Leslie Goldberg



6 years, 6 months ago


Name Leslie Goldberg

DOB May 17th, 1939

Age 28

Sign Taurus

Gender Male

Birthplace Newark, New Jersey

Height 5'6" (167 cm)

Residence Newark, New Jersey

Build Stocky, chubby

Occupation Army Crew Chief

Eyes Blue

Orientation Bisexual (prefers women)

Hair Brown

Demeanor Grumpy


HTML Pinky

During his teenage years hockey was everything to him, and there was a time when he thought he might like to try going pro someday, but with a family history of military service, (and pressure from his dad to join as well), Les put those silly dreams to rest and signed up for the Army when he was old enough, without putting up much of a fuss about it. And with his natural talent for being able to fix just about anything with an engine it ended up being a better fit for him than he thought, and he found he actually kind of enjoyed his work as a mechanic, and eventual crew chief. Things went smoothly enough for several years, up until the Vietnam War rolled around and he was sent over. Although he was understandably nervous about it, part of him was oddly excited to see combat for the first time, having lived a fairly uneventful life up until that point.



Leslie has some self-esteem issues and is under the impression that most people don't like or care about him, so he doesn't have much regard for others and their feelings either, and generally says/does whatever he feels like without a second thought. He is very easily annoyed, but it takes a lot for him to really lose his cool and yell at anyone, instead dealing with his anger by muttering to himself or giving people a quick "screw you" or middle finger. As cranky as he is he's very loyal and is not usually one to hold a grudge or cut people out of his life for any reason, and gets over most things pretty quickly. (He has a "forgive but never forget" attitude towards "big" things, and becomes more wary about sharing his "feelings" with people who wronged him from then on.) Kind words and compliments mean a lot to him (even if he doesn't always show it), and he can even become flustered by it depending on what was said and who said it. There is a soft heart buried deep underneath that gruff exterior of his, though it's not easy to get close enough to him to find that out.


Usually has a bored or tired expression on his face and doesn't smile much (if you do see him laughing or smiling there's a good chance he's been drinking), and is often snacking on something. His expressions can become much more animated when he's riled up, and he's not afraid to get all up in someone's face when he's got a bone to pick with them. He would much rather sit than stand whenever possible, and when he is standing he's usually slouching or leaning against something. (Anyone who knows him well enough isn't too worried about it even when it seems like he's slacking off on the job though, knowing he will get it done if he hasn't already.)


He has an exaggerated New Jersey accent and a fairly deep, gruff voice, and much like Romeo he mumbles a bit when he speaks, though not quite as much. (tbh, I haven't even seen many episodes of the show, but Robert in "Everybody Loves Raymond" is very similar to how I imagine he sounds. Like, that's it, that's the voice! XD)


Likes: Food, Beer, Sleeping, Hockey, Fixing things
Dislikes: Most People, Being woken up, household chores, running/exercise



Hair: Curly brown hair, usually cut pretty short, sometimes shaved on the sides & almost always has some "five o'clock shadow" going on

Eyes: Dark blue, tired-looking eyes, sometimes with dark circles underneath them

Build:Has a short, stocky build, with broad shoulders, strong arms, and a big belly, also has a fair amount of body hair, mainly on his chest and stomach. Also has "moobs", which is why he doesn't like being seen shirtless.

Scars/Body Modifications/Other distinguishing features: Has a poorly-drawn topless mermaid tattoo on his upper left arm...Also has chubby cheeks and his mouth is always like :[...lol...kinda like Don Corleone.


Out of his army uniform or a mechanic jumpsuit he's a pretty sloppy dresser and likes loose-fitting clothing (sometimes with oil or other stains on them), such as hoodies, hockey jerseys, or flannel shirts, paired with jeans (or shorts in modern day AU stuff). Regardless of the weather he almost always wears long sleeves, and just rolls them up when it's especially hot.













  • He got his crappy tattoo one night when he was drunk and kind of regrets it (and when his mom first saw it she slapped him silly, too)
  • He was raised Jewish (Conservative), but isn't practicing as religiously as an adult (not that it isn't important to him anymore, but he's just too lazy to keep up with everything & all the holidays without his parents guiding/reminding him.)
  • Leslie would attribute about 90% of all his self-loathing and esteem issues to his father (Jeremiah). He was always so critical of him, teased and picked on him and anything he liked, never once told him he was proud of him (even when he did exactly what he asked of him), and Les doubted whether he even loved him at all. (Or if he was just "a big FAT disappointment.") His sudden death left a lot of unresolved issues between them...so many things he wanted to say and questions he never got the chance to ask.
  • Conversely, (though it's embarrassing to admit) the only person he feels like he can truly confide in and is closest to is his mother (Gloria), and he's very grateful to have her in his corner. She was always the only one who stood up for him when no one else did and defended him against his dad's insults and criticisms. (Not to mention her cooking is the BEST in the world to him!) They do bicker sometimes, and she can be a little overbearing, but he'll always make time to call her or visit when he can.
  • As an adult he is pretty deep in the closet about any sexual/romantic feelings he has ever had towards men, and is quick to pull that "no homo" crap should the subject come up.
  • I draw a lot of my characters at different ages and time periods in their lives, as part of their ongoing story. The age listed in his profile is his age as of the beginning of Run Thru the Jungle.