


6 years, 5 months ago


Pronouns: She/her

Height: Slightly shorter than Blur, making her the third tallest demon

Her main interest consists of expensive things and delicious food and desserts, she highly believes in "treating yourself". She also has gotten around, despite not actually physically having a lot of sex. She is quite flirtatious towards almost all of the demons, and implies that she likes to be "pleased" and "knows just what you need", if you catch my drift. She is also the chubbiest/fattest demon out of all of them, and has a giant mouth on her tummy. She likes to wear revealing clothes because she likes how she looks and is proud to show herself off.

Relationships with the other demons:

Narcy: She's really good friends with Narcy and is almost on the fence of being "friends with benefits". They both like to try on new clothes to make them look like a bad bitch duo, and they often flirt with each other and share innuendos which often makes most of the other demons uncomfortable. Narcy also indulges her and encourages her to be herself because she's "a badass hoe and deserves to be spoiled". Tammy also compliments on her buff stature, thus both of them bouncing compliments off of each other.

Blur: She tries flirting with Blur despite receiving nasty remarks from them about her behavior to overindulge. She believes that she can steal their heart someday and will help her get what she wants.

Regna: Regna's tendency to stay silent comes off as mysterious to Tammy, making her attracted to him and wants to know what he's hiding under his cloak. When she flirts with him, she doesn't receive any comments back from him but she believes that she'll get to him someday.

Anx: She sees him as someone that she can potentially dominate over in bed but Anx often avoids her because of her flirty demeanor. She also often wonders what his face looks like under his paper bag mask, but she believes he has a certain charm despite him hiding under it.

Sarah: Tammy sees her as a niece that she sees every so often, and Sally knows she has some candies she's willing to share with her.


An unfinished animation meme that features her


Her playlist on spotify and 8tracks

