


6 years, 1 day ago


Name: Cody

Age: 33 Birthdate: August 7th, 1988

Height: 6'0" (198.1 cm)

Gender: Male - He/Him - Asexual

Species: Half-Dragon | Serial code: GP-1987-HQ1DH85D766683H391071

Personality n stuff: Very stern and orderly; He is defiant but tries his best to keep quiet in the presence anyone but himself; He is more mature than most of the other half-dragons known, as he is also the oldest; fearful of those who raised him as they were quite abusive to him in his childhood in order to maintain control over him, the same goes for most ranked higher than him;


edit 8/16/2022:  Im working on rewriting some of this and fixing up his info!

Cody, suspected to be Haraldur’s biological nephew, is a more well-tempered half-dragon that follows the commands he's given even if he strongly dislikes them. He will follow with all but the most egregious orders even if he protests against them strongly. This is because of his training and because of deep rooted fear of the punishment he could receive from the organization. He is against USBAC’s ways but keeps silent amongst his peers out of self preservation. He is in command of a handful of DMU teams that capture and contain various creatures and specimens the USBAC desires. He is also in charge of keeping Boa (a rather sadistic half-dragon) in check; usually resulting to brute force to keep a tight leash on the crazed half-dragon. 

When Morgan came into the USBAC's custody he originally felt nothing. Seeing her as nothing more than another person he had to treat as an object in order to keep the organization satisfied. Over time his opinion changed though and eventually approached her to offer help in her escape. He allowed Morgan to escape from the USBAC's clutches by providing misinformation and pretending to be incompetent so that it would create a gap for her to slip through and run. After this he also began to gives bits of information to other half-humans in USBAC facilities when he got the chance. Even though he is a USBAC operative and is their property he now does the best he can to help others when nobody is watching because he knows what cruelty the USBAC will inflict on them. Despite this if he is being watched he'll become as cruel to the subject as he needs to be in order to preserve his own image and safety. 

He is the first half-dragon that was deemed a success by the organization. He was born prematurely but despite this grew to be the most healthy and promising subject in the DHIP program. The program was about to be drained of all funding and shut down but when he was the first to show the potential of half-dragons it's budget nearly doubled overnight. This is because he was the first half-dragon to uncover the ability to transform into a fully cognizant dragon form. It happened when he was a small child but the USBAC saw the value of this form and decided to indoctrinate and train him from them on in order to keep their control over his power. Because he is one of the first half-dragons he is currently the second oldest living half-dragon.

Random Notes:

- The hair on the left side of his head does not grow more than a few centimeters so it always has an uneven buzz-cut like appearance. 

- Blind in left eye from injury. The stitches were slopply done when the injury occured so it's left a nasty scar.

- His torso has quite a lot of scales scattered in patches, the only scales regularly visible are the ones on his face.