Raleigh and Laurel



2 years, 3 months ago


Name Raleigh
nickname(S) Ray, Pinkie
species Aurdrassi
gender Female
pronouns She/Her
world Rift
Age 14
role Right Brain
theme song [song]

Name Laurel
nickname(S) Lore, Lou
species Aurdrassi
gender Female
pronouns She/Her/They/Them
world Rift
Age 14
role Left Brain
theme song [song]

   Raleigh and Laurel are inseparable twins who care for each other and depend on each other. Despite how remarkably different they seem, they are almost always acting together. 53292947_zGIaQzF6grCxo20.png?1659980296

   At first glance, Raleigh is by FAR The most expressive of the two, she's very emotional, and has a tendency to over-react to things. She tends to have a more positive demeanor, however if Laurel leaves her side she can quickly descend into anxious thoughts. She always seems to be moving, and is always quick to come up with an idea if you need one, Laurel will insist that Raleigh is one of the most creative creatures you will meet on the entirety of Rift. She's very social, and very socially aware, even if sometimes she struggles to contain her energy. Despite her demeanor, she doesn't actually say very much, her sister tends to do most of the talking, Raleigh struggles to finish her sentences, and mixes up her words often. 

   Unlike Raleigh, Laurel seems to show little to no emotion, she's much more calm and analytical, and much more likely to keep a level head in any situation. They much prefer to keep to themselves, reading a nice book or simply following Raleigh around and letting her lead. Though, when you actually get her talking, you can find she's quite talkative and quite funny, though usually not intentionally. Laurel lacks the social awareness that her sister does, and treats a lot of interactions like there is something to be accomplished, but she really does enjoy talking to people and learning more about their lives. 

   Together they function remarkably well for their age, apart, they quickly fall to pieces.


853087?1561185386AURDRASSIL STORYBOOK CHARACTERS --- [Inspiration]
 The books that Raleigh and Laurel enjoy together feature a lot of these characters. Laurel's favorites are Meddy & Chalky, and Raleigh loves Mosy and Chushu, she loves the story and relates a lot to Chushu, but Mosy's is her absolute favorite, she finds comfort in his more reserved character.
21008870?1681020079Charlotte --- [Mother]
The girls care a lot for her, and they appreciate everything that their mother does for them! They are grateful for her but both think that she's too strict on the other twin (unavoidable). She's usually very busy, but always takes the time to read the comics that the girls make.
4357368?1593308791Paige - [ Incredibly Cool Individual ]
Both Raleigh and Laurel are huge fans of Paige, they both hope that she knows that she's always welcome, and that its good to take breaks and relax! The girls really admire her use of magic, and think of her as a role model 

+ Both have very powerful light magic!
+Despite what many would assume, Laurel actually does most of the talking, Raleigh has a hard time with words
+ Always seem to know what the other is thinking
>>> They use this very often, and when talking to them it almost seems more like talking to 1 person than 2 people
+ Usually seen holding hands, are rarely separate from each other
+ Often chew through pencils they're given on accident

+ Has sever dyslexia, both phonological & surface, depends on Laurel to read
+ Never forgets a name
+ Likes to dance and hear her hooves tap on the ground
+ Loves Strawberry Icecream
+ Can't do math, that's Laurel's job

+ Has prosopagnosia, also known as face blindness, and depends on Raleigh to help her identify people
+ Loves learning, especially about animals & elemental magic, and is very interested in the different types of them
+ Tends to shut down if Raleigh isn't around, easily becomes hyper focused
+ Loves chocolate icecream
+ Wears glasses, though, they're rarely seen from under her poof 

- Has a little tooth gap!
- Tiny mole under left eye
- Has neck floof
- Pupils are like goat pupils

- Blue, and knows that's weird
- More round floof, very well brushed
- Eyes are rarely seen
- Very neutral expressions