


6 years, 5 months ago


Pronouns: She/her they/them

Height: the second smallest demon, almost the same height as Sarah by a few inches.

Another brain demon of mine and she's basically a very fit, prideful little demon. She talks highly of herself and always wears her gold medal, but also wears her shock necklace because Blur uses it to keep her from being too boastful. She can glow blue at times as well. When she is most prideful without her necklace, she can have her hair down and wear a sparkly purple suit. When at her worst she gets taller.

Relationships with the other demons:

Blur: She sees them as an annoying authority figure that she doesn't want to follow. She's often annoyed by how often they tell her to quiet down, often receiving insults from them, but she has a sharp tongue and insults them back. Due to her height and the necklace she's forced to wear, she's not able to overpower them.

Anx: She is often annoyed by Anx from how often he stutters and shakes. She sees him as pathetic and wishes he would "grow some balls" and stand up for himself.

Tammy: She is more than well acquainted by Tammy due to her flirty nature and flatters her. Her relationship with Tammy is similar to 2 gal pals that are on the fence of a romantic relationship.

Regna: She secretly admires his strength but is proud of the fact that she has the courage to talk more and speak her mind more than he does. She is also secretly intimidated by him due to his size and power when he's enraged. She often boasts about herself around him like how a frat boy would talk about their muscles and strength in front of a guard or something.

Sarah: Narcy is almost the same height as her, which annoys her a little bit but appreciates the opportunity to encourage her. Narcy would play with her in pretend games and engage in her ideas.


Animation meme that displays her and Blur

Her playlists on spotify and 8tracks