Loki Chevalier



6 years, 6 months ago


WARNING: Mika and I drew Luke and Loki A LOT and seeing as I'm intending on filling these galleries with most (maybe not all) drawings I have gotten of Loki (drawings by others included) there will be a day where I will once again flood your notifs but this time with JUST Loki/Luke and their family content.

I also wanted to leave this note in case Mika happened to pass by during the massive upload flood and was wondering why there didn't seem to be much of his art or these characters. Worry not, they will come, I just got overwhelmed because we loved these two so much wE HAVE HUNDREDS OF DRAWINGS OF THEM I NEED TO SET A DAY ASIDE TO DO IT

Name Loki Chevalier
Nicknames Babe (By Luke)
age 25 (At beginning of story)
birthday 1st of February
height 4'11" (150cm)
species Human
gender Male (He/Him)
occupation Magic Teacher
weapon None
magic Lightning

Messy white hair with a and pale pink eyes due to albinism. He stands at approximately 4’11" (not including the height his hair gives him) His body is thin and frail.


Loki has rarely smiled since his mid teen years, and is generally an angry and bitter man. He has no faith in others and will rarely give people a chance to prove themselves. Family, to him, is the exception to this.

He is constantly wary and suspicious of others, and consciously refuses to form a bond with others. If he feels he might be growing fond of someone, Loki starts to avoid them. He believes this way he’s protecting himself from getting hurt.

Loki doesn’t believe in “half-assing” anything. Do your absolute best; otherwise it isn’t worth the trouble because you clearly don’t care enough. (By Loki’s standards)

He is extremely critical of himself and is furious with himself if he under performs. Despite his parents telling him time and time again that they’re proud of him, Loki still feels the need to prove himself.

Over time, his kinder side is observed by Luke. He is gentle with children when the need be, and can seem less caring than he actually is. He becomes warmer over time thanks to Luke.


On the surface, Loki is an icy, guarded, and cynical man who is extremely easy to anger. As someone with a low magical affinity, but a frail body, Loki was forced to work himself to the bone to have any semblance of battle prowess growing up in a city where one's skills were everything. His parents never forced him, but he, himself, is very self critical and gives everything 110% of his effort. As a result of this, he graduated top of his class from his efforts alone.
Due to being bullied by someone he used to consider a friend as a child, he is naturally wary of the people around him and consciously avoids making bonds with others, fearing betrayal and not wanting to be hurt again. As a result of this nature of his, he has rarely smiled since he was a teen.
Despite this, however, he is helpful, patient and gentle with children, especially those under his tutoring. This is the first look into the deeper, more "true" nature of his, as despite his cold exterior, he is an extremely kind person.


Born extremely premature, with albinism and with a combination of respiratory conditions, it's a miracle Loki stands to this day. His perseverance is a testament to his parents who never gave up on him; a trait which he, in turn, inherited. Being so sickly growing up, Loki was often confined to his bed, with nothing to do but read and to look at the world drifting by outside.

At a young age, Loki was severely bullied by people he had believed to be friends due to being such an easy target. It was around then that his phobia of bugs was formed. This caused Loki to become extremely bitter and distrusting as he grew older, and decided he was better off without people. All he needed were his parents, as far as he was concerned.

With his parents being renowned warriors in their town of fighters and mercenaries, Loki felt like he wasn't good enough to be their son, even though they reiterated time and again that they loved him and he was perfect as he was in their eyes. Eventually, he decided if he could not be a warrior in the same way as they were, he would do everything he could to learn magic instead. Magic, at least, did not require him to move too much. However, there was another obstacle in his way: his magical affinity. 

In his hometown of Corltrium, ones ability to fight was paramount to their worth as a town of mercenaries and protectors. With magic also being considered a battle skill, from a young age a child's affinity will be tested to discover their affinity for their birth element. The higher the affinity, ranging from 100% to 0%, the more "natural ability" the individual had, the more quickly they would pick up their skills, and, naturally, their ability's "cap" would be assumed based on their percentage. Loki, to his dismay, was a measly 5%. What this meant is that he had to try harder than anyone else in order to succeed, and even then it would be a great challenge to match with, let alone surpass his peers. 

However, despite the countless obstacles that kept getting in his way, he did succeed. In fact, through his dedication and finding ways to adapt to his situation, he graduated the top of his class. He proved that even someone with a low affinity for magic could succeed; if only others didn't keep labelling him the "exception to the rule"!

Frustrated to be deemed "the exception", Loki made it his life goal to prove time and again that an idiotic percentage does not measure one's worth. Through volunteering his services to the locals and surrounding lands through the Village Protection Program (VPP), Loki eventually earned enough respect that though others believed his plan idiotic, his classes for low affinity individuals was at last approved and funded. 

He now works in the local school providing children under a certain percentage level (with some leeway if they are close to the cut off point) in depth training and helps them master their abilities through understanding their element closely and practice. He also provides tutoring classes for adults who may not have the time to dedicate to a full course of training. Despite his intimidating and unfriendly seeming demeanor, Loki loves his students and they, in turn, have come to care for him. Though he tends to dislike people, he discovered he likes children through his work. He becomes surprisingly gentle around them. Though he never imagined settling down, he wondered if someday he'd like to adopt.

Loki continues to offer his abilities to the VPP, both as a means to earn money when school is out, and to try and spread his lessons should he meet others who are looked down on for their affinities. On his 25th summer, once more working with the VPP, Loki would meet a man named Luke who would play a far bigger role in his life than he ever expected...or wanted. Though they fought like cats and dogs, over time, Loki's walls began to fall, Luke's heart opened, and, unbeknownst to them, they would one day realize that they wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of their lives together.


  • Animals seem to naturally dislike him, and will often attack him unprovoked.
  • Loki’s belt has a flask, a book holder, and a small bag to hold other items. The flask usually contains water or juice.
  • Presently, he spends all of his time alone, apart from work and when he’s doing shopping. This changes after he enters a relationship with Luke.
  • Loki left home at the age of 20.
  • Has a genuine phobia of bugs.

  • Loki adores his parents. They cared for him and did everything they could for him despite him not being what he believes would be their “ideal child”.
  • Berries and fruit, especially strawberries.
  • Solitude.
  • Sunsets.
  • The colour blue.
  • Organizing files, spices, etc. He finds it takes his mind off of things.
  • Reading.
  • Cooking.
  • Studying magic. (One of the few things he’s confident in.)
  • Luke (eventually)

  • People.
  • People telling him to smile more. He doesn’t feel like it.
  • Bugs.
  • Unexpected circumstances and problems.
  • Being teased in any way. He rarely tolerates it calmly.
  • Arrogance.
  • Bugs.
  • Physical labour. Prefers to use his mind or magic to solve problems.
  • Liquorice.
  • BUGS.
  • …Luke (In the beginning)

Name relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.

Name relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.

Name relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.