


1 year, 8 months ago




Wolfgang is quite possibly the smartest man in all of Eden. He graduated college at age 16, and as soon as he could, he became a detective with the intent to help people. And he was good at it. Not only was he quick to pick up on all the training needed to be a successful detective, every case that made its way to his office was solved, and he was responsible for a non-negligible percentage of success in his department. Among the normal folk, he's made quite the name for himself, and one would expect someone as helpful as him would get more recognition.

That was not the case. As the building he works in is largely devoted to the much more dangerous line of work that is Psychic Affairs, Wolfgang is less than a footnote in the building. He's overworked, underpaid, and generally disillusioned with his line of work, the only thing keeping him from quitting is that its the only career of his that he feels makes proper use of both his stellar vision and intellectual prowess. At this point he was resigned to his fate, living paycheck to paycheck on coffee and cigs, while psychics ran about the city like superheroes, causing all sorts of messes. That is, until a certain orange haired delinquent found themselves knocking on his window...


Average, very slight chub
Business casual, minimalistic.


  • Choppy hair because he cuts it himself.
  • Tired eyes, heavy bags are important..
  • Eyes have crosshairs in them..
  • Square body language.
  • Definitely the easiest character in Eden to draw.

Offense 0%
Defense 0%
Fundamentals 0%
Versatility 0%
Recovery 0%
Strategy 100%
Strength (Physical) 50%
Agility (Physical) 60%

Lineage: Analytical Eye*

Something that’s been in the Wolfgang family for generations, Bann has incredibly powerful eyes, and a large brain to be able to parse the abundance of information he constantly is taking in. He can easily identify minute details, assess people and situations, and memorize pages of information all at a moment's glance. Additionally, he has the best practical vision out of everyone in Eden, being able to accurately track details from much further away without using glasses or binoculars.

Lifestyle: Trickshot

The best way to fight an opponent is when they aren’t aware you’re trying to fight them. Along with his strong eyes, his advanced understanding of physics allows him to pull off really difficult shots that most others wouldn’t be able to make. One could call him a master of the ricochet.

Lifestyle: Strategist

Not having a single power, Wolfgang’s constantly thinking about how to take down opponents that are stronger and faster than him. He is able to coordinate effective assaults on the fly, turning the tides of battle into his friend’s favor.



The Second Son

It wouldn’t be fair to say that the Wolfgang family only gave birth to one prodigy. Their second son, Wolfgang, seemed to be a genius in his own right as well. Though because of the older one's achievements, he largely went unknown. Wolfgang had no issues with this, and he was able to focus on himself and his school work while his brother was off playing superhero. From a young age he found that grasping concepts came to him rather easily in comparison to his peers, and it wasn’t long before he was known as an academic golden child. For Wolfgang though, it made him apathetic and listless. He was awfully understimulated and had no drive to socialize, as people were far too easy to read, almost transparent, so unlike his older brother, he wasn’t able to make or keep many friends.

Lone Wolf Walking

Wolfgang only got smarter as he got older, and by age 16 he’d already graduated from college, from then on he was on the prowl for something to do with his genius. He weighed many different career choices, but settled on Private Detective for a small firm. He wanted a low risk, low effort job that would pay his bills and not risk his life in the process. Over time though, his detective agency became more and more focused on the rising amount of psychic crime in the city, rather than the mundane crimes Wolfgang was used to taking on, a department he wasn’t exactly happy to work with, being someone with no psionic talents himself. Besides the fact that he didn’t think completely shafting normal people was a good idea whatsoever, he refused to take on psychic cases that came to his office, and began getting shafted by his detective agency as a result, as they worked more closely with the likes of the E.I.D.F.

Dealing in Delinquents

That brings us to modern day, Wolfgang living paycheck to paycheck. He’s not exactly unhappy with his circumstances, as he still gets to do what he for the most part enjoys doing, but his opinion on psychics and the higher ups has been nothing short of sour. He’d resigned himself to stagnating in this position, solving the few normal cases that made his way to his office, until one day he got a knock on the outside of his window, which was odd, considering his office was located several stories off the ground. He got himself acquainted with a man named Amar, who was apparently looking for his missing brother. A standard case for Wolfgang, but the issue is the man was a psychic, and a pretty powerful one to boot. Wolfgang obviously was going to turn his case down, but he’d never met someone as stubborn, or dumb as Amar before, and it was only a matter of time before he was strung along for a life changing ride.






”He’s a good guy. We don’t talk much nowadays, but I guess I owe him a lot.”




”Dumbass wouldn’t leave me alone until I took his case, so he’s clearly used to getting his way. Probably because he thinks he’s hot or something. Strangely dependable sometimes.”




”I’m surprised someone like him hangs out with someone as annoyingly delinquent as Amar is. His vibes are odd, somehow I get a strange sense of danger from him. Should be careful."




”Respectable intelligence, which is kind of rare. Somehow I always seem to be the one to set him off on his tirades though. I don’t understand how a guy so smart can be so emotional.”




”A pompous dick.”