Dante Domini



6 years, 7 months ago


Name: Dante Domini
Nickname(s): Radioactivity, Domino, Domino's, Digiorno's Pizza
Talent: Ultimate Graffiti Artist
Class: 75th
Home: Manchester, Britain
Age: 18 (Graduation, Entering Hope's Peak University), 20/21 (Tragedy Begins), 24/25 (Hope's Peak University Reopens)
Height: 173 cm (5'8")
Weight: 65 kg (143 lbs)
Birthday: March 18 (♓)
Family: Hope Domini (Mother), Unnamed Father, Unnamed Grandmother, Willow Domini (Sister), Camellia Domini (Sister)
Position in Future Foundation: 15th Division - Special Branch; Member
Skills/Abilities: Graffiti Art, Painting, Parkour, Stealth
Languages: English, Japanese
Dating: Akihiro Nakajima

Dante was raised by a single mother alongside his two younger sisters. He can remember only a handful of visits from his father, and was raised by his mother and maternal grandmother. Dante became fascinated with renaissance paintings and modern interpretations of classical art after a field trip to an art museum. He began drawing and eventually moved on to painting. He soon found his canvases too small to portray his visions and began painting on abandoned and soon-to-be demolished structures. He soon moved further into the city to more permanent eyesores to brighten up the neighborhood. As his work gained popularity he started a blog to save photos of his work and share it. At that point he coined the alias 'Radioactivity' and gained an influx of fans who began buying the buildings, walls and doors that he painted on. Most were kept by collectors (Akihiro being one of them) but some sold for thousands of dollars.

Eventually city officials began noticing the increase in tourism and the revitalization of the city and began to create public spaces for Dante to paint, as well as allowing him to continue his painting without the threat of arrest for vandalism. Dante began realizing the value in his art and after considering it for a bit, he placed a piece on auction himself. The piece was a piece he called 'Daylily'. 'Daylily' was part of a series of fifteen paintings he made of various people he had seen in his dreams. While a force in him compelled him to sell 'Daylily', that same force compelled him to keep the other fourteen paintings. 'Daylily' sold for over a million pounds, which he was able to use to move his family into a house and put the rest up for his sister's college fund. Dante began selling smaller pieces on his blog as online bids, but kept the majority of his art free to the public. Dante received a letter from Hope's Peak similar to the rest of his non-Japanese classmates and moved to Japan to attend normal classes until the new school year started. 

During his time at Hope's Peak Academy Dante bonded with all 15 of his fellow classmates, but was closest to Akihiro, Michael, Keiko, Jackie and Amato. He was especially close to Akihiro, who he began dating a few months after they met. After their graduation, they were offered enrollment at Hope's Peak University, an experimental college for Ultimates. Dante, along with his 15 other classmates accepted, and spent the remaining time leading up to The Tragedy there.

Once The Tragedy started, Class 75th was evacuated by Rahul's father, as well as their families. The group was eventually contacted to become part of the Future Foundation. They accepted, returning to Japan and fighting against the Despairs and attempting to rescue Class 78th. Shortly after, Makoto Naegi reached out to them to assist in helping the Remnants of Despair be rehabilitated, which Dante was a part of.

After the world began returning to normal, both branches of Hope's Peak were reopened, and Dante along with Class 75th returned to classes.


-Dante is a latin name meaning "enduring"
-Domini comes from 'anno Domini' meaning "in the year of our/the Lord" with Domini meaning "Our Lord/The Lord"
-Dante identifies as nonbinary, and while he primarily uses 'he/him' pronouns is fine with 'she/her' or 'they/them'
-Dante calls his fans 'Radioheads', after his own alias of 'Radioactivity'
-Dante has a custom made gas mask displaying the Biohazard symbol that he uses while painting. He finds it both useful in avoid fumes and a neat aesthetic.
-Dante is a huge fan of 'satisfying' video compilations as well as stimming.
-His favorite satisfying videos are food, paint or slime based.
-Dante has a large collection of squishy toys and slime he likes to play with.
-Dante sometimes has prophetic dreams in which he sees people, places or items that will be important or noteworthy in the future.
-After having a prophetic dream, Dante immediately draws what he saw on a sketch pad he keeps by his bed.
-The painting 'Daylily' was based on Akihiro, who incidentally was the person who bought the painting.
-Dante loves sour candy, and keeps a bag of sour gummy worms on him at all times.
-Dante is studying Latin.
-The fourteen other paintings he had made were titled 'Crown', 'Vaccine', 'Passion', 'Paramour', 'Palace', 'Valentine', 'Doll', 'Ocean', 'Protector', 'Clover', 'Garden', 'Mask', 'Neon and 'Liqueur' which represented classmates James, Michael, Giovanni, Carlos, Rahul, Amato, Dahlia, Marina, Nadiya, Keiko, Satoko, Yumemi, Chiffon and Jackie.



Present Reactions:

Loves:"Dang, it's not even my birthday yet! I got you next time for sure!"
"I've been looking for one of these! Let me paint you something in return!"
Likes:"Thanks! I promise I'll put it to good use."
"If this were a dating sim I'd be pretty tempted right now!"
OK:"Thanks a bunch!"
Dislikes:"A gift? Oh, well since you went through the trouble..."
"This one is a bit of a miss, nothing against you though."
Hates:"Sorry, I don't think I can accept this... Nothing personal."
"I appreciate that you tried to come up with something, but if you really can't find anything you don't have to give me something."

(Art by Synne of Goatlings)