


6 years, 5 months ago


Pronouns: they/them

Height: the second tallest demon

"My name is Blurryface, and I care what you think."

Another brain demon of mine who represents my self hatred and self consciousness. They are quite controlling, also constantly criticizing other brain demons, themselves, and even their own brain owner. They're fairly tall, boney thin, and have bright pink scars on their legs. Without their hoodie on, they wear a bandage binder underneath. They act as the controller in the mindscape, constantly on other demons' case especially when they act out of line. They feel like they have a responsibility of the brain owner's well-being based off of how other people outside the mindscape treat the brain owner. Due to this, they often blame the other demons, themselves, and even the brain owner and highly value the opinions of the people outside the brainscape.

Relationships with the other demons:

Anx: This demon is often the reason for Blur to protect the mindscape and the brain's owner. Blur thinks that the mind's well-being is dependent on how well Anx is feeling, but it's actually Blur who escalates the situation to make it worse.

Narcy: They have a very controlling relationship with her. They carry a button remote that has the power to shock her when she's acting too boastful. They come off as an overprotective demon towards her but less so compared to Anx. Blur often blames Narcy for her actions when the brain is having a meltdown.

Regna: Blur sees him as a foul beast to control due to his rage outbursts. Blur very much knows of how powerful he is, so they try their best to avoid Regna.

Tammy: Blur is disgusted by her due to her interests of overindulging and often shames her, seeing her as the second biggest reason why the mind has meltdowns.

Sarah: Surprisingly, Blur doesn't see her as a child figure to parent compared to Anx. They often shush her when she starts to ramble, but isn't as forceful to her as they are to Narcy since she is a child.


Animation meme that features them:

Their playlist on spotify and 8tracks (CW: Self harm, self hatred, mentions of suicide)