Jeremy Warminster (Relationships)





Jeremy & Luke


Jeremy and Luke met when both were teens struggling to live on their own. And when the two first crossed paths...they did NOT like each other. It wasn't until they were forced to work together that Luke & Jeremy were able to truly get to know one another. The two grew close quickly, forming a strong friendship and helping each other get through those rough few years.

Luke & Jeremy are incredibly close and pretty much do everything together! Both would give up their lives in a heartbeat if it meant saving the other. In most cases, Jeremy is the voice of reason- but will quickly enable whatever Luke's dumb shenanigan of the day is if he wants to achieve the same goal (or simply just to have some fun). Luke, while stubborn, greatly values Jeremy's input and will often curtail his impulsive nature to go along with his plans. Luke tries his best to not accidentally harm him with his strength, though he does like to roughhouse/suprise-tackle Jeremy- often in retaliation against his teasing. Their differences are stark, but are more of a driving force in their relationship than a hindrance. They play off of each other, having a sort of brains + brawn dynamic (but with 1 brain cell between them). Luke pushes Jeremy to adventure and socialize, while in turn Jeremy helps Luke manage his emotions and take things slow. Genuine arguments between them are rare, but when they do happen it can quickly turn personal and take a while to resolve.

With Jeremy being afraid of rejection and Luke being rather skittish around any "complex" feelings, the two stay just friends for a long time despite both wanting to pursue a romantic relationship. Later on in the story they eventually do begin dating, thanks to Jeremy being the first to confess his feelings.


"He's my best friend and pretty much the only person I trust. If it came down to it, I'd lay down my life for him. Luke's a ray of sunshine, it's hard not to get swept up in his excitement and optimism. He's a little... set in his ways, but I know I can always rely on him when I need him. It's honestly pretty amazing how much passion he puts into his work, though sometimes I worry he works a little TOO hard. Still, I pretty much spend all my time with that dork, he truly is something..."


"Jerm's my bestest friend in the whole world! I'd fight a thousand beasts if it meant keepin' him safe. Lots'a people think he's mean- which I mean he is, just a tad bit- but he's a big ole softie once you get to know him. Jeremy's always got my back, even when things are lookin' tough. He's real smart too, that man can put together a plan in a pinch! Honestly, I couldn't imagine livin' life without bein' by his side- ACK forget that last part! "

Jeremy & Adelais

Annoyance -> Close Friend

Jeremy and Adelais have a rough relationship that evolves and grows over time. It was Kitty who put in the most effort in the beginning, as Jeremy was rude and cold to her from the start (due to her noble status). He would refuse to respect her or be even slightly nice to her. Adelais would eventually give up and begin parroting his behavior instead, often resulting in the two breaking out into arguments the moment they were in a room together. The only thing keeping them from tearing each other apart was their business agreement, as Adelais had promised to pay the two knights for help with her research. They only worked together under the direst of circumstances, with peaceful and civil moments between them being a rarity.

At a particular spoilery part in the story, the two come to an agreement that it would be best to work on bettering their relationship. And while it was a very rocky & gradual improvement, the two eventually grew close and the hostile nature of their initial relationship all but disappeared. After that point, their bond resembles more of a kinship than anything, like a pair of bickering siblings. The two still have their squabbles, though they tend to be more silly and non-personal in nature. Their respect for one another is equal here.

Adelais often seeks comfort and advice from Jeremy, as he often has a different point of view and is able to see things in a more empathetic light. Jeremy also finds a lot of comfort around her, as well as a more logical and independent insight on things. They're just two little dorks who care for each other very much, and make sure to protect one another from any danger they may face.


"I don't like her. What? Fine, you want me to elaborate? I don't think she deserves her crown. Honestly, tell me what good she is contributing to the kingdom with her status- actually, I'll just tell you: it's nothing! Absolutely nothing. I don't understand why she- people like her, I mean, are the ones who are born as nobility. Pitiful, really. I can't wait until she stops tagging along on our quests..."


"Ugh, don't even get me started on that jerk! Honestly, I'm not so sure what his problem is. He's been mean to me from the start, and no matter how nice or forgiving I was, he still acted the same! So I don't even try with him anymore. It's impossible to get along with Jeremy. If my research weren't so important, I wouldn't even bother being around him, let alone talk to him,"


"I initially didn't want anything to do with her, but due to... certain events, we've been working things out, to put it simply. But after all that, Kitty's one of my closest friends now. I'd do anything for that little dork. We hang out a lot, usually just to chat or sometimes to play games together. Adelais is always there when I need someone to talk to. She truly means a lot to me. Don't get me wrong though, it's still really fun to bully her,"


"We got off on the wrong foot at first, but after a, uhm-particular predicament we decided to start over. Jeremy and I are super close now- he's like a brother to me! He's actually really comforting to be around and always gives me good advice, even if I don't always follow it. Sometimes we just hang out in silence, other times we talk for hours. Either way, I really enjoy his company. Still kind of a jerk, but that's just Jerm,"

Jeremy & Maria


Jeremy and Maria aren't neccessarily friends persay, but they aren't on the worst of terms either. They'll work together, often drafting any needed plans, but not without a snide remark from Jeremy and an eye roll from Maria. The two respect each other, but feel no need to speak to one another outside of work.


"Maria's a good strategist and all, but other than that I don't really go out of my way to talk to her. Her taste in music is atrocious though,"


"Rude. As. Hell. Listen, Jeremy's a good knight, but honestly I could do without his constant jeering. I avoid talking to him when I can,"

Jeremy & Norman

Ex-Boyfriend / Friend

Jeremy and Norman first crossed paths when they were tweens attending primary school. Norman was a shy kid and easily intimidated by Jerm's prickly nature, whereas Jeremy simply wasn't interested in socializing. It wasn't until they both took the same extracurricular that they offically met. They shared a lot of interests and the same sense of humor- often making fun of their peers together. Jeremy was practically the only person who would listen to Norman's constant ranting, whereas Norman was the constructive voice Jeremy needed to hear. Because of this, they began dating pretty early on in their friendship.

When Rory left, Jeremy fell apart. Norman tried to comfort him, but was he himself was crumbling underneath the pressure of his family's expectations. They grew distant, often arguing whenever they talked. It didn't help that Norman was suspicious of Jeremy's new friend (Luke), which the other percieved as unwarranted jealousy and a lack of trust. This only spurred further arguments, eventually causing the couple to split.

They'd accidentally reunite two years later, when Jeremy became a knight. They decided to work things out (as to not make work awkward) and eventually became close friends again. Norman still has some lingering feelings for Jeremy, but hesitates to act on them in fear of losing him again. Jeremy, on the other hand, thinks it's best to keep their relationship platonic, though is unsure how he currently feels about him.


"Norman's my ex-boyfriend. We had a huge stupid fight back in highschool, but we're on pretty okay terms now. He's a sweet guy and everything, but sometimes he can be a judgemental dick. Despite that and the few awkward moments, I'm glad I still have Norman as a friend,"


"We used to date when we were teens, but we had a falling out our senior year. Me and Jeremy are still pretty close though! Jeremy has a ridiculously short temper, but he's still a good friend besides that. He's one of the few people who takes time to listen to me... A part of me wishes we were still together, but I'm afraid of losing him again,"

Jeremy & Cordial


Surpisingly, Jeremy and Cordial are actually friends. They're not super close or anything, but they talk often and occasionally hang out outside of work.

Cordial was initially very intimidated by Jeremy. He's much taller and standoffish than anyone she was used to interacting with on a regular basis. But since they had Norman as a mutual friend, Cordial was able to have more substantial conversations with Jeremy than she probably would've on her own. Jeremy appreciates her tenacity and levelheaded nature, but feels like she should loosen up a bit. Cordial enjoys talking to Jeremy but is occasionally still unnerved when around him.


"Out of all the knights Luke and I met when we first joined the guild, Cordial is the only one I truly respect. She's brilliant and has great ideas, and talking with her is always insightful. Outside of work, though, she's not as talkative- but I think she really ought to have more confidence in herself, "


"I was really scared to approach Jeremy at first- Ishen had told me that he was super mean! Then Norman sorta introduced us, and it turned out he's actually a pretty nice guy. He's pretty thoughtful too- but gosh sometimes he's still fairly intimidating! "

Jeremy & Ishen


For the most part, Jeremy and Ishen really don't like each other. Jeremy finds them to be nosy and annoying, whereas Ishen finds him to be a rude stick in the mud. But when there's a common enemy or goal shared between the two, they can be quite the force to be reckoned with. Otherwise, they really only interact when forced to.


"Nosy little brat. Ishen's ALWAYS trying to start shit. I actively despise working with them. Occasionally their snooping proves to be somewhat helpful, but otherwise he's a useless pain in the ass,"


"Jeremy's such an asshole and SOOOO boring! Seriously, what is up with that guy? He's always angry and so bossy- and he's such a hypocrite too. Every once in a while he can be kinda fun to be around, but most of the time it's a drag working with him. "

Jeremy & Rane


During his occasional visits to Burrosen, Jeremy overheard a lot about this so-called divine fortune-teller, but never officially met her until the events of the story. Despite his usual reservations about those of a higher status, Rane and Jeremy got along pretty much right away. The two share an appreciation for structure as well as a sense of humor, sometimes working together to pull pranks on their friends. Rane particularly likes messing with Jeremy, as it's extremely easy for her to get under his skin. Jeremy's disregard for authority figures equally annoys Rane, and an occasional argument is sparked from this. Otherwise, they enjoy each other's company and often have long conversations when they talk.


"I've visited Burrosen a couple times, so I had heard a lot about the solitaire. I was expecting an uptight noble-type, so I was pleasantly surprised when she turned out to be fairly chill. She has a pretty funny sense of humor, but I hate how cryptic she is sometimes. I'm starting to think she does it on purpose... "


"Jeremy's a good friend. I feel like he's the only one who genuinely understands my art... though his disregard for the crown irks me, I simply don't understand it. Oh, and it's so fun to annoy him- it's fairly easy. I try my best to speak as ambigously as possible around him, "

Jeremy & R'oulrynth

Father Figure

Rory was the closest thing to family that Jeremy ever had. In fact, if it weren't for the dragon finding him as an abandoned newborn, he likely wouldn't be alive today. He's always considered R'oulrynth his dad, even if he acted more like an older brother most of the time. Rory was the only constant in his childhood, always there to protect him and lend a listening ear. Jeremy took after his draconic guardian, from his distrustful nature to certain mannerisms & body language. R'oulrynth was the only person Jeremy trusted, and he loved his adoptive father dearly.

Rory cared for & loved Jeremy like a son, sacrificng his old life so his ward could have a chance at living more freely. Despite not having an inherit parental nature nor an expert on human child development, he tried his best to be a good role model and give Jeremy valuable lessons he could use later in life. After being entirely shut out from his draconic family, Rory picked up odd jobs to keep the two afloat. Despite the financial struggles, the two were a fairly happy little family.

But then Rory left. With no warning and seemingly no cause. For the first few weeks, Jeremy remained hopeful that he'd return, that he just left to run an errand. Then months passed, and Jeremy's hope quickly turned to grief, then rage. Rory's dissapearance has tormented Jeremy for years. He harbors resentment for the dragon for leaving, but can't help but feel fondly when certain memories cross his mind.


"Rory is-was my dad. Well, the closest thing to a dad I had, I guess. He found me as a baby and took care of me for a good chunk of my childhood. He was... so important to me. But he left. And that's that. "



Luke & Callie


Despite being polar opposites, Luke loves Jeremy a lot! There's nothing Luke wouldn't do for him, including putting himself in grave danger. He tries to get Jeremy to be nicer and friendlier to others with very little success. The knight likes to spend as much time with him as he can, and the two are very rarely seen apart. Luke is fairly out of touch with his emotions and regards his feelings for Jeremy as just intense friendship and doesn't realize that he's actually in love with him until a few years later. But once he does realize this, it becomes very hard for him to conceal his true feelings, and the two start dating soon after. He loves his boyfriend with his whole heart and would stop at nothing to make sure he is happy and safe.Integer sollicitudin, lectus ac dignissim dapibus, orci odio varius sem, non gravida ligula orci et ex. Duis maximus ut ante eu commodo. Fusce rhoncus fringilla rutrum. Praesent lacinia sagittis diam, eget semper velit laoreet eu. Curabitur ut iaculis nisl. Duis ligula nulla, iaculis a ligula ac, placerat bibendum lectus. Curabitur vel tellus sit amet neque tincidunt elementum in vestibulum massa. Morbi rhoncus risus vitae diam cursus, et imperdiet odio pellentesque. Donec gravida mi eu lorem rutrum pellentesque. Etiam in ipsum tellus. Maecenas tempus lorem nec enim ullamcorper pellentesque. Sed ultricies arcu justo, sit amet lobortis sem finibus eget.

Curabitur commodo quam vitae sagittis egestas. Nam at odio fermentum, rutrum turpis at, rutrum ante.


Insert Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will not scroll and expand the more is written.

Vivamus varius lacus vel vestibulum lobortis. In justo nisl, sollicitudin non tristique et, cursus sit amet mauris. Quisque sed tempus dolor. Donec nec porttitor leo, et dignissim orci. Nulla eu mattis lorem, at tristique dolor. Suspendisse id vulputate velit. Nam tempor dapibus feugiat. Fusce imperdiet rhoncus neque a ullamcorper. Sed luctus in sapien at rhoncus.


Insert Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will not scroll and expand the more is written.

Vivamus varius lacus vel vestibulum lobortis. In justo nisl, sollicitudin non tristique et, cursus sit amet mauris. Quisque sed tempus dolor. Donec nec porttitor leo, et dignissim orci. Nulla eu mattis lorem, at tristique dolor. Suspendisse id vulputate velit. Nam tempor dapibus feugiat. Fusce imperdiet rhoncus neque a ullamcorper. Sed luctus in sapien at rhoncus.