The Glory Seeker



4 years, 9 months ago



Name Kronos
DOB Begining of Personalia
Age 60,080,059
Gender Male
Height N/A (Lingerer), 13,796′0" (Mystgon), 11'0" (Glory)
Class Noull Citizen
Race Mystgon/Lingerer
Role The first guardian of Personalia


Before emotibeasts there were elementals and before that there was nothing. The first creature to roam Personalia was Kronos the creation of Centruy. Century was a mystgon, a being responsible for creating everyting in the universe. Kronos was tasked with protecting Personalia but craved more power. His lust for conquest led to the creation of Destroyer who nearly eradicated Kronos and left him a pile of sludge. Kronos now seeks to find a new host body to regain his full power. Normal mortals cannot contain his sheer power despite it only being at half and will break apart on a molecular level. It's said only a direct relative or a descendant of Destroyer can contain his chaotic power, though Kronos has tried to find ways around this. Many events in personalian history are seeds sewn by Kronos as he schemes multiple plans. From propaganda over the dangers of hybridization, civil wars that can result in irreversible damage to personalia, to even the creation of artificial beings of god like power, Kronos guides it all from the shadows. He can leave a bit of himself with multiple people and speak to them as their little shoulder demon. Kronos only seeks one thing in this world, absolute power. He is egotistical and cruel with his actions including with how he treats others. To achieve ultimate power he is willing to do anything, even sacrifice children as long as it gets him a body he needs. He's taken up to hiding out on Dark Island waiting for the perfect chance for someone with a suitable body to come by so he can possess their body from the inside and force their soul out, making him the host of his own body entirely. He first tried this with his own daughter, but she was sent to a place and time he wouldn't be able to reach her. This led to him manipulating events that would bring us Eon and the Virtues of the Moon. He thought that these host bodies were all destroyed by Styx Solaria and her team, but once he learned of Eon's miraculous survival he started back up his plans once more and now waits for Eon to arrive. If he can even get a drop on Eon he can start working his way inside to take over completely. Kronos has three distinct forms. His lingerer form is a result of his battle with the infamous monster Destroyer left him in a state of decay where his body became dribbling slime and rotten flesh. He can drip his slime into other emotibeasts to grant them a bit of power while also letting him safely keep a part of himself alive and ready to possess the body at his command. His mystgon form was the form he was born in. He was a giant that roamed the planet with ease. Lastly there was his self proclaimed Glory form. While this form was smaller than either of his forms, it still held the power and strength equal to them and allowed him to continue unleashing devastating power.


Home Dark Island
Alignment Neutral evil
Sign Undefined
Weakness Null breath, myst overload
Food Anything
Family Century the Mystgon (Mother), Asena (Partner-formerly), Vidyul (Daughter)



  • Power
  • Glory
  • Himself
  • Praise


  • Heroes
  • Mystgons
  • Destroyer
  • Emotibeasts


  • Kronos is a Lingerer, a type of Noull creature that can eventually become a Vengime. Kronos is the most powerful lingerer due to his access to some of his power from back when he was alive.
  • He can unleash powerful lasers that cause organic life to combust from too much energy.
  • He has access to every corruton rune.
  • His former body was a large dragon that walked on humanoid hands and had a skull face with dry purple skin.




I got 5 On It 
Pure Imagination 
Decisive Fight Against Ganon 
