
6 years, 4 months ago



Gave the gift of Daytime . She/They . 98 cm [3'3"]

Report Data written by Sparatata

The Daytime Mystryia.

Subject brings forth daytime when they rise into the sky, casting an immediate bright sunny day without any transition from the darkness of night. This change is jarring but the people of Terrathorn are completely used to it, however, in the past, the people used to find the constant jump between night and day on some occasions to be very annoying. This was due to Subject and fellow Mystryia, Nocturnal, not being able to properly share the sky as both of them bring forth their respective times of day with no in between. Thankfully a new Mystryia, Eve, was recently born, bringing forth a new time twice a day: Dusk and Dawn, allowing Subject to spend time with Mystryia Eve and Nocturnal.

Subject is peppy, talkative, excitable, and curious about what the world has to offer, especially at night where they can’t roam. Subject enjoys spending time high up in the sky with fellow Mystryias, as well as on the ground roaming around local towns and meeting the people of the world.

End of Report.
