Mikoto Shirogane



6 years, 13 days ago



Name Mikoto Shirogane
Kanji 白鐘 美信
Nickname(s) Miko-chan
Gender Cis ♀
Age 17-18
Blood Type B
Birthdate April 6th, 2025
Height 5'4" (163 cm)
Western Zodiac Aries
Color Scheme Purple
First Appearance Unknown
Voice Claim Erica Mendez
Persona Sigrdrífa


  • Sewing
  • Sci-fi
  • Rock Music
  • Kids


  • Salty Food
  • Off-color Jokes
  • Superstition
  • Bullies



Physical Prowess

Mikoto's Persona Sigrdrífa mostly focuses on physical attacks, packing both of the subclasses strike and pierce.

Dark Magic

Sigrdrífa also has Dark magic, the Mudo line which allows Mikoto to instantly kill Shadows with these skills. However, Mikoto prefers to dole out physical damage.

Battle Style

Mikoto's main strength is that she's quite strong. She's also quite agile. Her main weakness is that she has less stamina. And in contrast to her fellow physical attacker Kazuo, she also has weaker defenses. But this is why she has a weapon that allows her to stand further away, a chained whip. She is quite adept with it.


Mikoto Shirogane is the only daughter of Kanji and Naoto Shirogane, older sister to Mamoru Tatsumi. She is known for being a tough, no-nonsense girl around Inaba, who especially despises being compared to her celebrity mother.

Mikoto is introduced a few months into the story, during the Gekkoukan-Yasogami sport festival, as she decided not to apply to the exchange program. Skeptical of the rumors regarding the disappearance, she seeks to disprove them.


Mikoto was born to Kanji and Naoto Shirogane on April 6th, 2025, after they had been married for over three years. For the first few years of Mikoto’s life, Naoto chose to work with the Inaba’s PD, in order to stay close to her family and help with raising Mikoto. After Mikoto turned five, Naoto began to slowly return to her career as a private detective. When Mikoto was young, she deeply admired Naoto.

Things began to change as she got older however. Mikoto was immediately pegged as Naoto’s daughter. This slowly began to bother Mikoto as people started to compare Mikoto to Naoto. Slowly, she began to think nothing was good enough and that she’d never measure up. As Mikoto hit her teens, it just worsened. Her relationship with Naoto also became tense, as Naoto grew frustrated with how Mikoto refused to reach her full potential in school.

Mikoto started to pick fights, acting almost as a vigilante towards bullies. Her parents’ friend Chie often had to bail her out of trouble. Mikoto couldn’t help but feel bitter, feeling that she’d never be able to escape Naoto’s shadow.


Mikoto is the oldest child of Kanji and Naoto Shirogane, but she is not quite what people picture the daughter of Naoto Shirogane would be like. While Mikoto is a bright girl, she doesn’t push herself academically wise. Truth be told, part of this is due to her rebelling against the expectations heaped onto her. These high expectations have soured her attitude, and Mikoto is often ornery and irritable. She doesn’t like to be told what to do or who she should be.

Mikoto is extremely strong-willed. She has a strong set of morals, despite being only eighteen. And while she doesn’t believe that the law is absolute, she believes that laws are created for a reason. She has no patience for injustice, and doing any kind of bullying in front of her is a very good way to get Mikoto on her bad side. Mikoto has a hair trigger temper and while she doesn’t pride herself on it, she often expresses her anger in a... not so peaceful way.

Mikoto is known for being tough as nails but she does have a softer side. Mikoto often struggles with conveying her emotions. More so, when she cares for someone. Mikoto did not have many friends growing up, and she has a tendency to be suspicious when someone does try to befriend her. She is too used to people wanting something from her. But despite this, Mikoto is fiercely loyal to her friends. She may get embarrassed by it sometimes, so she struggles to put how she feels in words. Usually, Mikoto prefers to show her affection through actions. Mikoto has a lot of pent up anger, but underneath her prickly exterior lies a very loving heart. She loves her loved ones very fiercely, and will fight tooth and nail for them.


  • Mikoto’s name means “beautiful trust/belief”.
  • Mikoto has zero faith in the occult and supernatural. Needless to say, she’s in for quite a shock when she finds out about Shadows and Personas.
  • Despite her lack of belief in superstition, she doesn’t shame Touya for it and keeps every good luck charm he makes for her.
  • Mikoto is skilled with the thread and needle, much like Kanji (who had taught her to begin with). However, unlike Kanji, Mikoto prefers to make more practical items. She especially enjoys quilting.
  • Mikoto is fond of strategy games, such as chess and shogi. When Reika convinces her to play video games, she usually plays Fire Emblem.
  • Mikoto’s hair is dyed so the tips are purple. She thought to dye it completely purple but changed her mind.
  • Mikoto was nicknamed “Miko-chan” by Hiro when they were children. However, Mikoto gets rather grumpy if anyone but Hiro tries to call her that.
  • Mikoto has quite a reputation in Inaba. There’s a certain incident that Reika especially likes to tease her about, when Mikoto tripped a couple bullies into the Samegawa River.
  • Mikoto was the one to convince Reika to come out to Yosuke and Chie about her gender identity.



Hiroki Narukami [ love interest ]

Hiro is one of Mikoto’s three childhood friends, but she was always the closest to Hiro. Hiro was always good at cheering up Mikoto, especially about her inferiority complex regarding Naoto. Mikoto had developed a crush on Hiro at a young age but she never made a move, terrified of rejection. Even though she had been saddened by the idea of Hiro moving away to chase his dream, she helped convince Yu and Rise to allow this. When Hiro ends up in her life again, Mikoto realizes with horror that she never got over her crush.


Reika Hanamura [ childhood friend ]

Reika and Mikoto's friendship is... complicated, to put it lightly. Reika enjoys needling Mikoto and Mikoto has a tendency to nag at her. That being said, the two girls are close. Reika understands Mikoto wants to figure out who she is, which is why she's so hostile to people comparing her to her mother. And well... if you insult Reika, especially about her gender identity, you'll be on the receiving end of a punch from Mikoto.


Ruri Aragaki [ friend ]

To be written.