


6 years, 5 months ago


Pronouns: he/him

Height: only a bit shorter than Tammy but a lot taller than Narcy, making him the middle height demon.

He represents my anxiety. He's an anxious guy with a speech impediment of a stutter. He also physically shakes and breathes heavy when he's anxious. He attempts to wear a paper bag over his head with a camo blotchy patterned robe to hide himself. His body type is fairly thin and his bones can be seen in his slim hands, ankles, and knees, but compared to Blur he has more flesh on his body.

He likes to sew, knit, and crochê outfits such as dresses and sweaters.  He likes to wear these things in private, because he's too scared to have others know about his secret hobby (besides Sarah), as he is afraid he'll get made fun of and draw too much attention on himself.

Relationships with the other demons:

Sarah: He's good friends with her, because she's a very playful and imaginative little kid and Anx likes to help patch up her broken plushies and sew costumes for her. He doesn't play with her, but he likes to listen to her talk about her passions and ideas.

Narcy: He doesn't try to interact with her that much because he can tell when he annoys her. He's anxious in general, but Narcy is one of those demons that he knows to avoid.

Blur: Blur often acts like a parental figure towards him in an overprotective way. They also like to use Anx as an excuse for all of the other demons to "behave".

Regna: Anx is incredibly scared of him due to him witnessing his violent outbursts and actions. Regna doesn't speak much, and that alone makes Anx avoid him like the plague. 

Tammy: Anx avoids her as well because he's often uncomfortable with her demeanor. She has the tendency to flirt with the other adult demons and he makes sure to avoid her.


Animation meme that features him

His playlists on spotify and 8tracks