
6 months, 30 days ago



he/they. eccentric. cool-headed. chaotic.
Basic Info

Name Eden
Nickname None
Pronouns He/They
Age 18
Height 5'7"
Class Thief
Crest Daphnel, Goneril
Designer Badking

     A human living as such for the first time. At a young age, Eden was stripped from his family by Agarthans, dark underdwellers that experiment on humans. He eventually gained two crests, fulfilling the goals of his captors and allowing for his first taste of human life. He's highly unusual and struggles to interact with others socially on account of his upbringing. His time in captivity has left him scarred - mentally and physically. He's never lived another life, so he faithfully serves his captors and gathers information. He can't help but feel some kind of twisted loyalty to them, despite the harm they've caused... Maybe time around others will help free him from his binding duty.
His body was also affected by his "treatment". He has a wicked scar across his neck that he covers with a fashionable choker. It cut deep, damaging his vocal cords and ruining his voice. Eden doesn't like to speak much due to this - it hurts, but more importantly it affects his refined image.
As for his current life? He loves animals, especially odd ones that remind him of himself. He lives on the edge, enjoying wild missions that take him to places he never could have seen as a test subject. He wants to keep this simple life for as long as he can.