
9 months, 20 days ago


☆ Ash ☆

octoling • they/them • september 20th, 2001 M.E. (22) • 5'6" (~168 cm) • pan



Ash is one of the most laid-back individuals you will ever meet- this octoling is a natural conversationalist and thrive off of interactions with others. They're always down to initiate a chat and are an excellent listener- and has heard many stories and gossip about the competitive scene + workplace drama. While they're usually pretty good at not mixing up information shared with them, sometimes information slips out from them rambling.

They work at Toni Kensa with Minatoast, Lee, and Oreo, and is in charge of managing the company's behind-the-scenes vlog channel. Outside of work, they're fairly active in the ranked scene, and are known for one-tricking the Carbon Roller Deco. Their flashy plays and game-changing quads have gotten the interest of higher X rank players, but they're quick to turn-down any offers to join an organized team, especially those that aim to reach the top.

Ash can be found frequenting places like Humpback Pump Track and Musselforge Fitness, and enjoys living an active lifestyle. They have a wide array of hobbies that they enjoy (baking, fishing, jogging, playing acoustic guitar, singing), and love to share them with people.


ink color: orange / red preferred, greyscale also works.

headgear: tentaclinger earring

clothing: toni k. baseball jersey OR baseball jersey

shoes: arrow pull-ons

outside of their default gear, they gravitate to athletic sportwear and red/orange clothing items


Ash is a very easygoing and extroverted individual. They're very observant and pretty in-tune with other's emotions, making them great at reciprocating the other person's wavelength and enthusiasm. Their favorite conversation subjects involve hearing about people's relationships, whether if it's platonic or romantic. For people that they are close to, they are especially enthusiastic and willing to offer relationship advice if needed (re: Minatoast and Max).

While they have the skills needed to make a great mediator, Ash is quick to deflate any vents about super antagonistic relationships; they will immediately tell people to ask someone else for advice. Past experience with a certain team has led them to prefer a hands-off approach to explosive emotions, even if their inisght could be of great value to both parties.

Though they get along with most people, Ash values having the agency to go through life at their own pace, and isn't always keen on interacting with people who constantly budge them toward goals that disinterest them.


  • they gravitate to fire-type pokemon!
  • in minecraft, their preferred game mode is creative. for multiplayer servers, they will go with the flow and do whatever majority of people prefer.
  • if they are not actively in a conversation, chances are they're on their phone scrolling social media.
  • their camera roll is mostly filled with recordings from work events and parties, half of which involve minatoast's shenanigans
  • despite working at toni kensa, their favorite brand is actually zekko. their personal instagram account is filled with pictures of annaki and zekko-related products, and each post has a (joking) reply from minatoast with some variation of "I CAN'T BELIEVE U WORK AT TONI KENSA"