Salix the Sauce Pan



6 years, 15 days ago



5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.png" He is the Pan of Sauce "5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.png



" With me roo-run-rority ri-run-rority ri-no-ority-an "

5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngFull Name || Salix “the Sauce Pan” Penwiddle
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngNicknames || Sauce Pan; the Pan of Sauce; Saucy Pan
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngGender || Male
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngOccupation || Aspiring Magician; Courtier to the Queen of Fairy Dire Wolves
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngBreed || Piebald Fallow/Solar Fawn Oriental Jader Mix
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngBreeding Status || Slots Full; Off cooldown
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngRoleplay || Open
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngDesigner || Jendalie
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngAcquired || Breeding
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngTheme || "Red Soup"||"Velvet Green"
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngLayout || lowkeywicked

【 Title 】 Dark Fawn (the) 【 Parents 】 NiabiWillow
【 Breed 】 Piebald Fallow/Solar Fawn Mix 【 Ears 】 Cropped (Common)
【 Coat Type 】 Feral 【 Tail 】 Standard (Common)
【 Generation 】3 【 Eyes 】 Red (Rare)
【 Special Traits 】Curved Horn (Very Rare) 【 Trope 】 The Fairy Lover

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Temper 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】



Saucy Salix is a favored knight of her Majesty, the Fairy Dire Queen, praised for his elegance and nobility. The Queen keeps him around for his handsome looks, for conversationalist he is not, being prone to soliloquies on whatever takes his fancy. The fairies call him the Pan of Sauce - Shepherd among Willows, and adorn him in cloaks of willow boughs. Something of a rakish gentleman, Salix is often finding himself in trouble of some sort or another. It's usually his tongue that gets him in these messes - not quite silver, it's still a quick enough sharp implement, often deadpan in delivery - and it's what got him captured by faries in the first place. His saucy backtalk often gets him in trouble with the Queen or one of her advisers.

Salix is a passionate jader in his interests, which consists of making merry, playing tricks and magic. Salix hopes to master the art of magic reserved for those acclaimed humans - magicians and witches. He enjoys the pursuit of occult knowledge almost as much (if not more than) the acquirement of said knowledge. He's a very poor magician, capable of only a few illusory tricks which are not really magic at all. Still, he does them well, and the attention and praise he gains from entertainment can sustain him for a short time, for truly he loves the limelight. His voice can be soft as feather down, or carry like a stag's roar - and he loves a bit of dramatics.

An avid reader, Salix loves books. His old master, a human magician taught him the skill. It's one thing he's very proud of himself for - the only accomplishment he's really had in his life thus far. It may not be much, but for Salix it means everything. It means he can learn magic and read stories from those long gone. It means he will never be alone so long as he has a word to read. He considers himself a connoisseur of art and literature - but always as a consumer, never as creator.

Salix is most comfortable in dense places - dense wood full of friendly trees, dense halls full of roving fairies, dense rooms full of useful clutter. He likes to move through active spaces - open fields and moors give him pause, and leave him feeling exposed. He feels the need to be bolstered by things on either side of him - as if he needs them to frame him, or protect him - he couldn't tell you for sure which one. Even when he doesn't feel apart of these environments, he feels comfortable to know the empty spaces are filled. Emptiness unsettles him.

Salix has gained something of a capricious reputation. He's always fashionably late to parties. He's fickle with lovers and friends alike, at once appearing loyal and supportive, but bowing out when something else grabs his attention. He finds it hard to relate with others on a deeper level - he makes connections, not friendships. He's often left feeling unsatisfied - he wants to make friends, but doesn't know how. He's flirtatious and frolicsome, but rarely faithful. He's lived among faries so long, he's forgotten that not everyone in the real world is out to play tricks on him, and toy with his emotions. He can get bristly and defensive over things deemed innocuous by other jaders, and sometimes has trouble showing emotion.

This dark fawn loves entertainment - good food and wine, good music and dance, good companionship, good sport and good stories. The Fairy Realms may offer good music and good sport, but it is rather lacking in other areas. Always he craves for mortal companionship, for beef and mutton and potatoes, but mostly for stories. Stories to keep his mind sharp when dealing with the fairy court, pining for his chance to return to the mortal world. Yet, Salix fears he is a fickle creature, for no sooner does he arrive home than to yearn for the music and beauty and adventure of the Fairy Realms. He is caught inexorably between two worlds. A jader trapped in the body of an elkrin. A magician in a world of dying magic. A mortal who walks amid the immortal.

Lover and thief, scholar and gentleman, Salix is no fighter. Despite the firece looking antlers, a warrior he is not, relying on magic and luck (both of which he is severely lacking in) to defend himself. When these fail, as they often do, Salix is left with his last two options - his tongue, and his legs. If he cannot talk his way out a situation, he will run, and vice versa. And boy, will Salix talk. He will talk your ear off if you let him, becoming more bombastic and verbose as his anxiety rises, going off on tangents, flattering, fawning, insulting, joking, teasing, riddling - every trick he might think of, swinging between subjects and tactics in a bid to keep his attackers engaged. He'll say anything, short of begging. Salix may be willing to stoop low, but that his dignity will not stand for.

A proud jader, Salix seems to over flow with self confidence, but in fact he has quite a fragile ego. He's always been an insecure, and slightly nervous jader. He can become easily confused or frustrated, and often throws in the towel and procrastinates. He's prone to introspective episodes of self-doubt and fear. These seemed to have gotten worse with his interactions with the fairy dires, who are always playing tricks on him. He has very little patience for the majority of the little imps, and will snap furiously at them if they try anything. They always fly out of reach laughing at this antics. Salix knows it's best to ignore them - but he can't. They're like thorns in his side. He enjoys trading insults with them, but only when he gets in the last word.

5989529_HQ0AWYIMTuynzPb.pngPhysical Description...


The Sauce Pan is no dainty, elegant deerz. Salix is built more like a draft sleipnir than an elkrin. He is tall, and built much heavier than his siblings or his parents. Though the fact that some jaders are still taller than he is, rankles him to no end - he likes being able to look down on people. Perhaps Asher accidentally mixed some moose elkrin blood in with him. Woe to those who call him fat or big boned - Salix will have you know that he is sleek. Sleek as a bull elk in a winter coat. But truth be told, Salix does like his fairy realm pastries, and his thickness isn't all due to fur.

This jader's coat is a dark, earthy shade of wet loam, dusted with pale spots. He has piecing red eyes, which makes for a rather scary appearance in the dark forests he roams. Adding to his physique are two horns atop his head, that grow in a shape reminiscent of antlers, a trait passed down through the Imperial line of his lineage. His muzzle is chiseled, and he bears a tiny tuft of fur on his chin. His cropped ears, are a little shorter than his siblings', and one sports a large notch from a tangle with a deer trap. His feet which are rather large as jaders go, and can move through the underbrush as silent as any forest creature. He's not sure where he picked up this style of movement - perhaps his time among the fairies brought it about. His pace is generally slow and languid, an easy, stretched out gait, and this coupled with his silence, gives his movements an almost otherworldly feel. His step is graceful, his legs supple and strong. At first glance one might mistake him for an elkrin – he even has the tail for it - but his stocky frame, and deep-throated bay quickly reveal his canine nature.

Salix's coat, especially on his neck and belly is quite thick, and scruffy. He never thinks to groom himself, and his fur is often host to many stray twigs and leaves. As a pup his mother Niabi would often fret over the state of his fur. Salix would always run when it was bath time. He hates soap with a passion – believes it scrubs away his natural masculine musk. Instead he ops for rolling around in whatever interesting smelling thing he comes across – piles of leaves, mud, pine needles, you name it. If he likes the smell of it, he'll stop and roll in it. He has been informed by many to avoid barbecue sauce especially when traveling through dire wolf territory at night.



[ mother ] Salix was always causing his mother Niabi to fret over him. He was often getting into trouble, tipping over the sugar jar, leading his siblings in pantry raids and eating themselves sick, rolling in some gross and possibly contaminated puddles, or experimenting magic on his siblings. She would worry over him constantly, and when he left home he fears her worries were not alleviated. He does feel bad, now that he's older and looks back on all the trouble he's caused her. Hopefully when he has pups of his own one day, they're not as big of terrors as he was. As a pup his favorite time with Niabi was when she would tell him stories, especially stories about magic.



[ mother ] Salix has a great relationship with his mother Willow. Though they differ in many ways, Salix and Willow share a sense of wanderlust. She was the one who taught him the many joys of rolling in smelly things. He's also seemed to inherit her penchant for getting in trouble, and her luck in getting out of it. Being in the Fairy Realm, he's forgotten a lot about her, and only now is he slowly beginning to remember her and miss all her fun games.



[ sister ] Euadene was always bit too bossy for Salix's taste. She always patronizes him. When they were young Euadene was usually the one to lead all their puppy adventures. Salix usually went along with these adventures, but as he grew order he and Euadene often butted heads – sometimes literally. Willow used to try and start a betting ring with Dresaeus and Eco on who would win these matches. It was usually Euadene. There's definitely some serious sibling rivalry there.



[ sibling ] Description here



[ brother ] Salix's brother Dresaeus is pretty easy-going. He was always happy to go along with Salix's adventures, and wacky magic experiments. He's been the victim of more than one experiment on Salix's part. They were partners in crime as pups, often driving their mother Niabi to hysterics. Their half sister Thrinacia tried to teach them both how to fight, and would always scold Salix for using his antlers instead of his teeth and claws. Salix did not do well in her lessons. He usually ended up as Dresaeus punching bag. But he loves his brother, so he always pretended that he didn't mind that much.

= breeding partner   ||    = friends   ||    = rivals


The Queen of the Fairy Direwolves

[ Queen ]       Salix is a member of the Queen of Fairy Dires' court. His duties include serving the Queen at her table; making the Queen look good; serving as her champion; providing stimulating conversation when things get stale, or lead towards subjects the Queen disapproves of; entertaining the Queen and her retinue; doing basically anything and everything the Queen tells him too, in as polite and efficient a matter as possible - as you might imagine, Salix is not the best at this job, but he looks good doing it and that's all that matters.



[ knight in shining armor ]      Titus is the dashing and handsome Captain of the Guard. When he first met him, all Salix could think of was how to win over Titus, but Titus refused to play his fairy games. Eventually Salix stopped in his advances, and found that Titus was having a good influence on him, rekindling his interest in magic, and making him long for the Mortal Realms once again. Salix and Titus are pretty different individuals. Titus is always looking to save people, and Salix likes to fantasize about the domestic storming into the Fairy Court and sweeping him off his feet someday. But it's just a fantasy. Salix is too frightened about what the Fairy Queen might do to the both of them if she found he was plotting an escape. On an intellectual level, Salix finds Titus quite refreshing. He offers up very different ideas and opinions – things like honor and heroism are very important to the Beta Corso. They may might not mean much to Salix's fairy-addled brain, but it reminds him that life isn't all intrigue and back-stabbing. At least not in the mortal realms. He could listen to Titus's speeches on morality all night and day.



[ moonlight hunter ]       Salix needs to impress Lassicus. He's not sure why exactly, or why he continues to manuever himself into dealings with the insufferable fuzzy jader. Maybe it's the way Lassic keeps saying how much he wants to give him a bit of a nibble that makes Salix's blood quicken a bit. Maybe it's that little self-satisifed smirk he'd like to wipe off that smug face. Maybe it's the scent of magic and mystery about him, or the fact that Salix owes him for helping him out of a jam, and gosh is Salix bitter about that and needs to get him back and prove that he can handle himself in the woods without that big werewolf stalking behind Salix like he's game. In fact, Salix is completely obtuse to the fact that Lassicus is a werewolf who might like to actually eat him. Salix figures the big jader follows him because he has a crush on him - I mean, who wouldn't have a crush on him? Salix is quite dashing. Given those circumstances, Salix has to play a little hard to get - just to keep the hunt a bit interesting, no?


Holly King

[ antithesis ]      A familar stranger from his past whom he has yet to meet.



[ fairy chaser ]       Arawn is known for hunting down fairy creatures, and Salix and his fairies are no exception. The Auroch jader has a bone to pick with the Fairy Queen, though Salix doesn't know what it is. She often sends Salix and her fairies to harass the war lord and foil their semi-regular invasions. Arawn wants the fairies land and their magic for themselves, and if Salix gets caught in the cross fire, so be it. Salix really has no personal feelings towards Arawn - he's never actually seen the war lord, only heard stories of their prowess. If he ever did come across them, he would turn tail and run.


Salix's story takes inspiration from Tam Lin, a traditional Scottish ballad wherein a man is captured by the Queen of fairies and must be rescued by his true love.

He is all the pan. He is a saucepan. He likes to pan works. He is deadpan. He has antlers like Pan, and enjoys the panpipes. He also is a pan. And panthestic. He is very much pansexual, and will enjoy a tumble in the bushes with just about any willing soul. One time in a fight he picked up a frying pan, proclaiming that it is in fact a powerful magical weapon. So, his weapon would also be a pan, if he's in a pinch and needs to use one. He is very much all the pan.

Salix's antlers are permanent. Since Salix is unable to shed the velvet, they are still getting a nice blood supply, and very, very slowly still growing. They are very soft, and not at all as stabby as he'd like you to think.

His title of Pan comes from the Greek for 'shepherd', and the 'sauce' part of his title means willow - which is what Momma Willow calls him because she can never pronounce Salix. The Fairy Queen gave him the title of Pan of Sauce meaning Knight of the Willows, because fairies love word play as much as I do. It's totally a made up title though; she just did it to mess with him, but Salix has fully embraced it, and just acts like it's an actual thing.

Is only seen by night, before sunrise he is collected by the fairies on their return to the Fairy Realms.

Thinks the socks his grandmother Danika sent him for Yuletide will impart magic powers upon him, and dances in them in the pale moonlight when he thinks no one is looking.


5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.png" And pleasant is the fairy land,
But, an eerie tale to tell,

Ay at the end of seven years,
We pay a tiend to hell,

I am sae fair and fu o flesh,
I'm feard it be mysel. "

Once upon a time there was a magician who pulled off the greatest trick ever known.

Salix is the second born child of Willow and Niabi. He always stood out among his siblings and Penwiddle half siblings for his dark coat, and his independent attitude. He was always toddling off on great adventures, and falling off cushions. After falling off said cushion Salix would start trying, and send his poor mother Niabi into hysterics while his other mother Willow tried to 'fluff' him like a pillow, because he was too pointy. It took Riddle stepping in to bring some order to the chaos.

Salix looks more like an elkrin than either of his parents. As a pup he always felt a bit intimidated by his imperial siblings with their glowing eyes and their blue and violet blood. Whenever they played games it was always 'glow vs. no glow'. He always complained that he wanted to be on the glow side. One day he was chewing on a book about blood magic, and decided to try to make his own glowy blood. Niabi caught him trying to prick Dresaeus with some thorns and was beside herself. In order to stop him from doing something stupid like that ever again she told him about how he has imperial unicorn blood in his veins. Everything changed after he learned that; there was no shutting him up about it. The young pup was filled with delusions of grandeur and convinced that he was owed a great destiny.

That delusion was quickly shattered when he left home. Salix bounced around from place to place until he found himself the pet of a side show magician named Albert. Albert named him 'Pan' on account of the jaders fascination with the frying pan when it was cooking bacon (Albert was not very good with names). Salix's interest was piqued – here at last he could begin to unravel the mysteries of magic that had so long eluded him. He learned from his master how to read, and although it's a difficult task, it is not an impossible one. Salix avidly read through books on magic and literature, while his human master performed countless experiments on the jader, very few of which seemed to have any effect. Albert wasn't a very good magician as it turned out – the son of a long line of witches and warlocks he lacked his ancestors' skill and made up for it with shoddy parlor tricks, always convinced there was magic, somewhere in his tricks and his blood, that one only needed to see to understand. Salix agreed. The jader was whole-heartedly convinced of his master's talent for true magic, just as his master believed in him.

Both Salix and Albert had a keen interest in all things real magic, and would research it relentlessly. So it seemed quite natural while in town to look into the standing stones that people said were charged with magical energy. It was while combing through the woods hunting for this place that Salix met the handsome and disreputable Lassicus, a werewolf jader who mistook him for a bit of venison, rather than for the great and powerful magician that he is. Salix was more fascinated/exasperated by the werewolf than scared of him. Even when Lassicus told him to stop traipsing through the forest at night, Salix ignored him, and continued hunting out that stone circle, determined to lead his master to it. One night, he found himself in a spot of trouble, caught in a deer trap of all things. Lassicus had to be the one to rescue him, though not without taking a notch out of his ear for the trouble. Salix gave Lassicus an earful (no pun intended), and sulked for days over the embarrassment. But he was more determined than ever now to prove to Albert and Lassicus that he could find the stone circle.

One night while out searching, in those areas Lassicus told him he'd be stupid to go to, Salix stumbled upon a parade of fairy dires, led by the Fairy Dire Queen herself. She took a liking to him, and spirited him away to the Fairy Realm. Once there he became the darling new courtier of the Queen's retinue, a bit of exotic blood to liven up the place.

He was much acclaimed for his beautiful antlers, and handsome features. He flitted through the fairy court, enjoying all the attention. He denied the obvious fact that he was only being used as an accessory for the Queen's amusement, preferring to think she thought highly of him, and trusted him as an adviser. Obviously that was not the case, but the fairy dires all enjoyed telling him it was, because they thought it was funny. The fairy realm abounds with delights – music is always played, He slowly began to lose his interest in magic, and any desire to go back home. The only thing it lacks is good food. The food in the fairy realm does nothing to satiate, even the fairies crave mortal food. So whenever possible the fairies cross over to the mortal realm to hunt and steal whatever goods they can find. The feasts after these raids are always the most raucous and merry, and are Salix's favorite.

Because he is mortal, Salix is able to cross over to the mortal realm far more often than the fairies. As the Queen grew bored of him, she would send him out into the mortal realm to raid the locals and hunt through the forest. Salix's forestry skills weren't quite up to snuff, so he just mooched off of Lassicus' kills, and won great acclaim for his masterful hunting skills. The Queen of Fairy Dires was suitably impressed, and conferred to him title and lands.

From thence forth he would be known as the Pan of Sauce. Pan meaning 'shepherd', and sauce meaning 'willow' she assured him amid barely contained sniggers. Salix bought it, and happily flaunts his title as the Pan of Sauce. He lords over a grove of willows in the fairy realm, which doesn't really mean much, since it's always infested with fairy rune dragons, and jackalopes, and no one ever comes to visit it.

One night while out “hunting” Salix ran into a handsome scarred face. A contingent of soldiers were making their way through the forest, led by the handsome Titus. They were there to clear the forest of bandits, beasts, and magical influences and establish a safe trade route, but Salix wasn't interested in that. Titus could've been there to build a house of pancakes for all Salix cared. The Fairy Queen, on the other paw was not amused to have her trees cut down, and her fairies harassed. The fairy dires began to play rather malicious pranks on Titus and his soldiers.

Meanwhile, Salix tried his best to drive Titus to distraction, to no effect. However, the warrior did have a profound influence on Salix. He found himself suddenly missing his old life, especially his magician, and his studies in magic. The Pan of Sauce found himself practicing his magic yet again, and although he made no progress, the practice alone made him happy. Seeing Salix reclaim his mortality (and stop fawning over him) Titus found he liked him much better. The Queen of Fairy Dires found this budding friendship threatening.

While rooting through the Queen of Fairy Dire's library, Salix found a strange piece of paper with an emblem of two horned figures entwined, that seemed oddly familar. Curious he's taken it, studying it closely, as their appears to be some sort of trick to it.

Salix is beginning to feel his influence with the fairy dires crumbling. He's worried the Queen may dispose of him before he finds a way to escape her clutches. In his spare time he tries to pick the brains of the fairy court for the way to escape.

Will Titus rescue this fair damoiseau in distress? Will Lassicus end up eating Salix in a freak hunting accident? Will Salix ever become a real magician? Only time will tell!


The Story of the Holly King and the Oak King

Once upon a time,
there lived two kings,
who were always at odds,
One was the Holly,
And one was the Oak.

Over the years they fought and strove,
When the Holly King triumphed,
Gentle darkness reigned,
And snow kissed the world to sleep,
And frost fairies played in his wake.

When the Oak king triumped,
Blazing summers reigned,
And warm light ushered in the new growth,
And flower fairies brought wine and dance,
to the earth.

The Holly chases the Oak,
He slays him where he stands.
The Oak withers, dies and rises again,
to lick his wounds in the forest yonder.

The Oak chases the Holly,
He slays him where he stands.
The Holly withers, dies and rises again,
to lick his wounds in the forest yonder.

Around the Wheel they dance and spin,
Dealing blows across time,
In desperate need of one another.
Forever searching until they find,
Their counterpart.

Quotes:    Royal Forester - Steeleye Span                               Tam Lin - Traditional Ballad                                                             Patterns:    jojo-ojoj.deviantart