

1 year, 8 months ago




Having been there since he was 10, Hastur is one of the longest running active members of the E.I.D.F., which is something he used to take quite a bit of pride in. Nowadays, he's a somewhat jaded, tired officer who would love nothing more than to skip work and sleep in. With how deligent his teammates are, it's something he's often capable of doing. The snarky psychic is far from incompetent though, having every protocol and code word memorized. He's one of the more intelligent psychics, though some would say it's counterbalanced by how downright lazy he is.

Amongst his peers he is one of the ones with the most fine control over his own psionic talent as well, having it broken down and categorized into different sub-abilities in which he will mix and match together in combat. This ability has earned him the title of being the Untouchable King in terms of Eden's top Psychics. It's rare that he ever sustains direct damage. It's not often he's sent out anymore, as he's more than proven his worth on the field, normally opting to stay at base and play defense, as well as being the primary caretaker of another member of the top psychics. Whenever they CAN get ahold of him to send him out though, it's because he's the head of the illustrious Department of Damage Prevention. His powers, along with others in the DoDP, excel at solving issues with the least amount of damage done to Eden's property. As far as he's concerned, the less destruction there is, the less paperwork he has to force someone else to do for him.


Thick, Muscle Gut
Cynical, Sarcastic
Skin Bearing, Techwear, Trendy


  • In universe, he’s considered to be very handsome/alluring. It’s his secretive attitude, honestly.
  • Cat theme runs through his design
  • He kinda looks like a razor mouse, doesn’t he?
  • The mask emotes along with his emotions.
  • Hairy…..

Psionic Talent: Distortion Zone

Offense 95%
Defense 100%
Fundamentals 95%
Versatility 75%
Recovery 50%
Strategy 60%
Range 30%
Destructiveness 100%

Standard: Distort Mass

Hastur can change the amount of mass inside creatures and objects in his Distortion Zone, adding or removing from it as he pleases. He can control this mass independently of the laws of physics, effectively making it imaginary. When he does so, it can act independently of other effects created by the Distortion Zone.

Standard: Distort Velocity

Hastur can change the directional speed of objects and creatures in motion within his Distortion Zone, making them faster or slower as he pleases. He can control this velocity independently of the laws of physics, effectively making it imaginary. When he does so, it can act independently of other effects created by the Distortion Zone.

Standard: Distort Gravity

Hastur can change the force of gravity for creatures or objects in his Distortion Zone. Unlike his other abilities, it is always affected by changes in Mass and Density, or the Velocity and Speed at which it travels.As such, he has to put more conscious effort into how he uses it.

Maximize: Experimental Black Hole

Outputting his psionic output into his technique, Hastur is another one of the rare number of people who can access a Maximize abilities, and he does so by funneling all his techniques into his control over gravity. Experimental Black Hole creates a well of gravity that sucks in everything around it, growing bigger with the more energy it consumes. When he’s consumed enough, he can activate Second Movement: Big Bang, and send the Black Hole towards a target, detonating it. He can’t use any other technique while wielding this Maximize, but he can control it from a distance, despite it being unwieldy and hard to control.

Maximize: Experimental White Hole

Outputting his psionic output into his technique, Hastur is another one of the rare number of people who can access a Maximize abilities, and he does so by funneling all his techniques into his control over gravity. Experimental White Hole essentially does the opposite of Experimental Black Hole, creating an area of intense gravity that acts as an impenetrable wall, pushing everything he doesn’t want in it out. The entire area that the White Hole envelops is affected by Distortion Zone, allowing him to increase his range. As it burns through his psionic energy faster than any other technique, it doesn’t last long, but it’s safer to use than his other Maximize technique.



The Castillo Family

One of the most prolific families in all of Eden, the Castillo’s are a well known bunch. They’ve become the embodiment of perfection, one of the richest families in the cities, and a symbol of prestige among psychics everywhere. Mainly known for their powerful psionic talent, which seemed to be passed through the generations like an heirloom. At least one member of the Castillo’s was guaranteed to be blessed with Distortion Zone, and lucky enough for Locke, this generation it was him. He was put to work at a young age, made to work for a small company the family was sponsoring since he was ten years old, and his entire childhood became about training and perfecting his psionic abilities. With the help of the, at the time, infantile E.I.D.F. he was able to rapidly gain control of his powers, and was already on the cusp of being the strongest Castillo the family had ever seen.

Plateau’s and the Bright Blade

By Hastur’s late 20’s/early 30’s, he’d reached a point where he plateaued. The E.I.D.F. was low on resources, and though he felt like there was still more to master, he couldn’t seem to enter that next tier of power. Despite the companies small size, criminal competitors who didn’t like the idea of people out there regulating psychic crimes were out to ruin them, with their biggest adversary being a corporation that raised assassins. They were already aware of his strength, so they responded by sending one of their strongest, most infamous killers after him. The Bright Blade. He was strong and experienced, yes, but it was his first time going up against someone whose entire life was spent being trained to kill, and for the first time ever, he’d lost. He managed to escape, but didn’t make it very far, and eventually accepted that he was going to bleed out in an alleyway, alone. Somehow though, that didn’t happen. Rather he was miraculously stumbled upon by the weirdest dressed man he ever met. Adalrik Wolfgang.

The Seat of the Strongest

Much to his chagrin, the weirdo who saved his life ended up being a secret weapon of sorts, and with his guidance, Hastur was able to full comprehend his own psionic energy, finally ascending past that roadblock that’d stagnated himself for so long. With newfound strength, the fall of their adversaries was inevitable, and their big criminal competitors were basically forced into the darkness. Hastur had solidly carved himself a place among the strongest, and while he wasn’t the most powerful psychic the city had to offer, he honestly at this point couldn’t care less. All he really wanted was a nice long nap.






”He saved my life, so I guess I owe him that much. Regret offering him a job though, he likes workin’ here way too damn much.”




”I’ve met paper towels that were more intimidating than this dipshit. He’s fun to play pranks on, at least. And it helps that he’s cute. He needs to take more pride in his position.”








”He’s a fucking nuisance. It’s like this guy’s never heard of the words ‘leave me alone’ before. Doesn’t mind my personal space at all, and it doesn’t help that he always fuckin’ smells like he just got out the gym. Why is it that he always chooses to bother ME?”



Caretaker For

He’s…pretty alright. I’m in charge of takin’ care of him most of the time, since his powers are supposedly useful in a pinch. The facility is too hard on the old man though… he shouldn’t be here.”




”Honest to god, I don't know why he’s even included in the list of the city's strongest psychics. Nobody even has a solid handle on his rank amongst us, and he’s never around long enough to find out. He’s barely even considered a member of the city. Whatever”