
6 years, 4 months ago



Gave the gift of Art . She/They . 96 cm [3'2"]

Report Data written by Sparatata

The Art Mystryia.

Subject enjoys painting, sculpting, molding, drawing, sketching, inking, welding, glassblowing, carving, whittling, and all other forms of physical work to create what she claims is "art". I do not understand this subject to her level - but apparently no one does. This is odd given her inherent ability to share her feelings of her art.

Subject is seen frequently collaborating with Mystryias Consonance, Prose, and Iris, as well as in deep discussion with the three about what constitutes "art". Subject believes her view is the only correct one, causing the group to argue occasionally.

I have been told that “the point” of art is that it is up to the eye of the beholder to understand... but I do not understand it.

End of Report.
