Yukira (Vampire!Yukira)



4 years, 5 months ago





Emotion Vampire


at least mid-50s






Spook Tour Guide!!!


True Neutral






Yukira is an emotions vampire- she does not remember how she became how she is, but as far back as she can remember she has needed to feed on the emotions of the humans around her to survive. She can eat human food if she needs to, but it doesn't keep her filled for long, like if she tried to subsist on twizzlers only. She currently works at a tour guide, haunted tours that she bills to scare people- fear, after all, is a nice strong emotion, and with a large enough group she can get a nice smattering of the emotional equivalent of chicken nuggets with each tour.

Yukira is very cheerful and excitable, at least on the surface. When she is fairly well fed, she seems to glow and sparkle, but as she gets hungrier, she seems to darken and fade, and her eyes, which before were bright and inviting, fade into voids. Her power does require touch, but a brush of a hand or fixing a strand of hair is enough to make that connection, and she does not need much time to take. And once that connection is made, most humans find it hard to resist, their will simply not in it to pull away.

Emotions vary a bunch, and some are much better for her than others. The deeper or stronger the emotion, generally the more 'nutritious' it is for her. Fear, for example, is strong, but also easy- the equivalent of fast food, she mostly survives on it because it is one of the ones that is easiest for her to control. Negative emotions tend to fall on a semi-bitter end of the spectrum, while postive on the sweeter end- this is not to say one is better than the other, more a preference, though Yukira in general does prefer the sweeter side overall. Love is the ultimate emotion, one that is so overwhelming and enticing to her she barely can contain herself, and it is one she still struggles to stop herself in time if she runs into it, even as an outside party.

While she puts on a cheerful facade, really Yukira is quite lonely- she won't tell anyone this, but she is terrified of getting to close to anyone, particularly any kind of relationship. If love from the outside is that potent, what would happen if it was directed at her? Or worse still....what if she wasn't capable of being loved, of loving someone herself- she takes emotions, is she even capable of giving them? Better to just keep humans at a distance, use them to survive, nothing more. Still, she's thankful for her few more supernatural friends- she does not have to worry about accidental feeding with them, and can drop her guard a bit more.


Yukira doesn't remember her childhood, or much before her emotional cravings. She remembers at least as far back as the 70s, though parts of that are a blur as she tried to bring her powers under control. She doesn't particularly like overdraining people- they become so empty, nearly devoid of life, and though she's often gone by then she suspects that a few of her early victims were never able to recover from their encounter with her. Better to try to take a little at a time, they'll be a bit down for a day or two after but she gets what she needs, albeit often in a not quite as satisfying snack form as she would really like, but nobody gets permanently hurt....she hopes.


  • She knits for fun.
  • She tapes all the cheesy hallmark movies, they're her favorite.
  • Sun doesn't bother her though she is a late riser in general.




Friend and coworker

Regis also works as a tour guide, though he seems to have a more traditional vamipiric affliction. While he was still human, Yukira was cordiel but didn't try to get too much closer, but now that he is turned she is much friendlier and open- she doesn't want to broach the subject unless he does though, cause she knows turning is a sensitive subject to some vampires. Image and character belongs to Himochi!




Andrea is human?? At least seems to be- though she puts on a emotionless face, Yukira can tell its as much a facade as her own cheerfullness. And why does her emotions seem to have so much more depth than others... Andrea belongs to Leslie-Runery!