Regna (the bull)



6 years, 5 months ago


Pronouns: he/him

Height: the biggest and tallest brain demon

Sometime's he's called "The Bull" due to his red skin and large horns. This guy represents my anger, violent urges, and irritability. He hides in a hood most of the time and can get pretty protective of some of the other demons, but mostly over the brain's owner. He acts as the ultimate inner voice of defense for the brain owner, and his power can influence the entire mindscape and even over the host's actions. His default demeanor is quiet and hidden, and barley talks at all. He silently observes the other demons but doesn't interact much or even at all, but most of them avoid him anyways. He gives off an intimidating presence due to how he looks with his bright yellow and red eyes and frozen angry brow bones. An easy way to describe him is to compare him to a gargoyle of protection that only "comes to life" or takes action when the brain owner is in danger.

Relationships with the other demons:

Narcy: He feels indifferent towards her and often doesn't even notice her due to her height, but sometimes she gets loud enough for him to notice.

Blur: He sees them as who they are, a controlling demon in the mindscape. He knows for sure that he has enough power to act against their influence though, but silently appreciates their effort to keep the brain owner's actions sensible. 

Sarah: Due to her being a child with wreckless actions, he sees her as a demon to protect from outside the mindscape's influence. Sarah sometimes goes to him and talks to him despite his lack of response. 

Anx: He also sees him as a demon to protect, but he is aware of Anx's avoidance. Regna also acts protective to him, but only to outside forces and doesn't coddle him like Blur does.

Tammy: He feels indifferent towards her at best, and he notices Tammy's attempts to flirt with him but tries to look like he doesn't notice. Due to his one-track mind to protect, he has no interest in having relations with her.


His playlist on spotify and 8tracks