
1 year, 9 months ago




Amar had been causing trouble ever since he was a child. He was constantly getting in trouble with authorities, and quickly became good at navigating Eden's back alleys and criminal society. His penchant for troublemaking is due to the fact that the short stature male just isn't the brightest, and makes up for that with his incredibly enhanced psychic prowess. He starts fights, and by god he'll finish them. Amar's pure confidence in his dumbassery makes him a bit of an annoyance to most, but to a select few it comes across as an undeniable since of charisma, which allows him to -one way or another- end up getting what he wants.

Despite how scatter brained he appears, Amar IS able to focus on things that are important to him, and his immense power is backed up by a strong frame and years of combat experience. In term's of psychics as well, Amar is a unique case, someone as strong as him normally would not have fallen under the radar so easily. He also appears to have a couple of innate abilities that other psychics do not possess. The origin of his birth, and his unique abilities are something he is not very interested in solving, however it is a mystery that is directly entertwined with the disappearance of his younger brother. In time, all will be revealed.


Muscular and lean.
Sporty,Streetwear, Punk,.


  • the orange “eyeliner” that he has isnt makeup. Must al2ays be present. Specifically the two “lashes” coming off of it
  • triangles are his shape. All his facial features are sharp.
  • Consistently is shortest in the cast, exaggerating height differences is fine to get the point across.
  • His hair is bleached and dyed. It's naturally brown.

Psionic Talent: Psychic Rend

Offense 100%
Defense 10%
Fundamentals 80%
Versatility 10%
Recovery 90%
Strategy 30%
Range 60%
Destructiveness 85%

Neutral Stance: Fujin

As long as he has a hand on the handle of his blade, Amar can use Fujin. Fujin is about the only bit of utility that Amar has. Fujin is a extremely brief projection of force not unlike a burst of wind, which originates from him. Fujins burst of force is mainly used to launch Amar in various directions at high speed, which he can chain together to gradually increase his velocity and mobility. The bursts of force can also cushion him when descending from large heights, or act as a reactionary shield for himself to block blows. Though its only momentary, so its best used for dodging attacks rather than attempting to block them.

Rising Sun: Amaterasu

Amaterasu is by far the technique that Amar has the hardest time using, as it requires a Dual Medium. When Amaterasu is active, psionic energy gathers around his blade and continues to build, which is then released into the target as one or several powerful point black precision cuts. While Amaterasu is being prepared, he can't access any other of his sword techniques aside from Fujin.

Evening Moon: Tsukuyomi

Amar's ranged application of his technique, Tsukuyomi, has its properties changed depending whether or not his blade is unsheathed, with unsheathed attacks being much sharper but a lot smaller or precise. Tsukuyomi’s main benefit is its ranged applications, being able to nail targets at a deceptively long distance, not only that, but aside from minor air disturbance, the projectile is invisible, making it effective at catching unaware targets. The projectile isn’t particularly fast however, and psychics in tune with psionic energy can anticipate the build up and release of psionic energy that accompanies, making it easy to dodge.

Iai Stance: Susanoo

Amar's self proclaimed ultimate attack. He rapidly charges forward and draws his blade. The area that he slashes with his sword his charged with his energy and subsequently slashed relentlessly by telekinetic force. Due to his reliance on drawing the sword for the technique, its easiest to access from neutral stance and chains well from or into Fujin, but infusing the air with his slashing strikes uses up a lot of energy so it cant be done consecutively.



Lowborn Star

An orphan with an enigmatic past, Amar spent all of his childhood homeless, digging through trash cans for scraps and surviving off petty crimes. As far as he knew he was a psychic since birth, and got used to terrorizing and barreling his way through the backstreets of Eden with his prodigious amount of psionic energy, being able to scare off most of the competition just by virtue of being born with powers. Still, it wasnt easy for a child to survive in such harsh conditions, and the only thing keeping him hanging on at all was that he wasn’t alone. He had a younger brother to take care of, who was his best friend and his partner and crime, that he doted on relentlessly, His brother wasn't nearly as powerful a psychic as he, so it was on Amar to protect him from those who would cause them harm, but where he wasn't strong, he was intelligent. A natural born planner, and relying on each other they managed to push through the harsh conditions.

Wannabe Hero

Amar was an idealist. It was an escape method, a great way to cope with being born with the short end of the stick. He entertained the fantasy of being a hero, someone who would change the world for the better, bring life back to the ruins of the planet and make sure no child would be forced to live below the poverty line as he and his brother did, and he spent hours with his siblings fantasizing about how it would come to be. They both decided that to do so they'd need to get stronger. Amar didn't quite know how much he believed in his own dreams, but it kept his brother happy, kept them busy, and kept them alive. It became everything to them, but Amar was too busy tending to his brothers safety to realize when this every growing fire would reach A head.


By current day, Amar and his brother grew into charismatic and powerful people, they had to be to survive, after all. Amar managed to make a friend by the name of Sanchez who would allow them to stay over at his place from time to time, and the three were close, but a steady divide Between the siblings’ ideals were beginning to grow and rear its head. The two stars were both burning brilliantly, in their prime, and soon their different philosophies would crash in the biggest and only altercation the two would ever have. They separated only for a little while, at least that's what Amar thought would happen, but just like that, his brother was gone. Vanished on the wind. Amar searched aimlessly for a few days, incredibly distraught and stressed out of his mind as he was getting nowhere, but when he was at the end of his rope, Sanchez would find out about a Detective named Bann Wolfgang, whose never failed at solving a case. With someone that could possibly help them nearby, Amar was determined to get the help of that man and find where he brother vanished off to.






”I dont know where you went, but I'll make sure I find you.”



Best Friends

”he caught me breaking in one day and was surprisingly forgiving! I owe him a lot, no better friend a guy could ever ask for!.”



”This guy would be super cool if he wasnt such an ASSHOLE!”



”I don't know much about him, but I can tell he has a good heart! Gotta get through all the anger first, though.”