


1 year, 7 months ago




An assassin who plagued the higher echelons of Eden’s society for upwards of a decade, the Brightblade Huxley had been raised to be a ruthless killer from birth. Not only is he a powerful psychic, but he’s also a skilled melee combatant, with cybernetic enhancements to further improve his lethality. Wherever he walked, there was sure to be a river of corpses in his wake. While he was eventually caught and imprisoned, it was only a matter of time until the Brightblade would once again splatter the streets of Eden in blood.

His quiet demeanor and masked face betrayed no emotion, despite his above average height, he’d mastered the art of appearing and disappearing at will, was known to be ruthless and unyielding, and best of all, he was capable of following directions to a T. This made him more than a perfect henchman. Since he was broken out of his imprisonment by Jing, he has served the red masked man with a zealous fervor that hadn’t been observed of the assassin ever before. It makes one wonder just what his new employer offers that is worth such fierce loyalty...


Tall, Cut muscles, Broad shoulders.
Still, Reserved and Disciplined.
Modest, reserved. Full body coverage.


  • Those extra arms are a bitch to pose in pictures, but they’re so cool so It’s worth it everytime.
  • The only thing that I kept from his original design was the skull shaped mask.
  • The lower arms are longer and have greater mobility than his upper arms.
  • Bright blue cloak is supposed to make him look ghostly, as well as contrast heavily with his black bodysuit and the yellow of his psychic powers.

Psionic Talent: Photokinesis

Offense 70%
Defense 30%
Fundamentals 50%
Versatility 60%
Recovery 30%
Strategy 80%
Range 70%
Destructiveness 70%

Nonstandard: All Seeing Eyes

By manipulating waves of light, he can bend it into his eyes to be able to see in multiple directions, or see around corners and at greater distances. Manipulating it too much makes can make him feel nauseous, so he tries not to use this technique too much.

Standard: Light Construction

The average, predictable form of Photokinesis, and the technique that is shared by most photokinesis users. He condenses the light in the air into simple shapes, most often his swords, or small walls and barriers. These light constructs give off intense amounts of it which he can use to slice through objects with ease. He can also fire them out in the shape of beams, or waves originating from his blades, though as their form isn’t as held together, they are less powerful.

Nonstandard: Unseen Form

Bending the light around him, he can become nigh invisible. This invisibility works on cameras and other visual technology, though people with sharp enough eyes can pick up on the small disturbances in the air that indicate where he’s standing.



Born To Kill

Eden’s underbelly is well hidden, because of how hard on corruption the authorities are. The criminal organizations and gangs that make it in the pristine city of Eden then, are all extremely powerful and competent organizations, that walk a precarious line between power and total annihilation. And that is where Huxley got his start. Born into a crime family that was waging a silent war against the E.I.D.F. he was trained from a young age to harness his powers to take the lives of others. In a society like that it was either excel or be discarded, and soon he’d surpass all his peers.

And They Called Him… The Bright Blade

By the time he’d reached adulthood, he was responsible for the deaths of over 10 high ranking officials, half of which were powerful psychics in their own rights. His kill count beyond that had skyrocketed even farther. The city of Eden was utterly shaken by his presence, with everyone aware that no one was safe at any time of day from the light wielder's sword. Eventually though, his era would come to an end, as he had suffered his first loss in years at the hand of the only psychic he’d ever failed to kill, and in the same night, someone else had managed to destroy the organization he worked for. The Bright Blade was finished, and would be imprisoned for the rest of life. Or so everyone thought.

Deal With A Devil

Huxley never had any qualms about being imprisoned, rather he found it hard to care about anything at all, and so he served his sentence quietly. Years passed, and the Bright Blade became a relic to time. He was fine with that. Whatever motivation he had to kill was snuffed out the second he’d heard his organization had fallen, and now he was aimless. That is, until a man in a devil mask waltzed his way right up to his cell. The man clearly wasn’t a government official, so Huxley had no idea how he’d managed to infiltrate such a high security prison in the first place. He introduced himself as Jing, an enigmatic individual to be sure, and offered him a job, Huxley at first refused, but then he was given an offer that couldn’t be refused. Jing offered to give him the ability to feel. To actually touch, and not only that, he showed him that he could do it. To Huxley it was a miracle, a miracle that powers like that could even exist, and that this man was offering it to him, well, there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do. Falling quickly into obsession, he entered Jing’s service, and the city’s most notorious assassin was once again freed.






”I still remember that sensation, lingering on the tip of my fingers…. If the only thing I have to do to feel that again is take a life, I’d gladly kill for you. My inspiration, my infatuation… to have someone to fight for is a wonderful feeling.”




”I dislike the man’s hesitance to cooperate, but his connections are useful, and his powers even more so. I’d argue he’s a more useful asset than even I am.




”What a nuisance. I do not understand why Jing keeps him around. The shady organization this man is a part of obviously wants to use Jing for some unknown purpose. He should’ve let me kill him.




”Got in the way of my kill. A very powerful psychic, though not very smart or skilled. I would’ve killed him as well, but he is somehow important to Jing’s plans. His close proximity to my target is unfortunate.”




”I do not feel any way or another about the people I’ve been assigned to kill. Emotions get in the way of sound judgments. Though I do find the clever ones to be the most annoying. I thought he would have been easy to kill, seeing as he’s powerless, but somehow he was able to spot me even when I was invisible. Peculiar.




”He and his companions took down the criminal organization I originally worked for, and ultimately he bested me in combat. That would’ve been the end of my career, if not for Jing. A very powerful foe, even at my prime I’m not even close to his level. Best to steer clear.