Reika Hanamura



6 years, 8 days ago



Name Reika Hanamura
Kanji 花村 麗夏
Nickname(s) Rei
Gender Trans ♀
Age 17-18
Blood Type AB
Birthdate August 13th, 2025
Height 5'9" (175 cm)
Western Zodiac Leo
Color Scheme Pink
First Appearance Unknown
Voice Claim Morgan Berry
Persona Sjöfn


  • Music
  • Wuxia Movies
  • Beef Bowls
  • Basketball


  • Rainy Days
  • Condescension
  • Silence
  • Sand



Fire Magic

Reika's Persona Sjöfn specializes in fire magic; unlike Beowulf, Sjöfn can use fire spells that target all Shadows.

Physical Prowess

While Sjöfn doesn't have weak magic, she has stronger physical attacks. Sjöfn specializes in strike attacks.

Battle Style

Reika's strength is her agility. She's fast, from her years in partaking in athletic activities. She is the most likely to land critical hits. However, she is a bit fragile. Reika uses a pair of tonfa, which also doubles as guns when the mechanism is activated.


Reika Hanamura is the second child of Yosuke and Chie Hanamura, younger sister to Ryusei Hanamura and the older sister of Asuna Hanamura. She is also a well-known streamer, going by the alias "Kiramee". She is a member of SPIES. Her Persona is Sjöfn.

When the story begins, Reika has recently transferred to Gekkoukan High, a participant of the Gekkoukan-Yasogami exchange program. Reika was motivated to apply for the transfer program due to feeling like she didn't know what she wanted out of life and desiring to experience life more than she had in Inaba.


Reika was born to Yosuke and Chie on August 13th, 2025. Reika had a fairly normal childhood, often getting into trouble with her 3 childhood friends: Touya Amagi, Hiroki Narukami, and Mikoto Shirogane. She was especially close to Touya, who was her best friend out of her 3 childhood friends. There was one problem, however, as she grew older.

Reika was born physically male. But throughout her childhood, there was something that didn’t quite fit. But she couldn’t figure out what it was, until her first year of junior high. Touya showed her some research he had been doing. Reika was relieved to know that this was actually a thing. She eventually came out to Mikoto and Hiroki, but she was scared of coming out to her parents. But with the combined efforts of her friends, Reika eventually found the courage to come out to her parents. Yosuke and Chie were initially confused by the concept, but they told her that they would always love her and would support her. Yosuke even went and bought her a set of earrings, to show her that while he didn’t know everything about the subject yet, he was willing to learn and support her through this.

At the age of 15, Reika started streaming. She started out with streaming AAA games, introducing herself as Kiramee. She even created a sona to hide behind, as she still felt that she wasn't quite where she wanted to be with her transition. Her sona helped her, as Reika specifically designed her to look closer to how she wished she looked. By Reika's second year of Yasogami High, Reika had grown a sizeable audience, even getting international viewers. She was known for her knowledge of music, as she often discussed music trivia during her streams. She was happy... until she had her consultation on what she wanted to do in the future.

Reika... didn't have an answer. She admired her mother for being a cop and could understand why her father stayed working with Junes. But neither appealed to her nor any of the other jobs that the Investigation Team had. But she recalled that her older brother Ryusei always loved Inaba but he felt that he only found himself after leaving home. Ryusei had found a career as a freelance photographer and he was quite happy. So Reika reasoned, that maybe she needed to experience more of the world to find who she was. But she was stuck at home. Until her homeroom teacher reminded the class about the transfer program. Reika hadn't been interested last year, but maybe... it would give her the opportunity she needed.


Reika is energetic and always on the go. She always has to be doing something or she gets into... trouble. She strongly believes in carpe diem, and that every day is a fresh new opportunity. Reika wears her heart on her sleeve, and if people think she’s strange? So be it. She’s spent too long caring for people’s opinions, growing up to focus on that. She marches to the beat of her own drum, and nobody is going to stop her.

Reika is quite mischievous. She’s very playful and teasing, and enjoys the occasional prank. But due to this, she sometimes can be rather immature and can aggravate people. Reika is the happiest when she’s outdoors. She’s quite excitable, thrilled to enjoy life and all of its pleasures, and honestly is a big motormouth. However, Reika honestly lacks ambition. Reika is far from dumb, but she’s very lazy. She finds most school subjects rather boring and she much rather be outside. To put it shortly, Reika has no motivation.

But despite her immaturity, Reika is very emotionally intelligent. She notices things that sometimes people aren’t aware about themselves. However, Reika sometimes does lack the tact and just blurts out what she thinks. Reika knows that she doesn’t have much life experience, but wishes to change that: the main reason why she applied to be part of the Gekkoukan-Yasogami transfer program. Reika can be rather impulsive and reckless; one of the things that really cause her usually mellow temper to snap is insulting the ones she holds most dear to. She can be loud and brash, but she has a good heart. She just wants to find her place in this world.


  • Reika’s name means beautiful summer. Fittingly enough, Reika's birthday is during the summer.
  • Reika's handle Kiramee is inspired by the meaning of kirakira, which means sparkle and "me".
  • Reika is bilingual. She learned Chinese due to her interest in wuxia films.
  • Reika loves playing sports, but her favorite sport is basketball. She’s known for being a total speed demon on court.
  • Reika owns a set of Sailor Eclipse headphones, which she uses for streams. Ruri later takes it and tweaks it with the help of Fuuka, so that its quality is even better than before.
  • Reika is very touchy about her hair and she takes great pride in it. It’s like pulling teeth to persuade her to get it trimmed to take care of split ends. Reika is fairly mellow tempered, but messing with her hair is a great way to get on Reika’s bad side.
  • All of her childhood friends all call her Rei, but when Reika annoys Mikoto, she’ll switch to Reika.
  • Reika likes walking backwards a lot, as she likes to look at her friends while they’re walking together. Unfortunately, this does lead to her running people over. This is actually how she’s introduced into the story properly.
  • Reika loves painting her nails. She’s actually rather good at nail art.
  • Reika only wears one set of earrings, the earrings that Yosuke gave her.
  • Reika loves collecting button pins. She wears a couple on her summer uniform.
  • Reika’s hair ribbon was a gift from Yukiko.



Touya Amagi [ best friend ]

While Reika had three childhood friends, Touya is her best friend. Their mothers were best friends since elementary school, so maybe it was only natural that they would grow so close. Reika is often protective of Touya, who was considered rather odd. A very easy way to get on Reika’s bad side is to insult Touya. She honestly hates that people dismiss Touya so much and that they don’t see that Touya is actually really smart. She does wish that Touya would be more confident in himself and that people won't immediately mock him for expressing his opinions.


Ruri Aragaki [ love interest ]

Reika and Ruri knew each other as yearmates with Reika's transfer to Gekkoukan, but didn't meet each other officially until Reika all but mowed her down during the school sport festival. They would become teammates a month later, and Reika quickly grows to admire Ruri for her sharp mind and hidden sassy attitude. To Reika's delight, she found out that they had the shared hobby of video games and they grew closer, as Reika encouraged Ruri to embrace her true self. It wasn't long until Reika started to crush on her...


Mikoto Shirogane [ childhood friend ]

Reika and Mikoto are childhood friends, having known each other from a very young age. Mikoto can be quite temperamental, but Reika always takes it in stride. In fact, she delights in pressing Mikoto’s buttons and is one of the few people who hardly blink at Mikoto’s temper. Reika does care for Mikoto deeply however, and tries to help Mikoto through her inferior complex.