


6 years, 6 months ago



Name Fishwhisker
Pronouns She/Her
Age under 2 years
Sexuality Demisexual Lesbian
Rank Healer
Clan Oceanclan
Alignment Chaotic Good

ALL INFORMATION WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR THE COMIC 'THE EXILED'. Fishwhisker is the main character, I suggest reading it here, before reading her bio.

Fishpaw was first a warrior apprentice, mentored by her aunt Coralclaw. After failing her assessment due to Crowstar punishing Coralclaw, as well as her own immaturity, she switches to being a healer apprentice under Whisperleaf. Life seems to be looking up for her until one of her clanmates is killed. Due to repeat nightmares from Starclan, Fishpaw feels compelled to find the killer. While she investigates, she finishes her training and earns her full name, Fishwhisker.


  • Petalsong
  • Feeling useful
  • Independency
  • content


  • Oceanclan's tyranny
  • A lot of her family members
  • Dishonesty/Secrets
  • content

General Personality:

Fishwhisker is an anxious young adult, to hide her vulnerabilties she is outwardly aggressive. She is someone who is easily caught up in the machinations of her mind, and can quickly spiral if things do not go according to plan. A cat who is still lonely, despite being surrounded by others. Fishwhisker feels like an outcast amongst her clan, the drama that her family is often involved in weighs heavy on her mind. She has an easier time getting along with Firespots and the foxes, since they don't have the prejudice against her that she percieves from her clanmates. Her anxiety shows strongly in the way she cannot help but make assumptions of other cats intentions and as a result is extremely distrusting, even of cats who are close to her. She is known to make decisions on impulse and out of panic, which is something she wishes she could stop doing.

Kithood/Early Apprenticeship:

Fishkit starts out with a good relationship with her family, Sandywing and Springflower both doting on her and her brother. Once she is old enough to understand the whisperings of her clanmates, she begins to feel judged for being half Treeclan. She also feels judged for the way other cats talk about Sandywing with disdain. She gets along with her brother, and her new friend Petalkit. Once she is apprenticed to Coralclaw, it's made very clear to her by Sandywing that this is a bad thing. Fishpaw feels like she is being punished, and Coralclaw is abrasive and stand offish to her. Coralclaw offers no emotional support to the apprentice, and the two bicker a lot.

Comic Timeline:

Fishpaw fails her warrior assessment, with Rockfall and Petalsong getting their full names without her. The public humiliation drives Fishpaw to flee the area, going outside Oceanclan territory to be alone for a few hours. She meets Firespots, someone who scares her at first but over time they become good friends. Firespots is someone that Fishpaw begins to regularly seek out and ask for advice from, she feels a kinship with him due to the way he was also neglected by the clan and Crowstar in particular. Fishpaw also begins to become close with Cloverfall and Whisperleaf, two adults in her clan who goes out of their way to be nice to her. She switches to being a healer apprentice, giving up on her warrior training and inadvertently causing Sandywing to snap. It's revealed to Fishpaw that her mother was only supportive of her under the pretense that she was doing exactly what her mother planned for her. As their relationship crumbles, so does her closeness with Rockfall as he begins to distance himself from her in a futile attempt to avoid getting into the family drama.



Coralclaw [ Aunt/Former Mentor ]

Fishwhisker's relationship with her aunt was always a complicated one. Sandywing had told her many things about Coralclaw, not all were true. Once she was apprenticed to her, it became very clear that Coralclaw did not like her. Fishpaw assumed it was both Sandywing's influence as well as her appearance being similar to Deepwater's that was upsetting to Coralclaw, but this wasn't fair to her. Fishpaw wanted to be treated with a kindness that Coralclaw was not going to give. After she fails her assessment, she and Coralclaw get into a spat. Eager to get out of the situation, she turns to Whisperleaf and asks to become his apprentice. This upsets Coralclaw even further, now having no chance at ever having fully trained an apprentice. Their relationship is still strained even months later, the two go out of their way to avoid each other.


Whisperleaf [ Mentor ]

Whisperleaf has shown Fishpaw an unexpected amount of compassion and understanding to her problems. He very quickly became an adult that she felt she could trust. Having no connection with her biological father and losing love from Sandywing, Whisperleaf stood in to be a sort of parental figure to Fishpaw. They have a very respectful relationship. He knows her urge to get her full name, after being an apprentice for so long, so the two work hard to finish her training fast. Whisperleaf also knew that Fishpaw needed independency and time to herself, so he would trust her to be careful when she was alone. She likes the name he gives her, as 'whisker' is reminiscent of 'whisper' and she feels like she can always carry a part of him with her.


Petalsong [ Girlfriend ]

Petalsong has always been Fishwhisker's closest friend since the day she was born. The two of them have had a mutual crush on each other for a long time. -unfinished-


Talondusk [ Frienemy (?) ]

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Firespots [ Friend (?) ]

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Twiggy [ Friend ]

Twiggy is one of the foxes that lives with Firespots, the only one who seems to go out of her way to be interested in Fishpaw's life. Fishpaw is of course, hesistant to befriend a fox at first, but she eventually feels like she can call Twiggy a friend. They both are happy to see each other, and Twiggy is very keen on listening to her friend.


Sandywing [ Mother ]

Sandywing is Fishwhisker's mother. The two of them did get along when she was young, the only problems being afraid of her mother's wrath that was shown to Coralclaw. Once she became a healer with Whisperleaf it became apparent that Sandywing only loved Fishwhisker on certain conditions.


Silverstone [ Father ]

Silverstone is Fishwhisker's father. He lives in Treeclan and the most interaction they get is small talk at the gatherings or at the border. The two rarely see each other, Fishwhisker does not view him as anything but her mother's boyfriend.


Rockfall [ Brother ]

Rockfall is Fishwhisker's brother, and their mother's golden child. The two were close as young children but quickly fell apart when Sandywing began to heavily scrutinize Fishwhisker. She feels like she can't trust her brother to not choose Sandywing over her. She knows that Rockfall dislikes conflict, but is upset with his willingness to play peacekeeper in a fight that cannot be won peacefully.


Springflower [ Grandmother ]

Springflower is one of the few family members that Fishwhisker doesn't feel aggression towards. She does feel a bit awkward with her sometimes, and would worry that she may relay information to Sandywing. Their relationship is improving the more Sandywing is removed from the picture.


Deepwater [ Grandmother ]

Deepwater is one of Fishwhisker's grandmothers, who is often accompanied by her sister Wavecrash, Fishwhisker's great-aunt. Fishwhisker trusts neither of them, both of them are prophets and she believes they both are interfering to make things worse instead of using their powers for good.


Crowstar [ Leader ]

Crowstar is the current leader of Oceanclan, they have a cordial relationship with each other. Fishwhisker does not like the leader very much, but knows getting on her bad side will not do her any good. She holds heavy disdain for Crowstar due to the way she was treated as an apprentice. The two share a distrust of Starclan and feel particularly screwed over by them.


Cloverfall [ Friend ]

Cloverfall is a positive role model for Fishpaw. She felt that the older cat really did care about her, but still ran out of fear when Cloverfall had caught her sneaking around at night. When Fishpaw found out that Cloverfall was killed after that encounter, she felt determined to try to find the culprit to make up for leaving her alone that night.


Honeypaw [ Apprentice ]

Honeypaw is Fishwhisker's apprentice. She feels ill-equipped to train the younger cat without Whisperleaf, but is trying her best anyway. She admires his love and passion for plants and interest in medicine, he's a natural healer and she hopes to be a good influence on him.


Autumnstar [ Dark Forest Trainer ]

Autumnstar is the tyrannical leader of Oceanclan who preceded Crowstar. Fishwhisker was not alive during his reign and does not know him personally very well at all. What she knows of him does make her resent him, as he is the source of many of Oceanclan's problems. She does not trust him and expects him to end up hurting her, but she is desperate any kind of help.

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