

1 year, 8 months ago




Holding the title of Rank Zero amongst the Esper Investigation and Defense Force, Nyarlathotep is an enigma even among the powerful psychics in his sphere. Dante is one of the few agents that don’t spend a majority of their time fighting crime inside Eden's walls. In fact, having been born out in the wastes, he finds their lifestyle wholly distasteful, and only returns to Eden a few times a year to recieve new jobs and deliver updates to his superiors. Instead, he dedicates himself to hunting the mutated creatures and leftover abominations from the world's previous extinction event. He doesn't do it for any sort of glory or recognition, all Dante craves is a good battle to sate his ever growing appetite.

Dante is a powerhouse of a man, whose otherwordly mastery of psionics has resulted in a dangerous and lackadaisical sense of boredom, and eagerness to push himself to the absolute limits of his ability. For most challenges, he purposely handicaps the use of his abilities for the sake of his own self interest. He believes that the walled and protected city is just a farm fattening cattle that will be unable to protect themselves, and the only way to live and improve is in a Dog Eat Dog society. Despite his radical views however, ultimately he means most people zero harm and has no interest in forcing his worldviews on others, mostly ignoring those he deems to be weaker than him, if not using them for momentary sources of entertainment. Those with true strength see a completely different side of him, one that is far more sociable and loyal than one would originally think. For Prime Cuts of meat, he is amicable, if not needy, requiring copious amounts of attention.


Muscular and cut. Hairy
Relaxed and informal
Loose, Modern Samurai


  • Purple eyeliner isnt makeup
  • His eyes contain 9 dots including his pupil
  • His left arm and right leg are prosthetic. The prosthetics are old school..
  • his face is always darkened no matter the light or angle..

Psionic Talent: Imagination Projection

Offense 100%
Defense 80%
Fundamentals 100%
Versatility 100%
Recovery 90%
Strategy 100%
Range 70%
Destructiveness 80%

Sovereigns Eye

The flow of Psionic Energy is deeply understood by Dante, causing him to almost be able to “see” it, though not literally. He can get a feel for a psychic's strength Accurately by just glancing at them, and by reading the flow of their energy can predict their attacks or even what kind of psychic they are before they've used any abilities. He notices when foreign psychic energy has latched onto him, and consequently can tell when/if he's being targeted by clairvoyants or tracking based abilities, and successfully turn it back on them to push them out or gain information on them if he needs to. Most importantly, Sovereigns Eye allows him to use abilities without need for a Repetitive Action, though to a somewhat weaker degree than if he used one.


Imagination Projection allows Dante to construct anything he can imagine. Unlike other projection based abilities, Dante doesn't need to have any idea how the thing he's projecting works. The projections are fragile, not normally being able to withstand A lot of physical trauma unless Dante is actively pouring his psionic energy into them. Dante has been shown to make constructs of great size and complexity, though there is a give and take involved to try and balance the amount of energy that goes into each creation. Hes Proficient enough to imagine traversable non-euclidean spaces.

Legendary Construction: Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi

When Dante imagines an object particularly clearly, he can refine it's capabilities to the point where said construction could be considered it's own ability, such is the case with his main Projection, Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. A simple projection of an ōdachi, Dante imagined a blade that could cut through anything, and thats exactly what it is. Able to slice through whatever regardless of durability, including psionic attacks, when Dante feels pressured to use his abilities, this is the first thing he tends to summon.

X-Fold Mirror

If Dante feels he is at a numbers disadvantage, he will simply create more of him. X-Fold Mirror creates spectral copies of Dante that are able to fight alongside him with all of his knowledge and experiences, they aren't normally able to use psionic abilities, but are wellsprings of energy themselves, so normally they have enough raw power to be formidable despite their fragility. Dante finds controlling multiple hims to be very cumbersome however, so normally he make more than 5 copies of himself at a time.

Maximize: Prison Realm Abbith

Dante's Maximize technique. He traps a target along with himself inside a non-euclidean space that almost acts as its own pocket dimension. The entire thing is one big projection, so he can control everything inside it. It's liability to change size and shape to impossible dimensions makes it difficult to escape from the inside, but the projections fragile nature means its easy to crack from outside.



Tale of Two Sons

Dante was born a twin, one of two siblings to an unknown mother. His father, Crux, stole him and his sibling away in the night to teach them about the world. He was relentless, cruel and overbearing, instilling in them a dog-eat-dog sense of survival. As psychics, their one goal was to prove to their father that they were strong enough to earn the right to exist. If they weren't able to defeat him by the time they reached adulthood, he would kill them, and they would die in obscurity. Dante however, found the entire training regimen unappealing. His talent with psionics was immense, and his impatience ended up with him attacking and defeating their father before they had reached adulthood. His brother, Rain, was infuriated at losing his chance to prove himself, but realized that if he could beat Dante, he'd prove that he was strongest one of all. Dante welcomed the challenge, and unceremoniously, they parted ways.

Unknown God

He wandered aimlessly for several decades, sleeping around here, killing there, and generally living life according to his whim. His prowess with psionics made it so that he was more than capable of caring for himself in the Wastelands, but somehow he was unsatisfied. Or maybe, to be more specific, he was hungry. Hungry for a challenge that could satiate his growing appetite. He began to purposely sabotage himself, refusing to use his powers in even the most dire of circumstances, and yet, he still wasn't challenged. He found this lack of a goal depressing, so he looked for a way to kill time, and eventually stumbled across the largest settlement he'd ever seen, Eden. He hated settlements, weak pigs flocking together like that was disgusting, but where there was people, there was work. If he had no goals for himself, he figured that at least assisting with other people would be sufficient, if not amusing.

Wasteland Hunter

Dante started working for the EIDF, hunting down monsters in the wastelands so that he didn't have to spend too long in the godforsaken city. Their interest in his psychic prowess was a bit annoying, but understandable, so he gave them as few crumbs as it took for them to keep him aboard, while focusing on what he did best, hunting and killing monsters. eventually he was assigned a hunting partner by the name of Hooke, whom he would've immediately dumped, if not for the robots intriguing nature and ability to hold its own, a rare example of Prime Meat, in his eyes, which he found himself surprisingly attached to. Nowadays he enjoys his time out of town, only visiting Eden two times a year to turn in his hunts and attend mandatory meetings, unaware of his connection to anyone or anything inside it's walls.




”Hunting Partner.”

”Now THERE's prime meat, I love a guy who can hold his own.”




”surprisingly capable, for farm meat. anyone that can entertain me is worth keepin’ an eye on.”