Chandler Ward (TAZA)



1 year, 4 months ago


Chandler Ward
15 years
Survival Skills

As an orphan who was abandoned at birth, Chandler grew up in series of foster homes. His last foster home was run by a greedy couple who cared more about the governemt support money than the kids' wellfare. From a young age, Chandler learned how to fend for himself, which is best demonstrated by his habit of gathering and hiding stashes of food and supplies. His major form of enjoyment was reading, and as a frequent visitor to school and public libraries, Chandler is full of tidbits of knowledge.

In chaos of the Outbreak, he was abandoned by his foster parents, but survived on his own for some time hiding and scavenging from his old home. He was eventually found by rescue services and brought to an evac camp. When the City was lost, he followed Lt. Honma to safety and now travels with the remaining survivors of the evac camp. Chandler is an expert scavenger who has an eye for collecting useful items, which he stores in his oversized camper backpack.

Pack Rat
Despite his small size and lack of muscles, Chandler is able to somehow carry and travel with an extremely heavy load of supplies that furnish his every need, and beyond.
Expert Scavenger
Chandler has a great eye for finding scavenging spots and picking up items that will come into use in the future.
A Partial Knowledge of Many Things
As a formerly avid reader, Chandler is full of useful tidbits of knowledge. Whenever possible, he picks up new books to read during downtimes, but has the foresight to abandon the less useful ones after he's done with them.
Iron Stomach
Chandler is an extremely unpicky eater and has no problems eating extremely expired or stale foods. In fact, one of his favorite foods is stale crackers. The staler the better!
Rat Instincts
Chandler has an uncanny sense of danger, and his favored tactic is to hide both himself and his stash upon encountering threats. He's a very clever hider, being able to find and cram himself into nooks and crannies that most hostiles would overlook.

It's said that Eli and Chandler share a singular brain cell, and it might be true. The two enjoy making supply runs together, and despite their collective immaturity, the two have always managed to come back from the runs safe and sound with bountiful supplies to boot.

Since meeting Chase, Chandler always keeps a look out for small electronic devices to bring back for trade. Chandler knows that Chase is unable to go out and scavenge for these things himself, and always attempts to rip off Chase in an unfairly skewed barter. Despite this, the two have a sort of friendship built on the mutual interest of creating gadgetry.

Chandler Ward The Way of the Rat