Dragomir Galax



2 years, 2 months ago



Name Dragomir Galax
DOB April 11th
Age 40
Gender Male
Height 6'7"
Class Blended Magic/Humanoid Specter/Mystful
Race Puriton/Maylive/Vampquito
Role Lex Tree Author


Dragomir is an author residing on Eon Island as well as the latest generation of the Galax family. He's heard many stories about his family's history, both the bad and the good which inspired him to become a writer and come up with stories and tales as interesting as his family's story. Dragomir naturally leaned towards writing horror and adventure stories. He excelled at stories that would leave emotibeasts trembling with fear or aspiring with goals and dreams. The success of his books led him to become very well known, not just on Eon Island either. However, despite the fame Dragomir remains humble as the joy he gets from writing stories from his heart is satifaction enough. Most of the time Dragomir leaves his home at night to wander The Eternal Shell, which is where he met Vi and her small band of emotibeasts. He offered them to spend the night at his home where he listened to their tale as well as Vi's mission at the time, to find the guardian Asena. Although his collection of books on the occult and supernatural history was vast, he unfortunately had no helpful information on Asena's whereabouts. He did suggest that they ask Eon given that he once worked with Asena long long ago. Even after helping Vi with this little quest, he still was curious where Vi's story was going. He learned of the incident that occured at Eon's abode, and the monstrous reputation Vi involuntarily earned because of it. While the masses feared that an evil was brewing, Dragomir felt empathetic to Vi's sadness. He understood the fear of being seen as a monster since he had a secret. He was a mystful, he had been one since his adolescence. The only way he was able to keep the mystful curse at bay was by hexing his entire body. He teamed up with Gallant to clear Vi's name to Eon, but in the process discovered a great secret...


Home Z'tikz
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Sign Aries
Weakness Fire
Food Blood



  • Writing
  • Occult books
  • Hexes
  • Tea


  • Unholy entities
  • Large public gatherings
  • Disobedience
  • Rebellions


  • When not using his wings for flight he wears them like a red cape.
  • To keep the fullbody hex in effect he keeps a stockpile of blood, ethically sourced, in his home.
  • Thanks to his puriton genes his Vampquito weakness is nullified.
  • He doesn't mind using his own blood for magic.




The Chronicler 
Morpho Knight 
Challenge of the Devils 
Shackled Wolves 
