Kellen von Rhein



1 year, 7 months ago



Black Eagles
Basic Info

Name Kellen von Rhein
Nickname Kell
Pronouns He/Him
Age 17
Height 5'11"
Class Cavalier
Crest Crestless
Designer Badking

  Kellen is the only son of an incredibly poor couple living in the outskirts of Enbarr. The wealth disparity between the Adrestian Empire’s greatest and lowest could not be more astronomically wide. Anyone who is remotely educated on the ways of Fodlan know that those born with crests have the world in the palms of their hands. Kellen could not read, could not even understand so many long-syllabled words in conversation let alone partake in academia. But he knew… that those with crests all congregated at Garreg Mach, and if he did not attend, he would be missing his chance.

His one chance. But in order to attend… he’s going to need to replace someone. After living in abject poverty he was as desperate as a beast whose stomach clenched in acidic wrath when he wrenched the life of a local nobleman away with his bare hands, uttering to himself that this is what it takes. He left provincial life with a savage initiation, and will slowly realise it is exactly that savagery that will see him succeed in the highest echelons of the Adrestian Empire.