
Full Name: C4N-D1
Nickname: Candi

Title: The Choco Robot Racer

Gender: Female

C4N-D1, commonly adressed as Candi, is a robot racer created by Darkogi Chocrench, a non-playable racer. She's studious, polite, curious, open-minded and prideful, albeit naive and sometimes clueless, too. She's most curious about humans and their...functions, as she calls them. After all, she finds humans fascinating, and wishes to be the most human robot.

Likes: Books, Humans, Roomba
Dislikes: Salt water, Silk, Tazers

Candi has a fair face with rosy cheeks, as she doesn't appear to possess anything resembling skin anywhere else, brown headphone shaped ears, mechanical blue eyes, black face lines, and short, pale-ish blond hair with an ahoge (cowlick). She has a chocolate brown bow, and brown accessories on her side bangs. Her body is made up of chocolate brown, metal armor plating, resembling what looks like a basic racer attire, along with pink holographs forming a skirt and sleeve cuffs. She has 5 glowing buttons on her torso, and what resembles a belt around her waist with 2 red buttons, above the skirt holograph.

Her helmet is chocolate brown and metallic like her armor. It has a pink visor held up by red buttons, light brown stripes resembling the hair accessories on her side bangs, and a chocolate brown bow like the one on her head.

Racer Info

Theme: Chocolate

Fans: Anthropomorphic chocolate cubes

Kart: Chocolate Cruiser

Power-Up: Heated Blast (Her kart fires ammo of melted chocolate, knocking out opponents and slowing them down once the chocolate hardens)


- Speed: 75%
- Handling: 75%
- Sugar Coating: 90%
- Sweetness: 80%

Catchphrase: "Sweet-tastic!"


Darkogi Chocrench: Candi's creator and brother figure. She's loyal to him, and very dependant on him for knowledge (mainly about humans) and support. He gives her daily maintenance to make sure eveything in her functions works properly. She is, however, worried about his health, due to his constant overworking.

Cinder Cotton: Candi has a crush on Cinder, considering him the most fascinating human. He sometimes helps her with things like solving mysteries, and other times the two like to read together or hang out at a cafe. However, there are 2 other girls that like him, which gives her competition in winning Cinder's heart.

Liquero Twizzloom: The two racers have a sort of love-hate relationship. While Liquero isn't cruel to her, he will often poke fun at her for not being human, which angers her. There are times, however, when he puts that aside and proves helpful to her. This puts Candi in a conflict about whether he's a friend or foe.


  • Candi is the only racer in the roster who isn't human, being a robot that looks very humanoid.
  • Her design takes clear inspiration from Kiibo, a character from Danganronpa.
  • She can't eat or drink, but occasionally likes to think that she can.
  • Candi is considered a "Rare Racer", having appeared as a playable racer the least amount of times.
    • This is due to daily maintenance, to make sure nothing withing her malfunctions.
  • Candi is one of the only girls part of the new roster. Likely to balance the gender ratio.
  • She's 160cm tall. As a chibi, she's as tall as every other racer, maybe a bit shorter.