Wet Cardboard Box (Pouflon [ARPG])



1 year, 2 months ago


ARPG | Masterlist 

she honse



  • a runner
    • basically she participates in various running competitions/events
    • making up my own pouf Lore here, but I imagine there being racing events where the competitors have their magic temporarily sealed for a fair race based on physical prowess
      • there exists a grand racing event held once every X years where the winner is crowned "the fastest in Bellacoste"
      • probs exists some more underground Illegal sort of races in which competitors have free use of magic and are able to interfere with opponents
  • works as a royal messenger/courier. does races on her off days.
    • was kinda pressured into the role due to coming from a noble family of messengers
    • formerly worked as a scout
  • has training in swordplay and self defense
    • because being a royal messenger means possibly being a target to those who want to intercept an important message
    • and being a scout means possibly encountering some peskitts and baddies on the field
    • cardy had a lot of training because her parents were kinda paranoid and protective of their only child, and they really wanted her to be able to protect herself Just In Case
      • one of her parents is probs a really strong royal knight who personally trained her
  • races because she just really likes to Run, but also because everyone often noted how fast she was at delivering messages and whatnot and was encouraged to participate in a race
    • I imagine her first real racing event was one that's held specifically for royal messengers from all over Bellacoste
    • she also finds running to be a good stress reliever
  • she's a sort of rebellious princess type. grew up in a noble family but just wanted to be Normal and hated all the formalities and standards she was held to and whatnot
    • due to her upbringing, she can play the role of an ideal image of a graceful noble lady if need be, but she prefers to be pretty casual otherwise
      • while doing her royal messenger job, she does tend to be pretty formal. she goes into Work Mode.
      • but outside of that and with close friends, she really opens up and you'll realize she's kinda a chaotic gremlin lol
    • her parents were kinda strict with her on things and never let her have Fun
    • she 100% ran away from home before as a young bloom lol
      • this is how she became Fast lol
  • has a big appetite and can eat A Lot
    • one of her favorite foods is carrot ginger soup!
  • relationships:
    • solo: cardy's main energy potion dealer and friend. they besties. solo tries to go to cardy's major racing events for support
      • solo calls her "soggy" as a nickname (because a wet cardboard box becomes soggy :) )
    • lacroix: wip because idk yet. they do know each other though, due to having solo as a mutual friend
      • possibly was lacroix's superior? back when they were scouts. tbh cardy probs didn't like him too much because he was a slacker lol
      • must've been fun when solo held a tea party and invited both of them and they were just :o and :I at seeing each other
        • at this point, lacroix would've been in his idol career and cardy a royal messenger and both just more matured, so they were able to be more friendly towards each other now they that didn't have a superior/junior relationship
        • solo has def dragged lacroix to one of cardy's races before lol