

1 year, 8 months ago




Azathoth in the eyes of many, is nothing short of celebrity. He's an extremely charitable person, with a zest for life that at times can defy all logic. Known as Eden's "Ace in the Hole" he is responsible for stopping all sorts of psionic crimes around the city. Essentially once he shows up on the scene, most people consider whatever fight taking place there already over. He is kind and loving to a fault, though when it comes to enforcing the rules he's known to switch on a surprisingly more ominous side, though it rarely comes out unless you're really testing his patience. That scary side of him is a rarity though, and for the most part he’s hailed as a hero, here to brighten your day.




  • It was important that his sense of style heavily contrasted his attitude.
  • The eye bags aren't makeup, he just overworks himself.
  • When in the dark, I want his eyes to glow or at least stand out.
  • His dominant eye is covered by his hair, except for in important moments.
  • When shown, his dominant eye has a crosshair like Wolfgang's.

Psionic Talent: Adaptation

Offense 20%
Defense 70%
Fundamentals 100%
Versatility 100%
Recovery 80%
Strategy 90%
Destructiveness DEPENDS%

Analytical Eye

The Wolfgang family is known for being geniuses with sharp eyes, and those eyes were inherited by Azathoth and his younger brother. While Azathoth’s aren’t nearly as potent, they still allow him to see at a farther distance than most people, and have an enhanced understanding of pattern recognition and minute details. The Analytical Eye funnels directly into his psionics, allowing him a much deeper understanding of psionic energy than most people.

Psionic Storage

The basis of Azathoth’s technique. When he sees another person activate their technique, he is able to change the form his psionic energy takes to match theirs by copying their mode of activation. He can store up to 5 techniques, each corresponding to a finger on his right hand. When activating a technique, he can freely use the technique for ten minutes before the psionic energy destabilizes and the technique must be recopied. More complicated techniques take a longer time to copy.

Phenomenous Adaptation

When a technique has been successfully copied, Azathoth becomes immune to the phenomenon imposed on him by similar psionic powers. For instance, if Azathoth copies Pyrokinesis, he becomes immune to fire and extreme heat. In a more complex sense, if he copies a technique that allows him to teleport, he becomes immune to effects that would forcefully teleport him. He is immune regardless of whether he is actively using the copied techniques.

Nonstandard: Concurrent Casting

Azathoth can use multiple talents simultaneously, assuming he can fulfill the mode of activation for both those talents at the same time. However it splits his attention, and it becomes harder to focus on an individual talent, so it’s not a technique he often makes use of.

Manifest: Psychonomicon

Due to his enhanced understanding of psionic energy, he’s one of the few that unlocked a Manifest technique. Psychonomicon, when activated, allows him to freely peruse and make use of every psionic talent he’d ever seen, by temporarily uncapping the time limit for using copied talents. During this time, he is about as durable as a normal person, and far more susceptible to damage.



A Prodigy Is Born

Adalrik Wolfgang was born to a fairly nuclear family, though from a young age there were signs that he was special. He had a bright air about him, a brilliant mind, and a genuine drive to help people. He became known as an angel, even if he developed an…interesting sense of style. Luck hadn’t finished smiling down on him though, because when he turned 15, his psychic powers had finally activated. It was a surprise for his family for sure, which to that point hadn’t had any clue there was a psionic gene in their bloodline, but a welcome one.

Advent of the Hero

For years after Azathoth had awoken his psionics, he used them to the best of his ability to help around the city where he’d grown up, and found a newfound appreciation for other people’s psionics. Helping those around him allowed him to peek into the problems that lay underneath Eden’s pristine surface. This realization that everything wasn’t as it seemed came to a head when he stumbled across a man bleeding out in an alley after barely surviving an attack from an assassin. The man’s name was Hastur, and after patching him up, he was introduced to the E.I.D.F. and their efforts to track and regulate psionic crime in the city of Eden. It sounded noble, and Azathoth, while not an official member, wanted to lend a hand.

E.I.D.F.’s Ace in the Hole

Working together with this newfound friend, Azathoth helped, and was instrumental into the takedown of a large criminal syndicate who’d been stifling the E.I.D.F.’s growth into a proper organization for years. The close proximity with combat allowed him to improve and grow his psionic abilities exponentially, and by the end of their underground war he’d quickly evolved into one of the strongest psychics Eden had to offer, as well as a renowned hero. Taking up a proper position at the E.I.D.F. was the logical step forward in his career, and he happily took the job. Nowadays he continues to regulate and put a stop to psionic criminals wherever they pop up, with most not standing a chance against the might of his psionic prowess.






”A brilliant mind, even smarter than I am by a large margin. I’m very proud of what he’s made of himself, though I think he needs to work on his social skills.”



Best Friends

”My first and closest friend! Who knows where we would’ve been if I hadn’t found him in that alleyway. Needs to show up to work more, though, he’s a department leader, for christ’s sake!”




”A powerful psychic who clearly needed guidance. He was only a teenager when he joined the E.I.D.F. and was already sitting on an ocean of psionic energy that he desperately needed to learn how to control! I look forward to logging his progress.”




”I don’t know much about this one, but Cthulhu’s seemed to take a liking to him. It’s very hard to get past that indifferent demeanor of his. His powers are very scary, especially in the hands of someone so young!”




”Hosts amazing cookouts! I wish I could eat at his house everyday. It’s hard to believe he used to be such a notorious criminal back in the day. At work he’s a big goofball that can’t stop gushing about his wife. I hope I find someone I manage to love as much as that eventually!”




”I’ve never met him in person. I’d go visit him but Hastur tells me that he spends a lot of time asleep, and I’d hate to wake him up when he’s napping! I also hear that he has a potent psionic ability, he sounds like quite the man!”




”Someone else I’ve heard about but have rarely met. From what I do know, he doesn’t sound like a good guy… from what I know, he spends most of the year bounty hunting in the wastes, and only comes back for mandatory meetings. He seems like a dangerous sort, and I’ve been told to steer clear of him by multiple E.I.D.F. operatives. I wonder what his deal is…”