

8 months, 3 days ago


Ralphie is one of the few residents of a slowly rotting ghost town. Post-drought the formerly lively area has been mostly abandoned, his neighbors are in large part old, sickly, or both. Ralphie has adopted a lot of responsibility being one of the only healthy locals, frequently coming in contact with The Undertaker, who has a lot of buisness to attend to with his neighborhood. Ralphie is a bit stuck on the last exciting thing that happened there, which is the accident involving the loan shark and his son.

Ralphie seems to be the only person who feels up to following up on this particular incident, and is staunchly of the opinion that the son, a young man named Valentine, is a murderer and should be tried for his father's murder. The Undertaker finds his enthusiasm particularly funny, and her morbid curiosity incentivizes her to help him on his stupid quest.

Ralphie only feels as enabled to track down Valentine as he is because he used to bully him as a teenager, He isn't aware that Valentine remembers this, and that he has a rather poor opinion of ralphie as a result