Alcott Northwind (Angel Alcott)



6 years, 3 months ago


The moon is full, and as it shines brightly with light, Alcott's wings become swallowed in moonlight.
Angel and demon.
They coexist in harmony inside the man, but with the moon's change,
the guardian angel awakens.

Angel Alcott is the nicest you'll ever see him. He's sweet and clean shaven, welcoming you home with a sweet, tender smile and some freshly baked cookies. He's always dressed in a lovely sweater vest, sometimes covered by a frilly apron. He loves to clean and cook; he's the loving grandmother that does nothing at home except think about his precious children.

Fun/Extra Facts:

- Clean shaven all the time.

- Doesn't smoke.

- Most likely wears socks with sandals.

- Likes a good pair of slacks.

- Always bakes cookies.

- Doesn't like swear words.

- Combs his hair.

- Knows how to knit and always tries to make something for his kids, at the very least Motto.

- Likes gardening.

- Only knows Missionary position.