


11 months, 24 days ago



Zoë Forester "The Thinker"

female • 27 • a criminal investigator with a love for forensics

Zoë is a rather questionable person with a look that screams that she's seen horrifying things. It's to be expected in the apocalypse, of course, but she brushes it off in attempts to seem as if all is well. She prefers to kick back and take things slow, but don't let that fool you— Zoë is more than capable of survival if push comes to shove. For the sake of everyone, it's best to hope that isn't necessary.

  • A great cook, though Freddy suspects she adds some disgusting ingredients to give her dishes a distinct taste.
  • Loves talking to Casey. They have overlapping interests and fields of study, as well as she enjoys picking the brains of someone new.
  • Each of the main characters in Zombolini: Apocalypse NOW! has one of five team roles assigned to them. How much the role fits them varies.
    • Zoë's role is "The Thinker" since she has a lot of experience with the morbid side of life. Her plans of often out-of-the-box, though her care for the team shows in how she rarely asks anyone other than herself to directly interact with the horrors of those infected.