
1 year, 8 months ago




This enigmatic man is known for his cunning nature. Disappearing in and out of the crowd seemingly at will, theres nothing that he can't get his hands on if given enough time to prepare. Jing holds himself with a sort of grace that is almost inhuman, touting lofty ideals of a utopia in which everyone can live freely. Jing is a scholar of fhe Psionic Studies, claiming to have a vast reservoir of knowledge that puts even the most dedicated scientists to shame.

Jing is a smart man with a powerful psionic technique. Valuing the lives of the whole over the individual, though he personally dislikes killing he takes no qualms with certain people dying to further his goals. He's a believer in power spearheading progress, and as such constantly weaponizes every bit of himself. Jing strives to crush the opposition and rid the world of anything that would stop his dream from manifesting. The world will change, because he is the catalyst that will force it to.


In shape
Street punk, Tech Wear


  • His tattoos are shaped like stitches, along with REVELATIONS 21:04 on his chest.
  • His helmet copies his expressions, but when he’s feeling playful, it can also display shapes and images.
  • His nails are painted black.
  • He’ll rarely ever take his hood down.

Psionic Talent: Idealization

Offense 70%
Defense 70%
Fundamentals 100%
Versatility 100%
Recovery 50%
Strategy 90%
Range 40%
Destructiveness 20%

Special: Psionic Sense

Jing is incredibly knowledgeable about psionics, and can discern what type of psychic someone is fairly quickly through his uncanny hearing. For Jing, it is almost like picking up on a frequency in the air.

Special: Redirection

A trick only Jing seems to know the method behind, it is uncertain whether its related to his overall psionic technique. He can manipulate his psionic energy in such a way that it becomes difficult to read, acting like a "psionic signal jammer". At its most basic, unless he chooses to, he stops being treated as a valid target for techniques that require a one to work, such as clairvoyance. At its most complex, he can trick someone's technique into choosing another person as the intended target instead of him. It seems to be something he has to actively divert attention to maintaining.

Standard: Sensory Manipulation

His main technique, by making some sort of noise, whether through a clap, snap, shout, or whisper, he can confuse and discombobulate an opponent through precise manipulation of the five senses. Everything from taste to touch can be precisely adjusted and controlled. The more in depth the illusion he's crafting, the more energy it consumes. Extended use results in migraines.

Lifestyle: Skilled Combatant

Despite the tricksy nature of his power, one might think that he is weak when it comes to actual combat. This couldn’t be further from the truth. His battle iq is incredibly high, and he has more than enough strength, speed, and technical know-how to keep up with all kinds of fighters. Paired with his technique, he becomes extremely deadly.



Lowborn Star

Jing grew up on the streets of Eden, the younger brother of the pair, his timid nature meant he took up the supportive role in all of him and his brothers endeavors. They took care of each other, but Jing felt like his older brother pulled far more of the weight. He watched Amar sacrifice more than he thought any person should want or half to, but his older sibling was never bothered. Together they entertained the ideas of being heroes together, comforted by the thought of fighting whatever injustice put them out on the streets, alone. For Jing, the idea of molding a perfect, idyllic future would become a major driving force in his life, well into adulthood. It was them against the world, at least, until Jing vanished suddenly.


The man who walks Eden now keeps many of Jing's traits. He's full of talent and merit, and a genius that rivaled Eden's smartest. A smooth talker, he seems able to convince anyone of anything. His craftiness and resourcefulness, coupled with boundless patience allowed him to begin preparations to see the world he wanted take shape and become reality. Things had changed since his youth though, he'd gotten far more sinister, more bold and daring. Something strange had happened to him, something he claims allows him to understand the truth behind the world, psychics, and psionic energy as a whole. He is gathering many secrets and even more trump cards, ready to play them when the time is right.






" Wait patiently, Amar, our wish will be granted soon."




"I don't know who he thinks he is, but he needs to stay away from Amar."




"The only card I can truely always rely on. I see him for what he really is, behind those assassins robes. A man who was never taught to live Awkward, lumbering, oaf who is easily swayed but pretty words and kind gestures. His blind loyalty comes in handy, as he always gets the job done."



weary partnership

"According to him I am his current experiment. An interesting person, but he doesnt seem interested in getting in my way. He provides help where needed, no reason to throw him to the wayside if he just wants to watch."



Business Partners

"Getting the to work with me was easy enough. As far as connections go he is my most useful asset. I dont expect him to play along forever, but until then hes integral to keep around."