


3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Warren

Age: 21 Birthdate: September 30th, 2000

Height: 5'7" (170.2 cm)

Gender: Male

Species: Half-Dragon| Serial code: GP-2000-RF3DH97D120994H213696

Personality: Started as a quiet and obedient yet skeptical individual who lacked ambition, maintaining status quo.

Other:  Morgan's half-brother. They share the same mother. Morgan is unaware of his relation to her. Warren is older than Morgan by 2 years. Warren did not discover that he had a half-sister until he discovered her paperwork laying about on a desk some researcher had forgotten to return.

Warren was born 2 years prior to Morgan. His mother was an important researcher at the USBAC's facilities. Like many of the half-humans that work for the USBAC he disagrees with the quality of life and treatment of their research subjects; especially as he receives a good portion of the abuse. He lacked ambition to stand on his own or try to become independent so the USBAC took advantage of this and locked him into obeying them through intimidation. Over the years he has done many jobs and played many roles inside of the organization but never anything that gave him substantial power or leverage. The tasks he is most often assigned is most commonly security detail, perimeter patrols, and the occasional escort mission. He is never assigned to anything that would give him a proper chance to learn and grow outside of himself and develop independence.  

Eventually there came a point though, where he would start to see cracks in the the wall he thought impenetrable. The abuse he experienced and witnessed over the years inside of the organization towards those of his kind and the general lack of basic empathy inside the organization's structure chipped away at him. He began to hatch a plan to rebel and escape from the USBAC. At first he only became more stubborn and did his jobs in ways that could almost count as sabotage whilst probing for an escape route. The goal of escape changed when he discovered that he had a half-sister he was instead motivated to work from inside of the organization to chip away at it, working as a double agent once he was able to get in contact with a group known as the Refuge.