1. Brenda



4 years, 10 months ago



Human . Inn Keeper . She/Her . 32 . 5'6"

Report Data written by Sparatata

Subject is a hardworking self-made woman, according to her. Subject owns the small inn located at the far end of the beach where the secret doorway to the home of all Mystryias, the Castle, is located. Subject also managed to procure the only key to the castle, which she then wore as a ring for good luck. Unsure how this could have happened but subject claims to have used the ring's "abilities" [that it does not have] to obtain a small fortune to build her dream inn. Subject is clearly lying through her teeth, and instead built the inn from the ground up herself.

Subject is loud [easily the loudest person in any room - very easy to locate], confident [if not somewhat brash], rather dynamic in thinking [at least when it comes to handling rowdy guests], extremely forthright [see blunt], and easily the most mature member of the ruffians who released the Mystryias from their confinement [this last observation troubles me as they are all imbecilic].

Subject is also critical of others despite having similar issues in herself [points out other insecurities with ease], rather insecure about her issues [very easily snaps back with more venom than is necessary], and definitely shows signs of deep-rooted anger issues stemming to something she said to hurt those around her from her past.

Subject has slowly built a bond with all four other members of the group, becoming a sort of pseudo mother figure to subject Livian, a mute siren. Subject and subject Damiel seems to have a rather tenacious rivalry, but it appears to be in good fun. They frequently call each other out on their mistakes but have shown to listen to one another and grow from these mistakes, instead of receding back into their bad habits. This is commendable. As for subject’s Lily and Keith, subject has taken yet again a more pseudo motherly stance in order to help the two mer-people better navigate the surface world.

Synopsis: subject is kind hearted and genuinely wants to become a better person.

End of Report.
