too long to realize his mistake, or perhaps Krone was just faster than him.

"Never make a doctor angry." Krone said as she smiled kindly. But little by little the doctor was overcome by the sensation of great elemental power emerging through her. 

Her little bag began to tremble on its own and glow, and a great icy elemental energy began to flood the area, while at the same time Krone felt something being created in her hand.

It was an ice needle. Or at least she felt it like one. Even so, she did not hesitate for a second to stick it into the bandit's neck, making his body completely paralyzed.

Krone freed herself from his grasp, brushing off her clothes and calmly fixing her hair, while the other bandits looked on in terror at what they had just witnessed.

The young woman knelt in front of the bandit to take what was clearly an acupuncture needle made of ice from the nape of his neck, but as soon as she touched it, it vanished. She then took the paralyzed man's pulse and smiled back at the other bandits.

"He'll be fine in a couple of hours. But you should get him to a doctor or somewhere warm, as well keep him well hydrated."

The bandits picked up their partner and fled in terror. The concerned elders asked Krone if she was alright, and Krone nodded telling them to be careful on their way. They gratefully gave an apple to the woman, who held it in one of her hands until the elders left while she said goodbye with the other.

When she was going to put the apple in her bag, she noticed that the vision of her grandmother had activated. 

"How is it possible...?" She quickly put the apple away and took out the vision of it, which contained the cryo element.

Had the vision of her grandmother been reactivated for her? Did the vision really resonated with her? Why? 

Krone then realized the things that went through her mind when the bandit started beating her.

She recalled her discussions with her family while growing. The bad times she has had with her family and everything that led her to take the decision to leave Mondsdadt. But she also remembered her childhood, the promises she had made with that special friend when they were children, and how happy it had made her to see him again after all these years and how she wanted to keep that promise to protect him and everyone she could. Yes, it was right at that moment that the ice needle appeared in her hand.

It was at that moment that the Grandma's vision became hers.


Krone: Icy Fencing
09IrGS0.pngObtain:Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Krone
Description:Who would have thought that someone who prefers to solve problems through words and is devoted to helping others and healing their wounds would be so good with a sword? Well, without a doubt, Krone is one of those people. Thanks for being a fast learner, it didn't take her long to master the art of fencing, mostly because the one who tutored her is one of the best fighters you could find out there...


Glacialis Bonitas

Story Chapter:
Glacialis Bonitas
Icy Goodness

Characters Interactions


  • When Krone's Elemental Burst is ready, the blue star on her neck/chest will glow along with her Vision.
  • Ironically, even if she doesn't want to be in between or interfere in any ways, she gets along pretty well with a lot of low rank Fatuis and ex-fatui members (Like Viktor and Lyudochka/Ringo)
  • Her sprint is similar to Hu Tao's, but instead of leaving a trace of butterflies, Krone leaves a trace of snowflakes/hoarfrost.
  • She unintentionally learned about pressure points.
  • "The rumours of Krone being a Fatui spy started when she moved from Liyue to Inazuma since she arrived in a Fatui Float alongside one of the Harbingers. If you add the rumours that some people at Mondstadt started about having friends among the Fatuis and the treasure hoarders, which spreaded like fire among the Adventurer's Guild Members, you will realize that Krone has been left in the eye of the hurricane, earning the contempt and doubts of, more than anything, the armed forces of both Mondsdadt and Inazuma. Ironically, in Liyue, the Millelith has no problem with her since she has been pretty helpful, even big names like Dr. Baizhu and Miss Ningguang holds her in high esteem and have put a step forward several times to stop the gossips about Krone. Luckily, in Inazuma, townspeople have accepted her with open arms and always tend to be the first ones to defend her."
  • "Krone" it means "Crown"


◇ Characters ◇
MondstadtGerome ▪︎ Zenzi
LiyueBunmei ▪︎  Li Na-Ri ▪︎ Nitzana ▪︎ Liu Feng ▪︎ Min Min ▪︎ Qing Yi  ▪︎ Zhe Yuan ▪︎ Zhen
InazumaHangaku ▪︎ Hiiragi Douma ▪︎ Homura Genkei ▪︎ Iwatani Sekimaru ▪︎ Komachi ▪︎ Myorin
SumeruHessa ▪︎ 