
7 months, 15 days ago




Percy is chipper, polite, and always willing to lend a hand. Although he grew up very poor, he has always been grateful for what he has. He is kind-hearted and friendly, but also known to be somewhat scatterbrained, and more than a little clumsy. Despite Percy’s general happiness and positivity, it's fairly easy to get under his skin (something his colleagues frequently take advantage of), and he's not afraid to put his foot down when he's had enough. Despite being the youngest of his unit, Percy notoriously hates being treated like a child.

Percy has a certain sweetness that can’t be denied. He sees the best in those he cares for, even when they don’t see it themselves, and he delights in cheering them on. However, idealism can easily become naivete, as he often idolizes and romanticizes those who are kind to him, and tends to trust other people far too easily. He wears his heart not on his sleeve, but right up between his eyes for everyone to see. Accordingly, Percy is gullible and does not always understand sarcasm, tending to take other people’s words at face value.

Percy also has a tendency to repress his own negative thoughts and feelings, not wanting to inconvenience those around him. However, that pure heart is both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness. His belief in others can blind him to their misdeeds, his idolisation can make it difficult to truly understand people, and his innocence leaves him dangerously open to being taken advantage of. While Percy often speaks highly of those he cares for, he places impossible standards on himself to live up to them, and much of his diligence stems from a fear that he is only holding everyone else back.


5'1" / 154 cm
110 lbs / 50 kg


  • Round, boyish features.
  • Fluffy hair.
  • Always has his mail bag with him.
  • Short king.
  • Large, rounded eyes.



Powers & Abilities

A Conductor’s special abilities take the form of both magical powers (such as teleportation and weapon summoning) and physical enhancements (such as herculean strength and superhuman speed). These abilities, whether they are magical in nature or not, can only be used as long as the Conductor has a sufficient supply of Gold Dust, which is stored in special whistles.

Through the use of Gold Dust, Percy's physical abilities are enhanced to a near superhuman degree. In this powered-up (or "Sparkling") state, he enjoys a significant boost in strength, speed, and durability. While he may not be as strong as Thomas or Gordon, he can still be quite the formiddable foe, and he is more than capable of holding his own in a fight if needed.
In addition to their physical enhancements, Conductors also gain an assortment of magical abilities. When needed, they can call upon their Gold Dust to take the form of a magical weapon for use in combat. Each weapon is unique to the user, and is usually reflective of their personality in some way. Depending on the weapon, a Conductor may even be able to summon multiple of them at once.

Conductors also gain the ability to magically teleport from place to another, by dispersing their physical forms to collect again and reform in a new location. While this is by far the the fastest way to get to a desired location, doing so requires a considerable amount of Gold Dust, so it is generally used sparingly. It also notoriously easy to accidentally teleport to the wrong location if one is unable to fully concentrate on where they want to go.

Percy's signature weapon takes the form of a large, magical bubble wand. This staff can be used to create huge, super-powered bubbles, with effects that can vary wildly depending on his intent. He can alter the properties of his bubbles through sheer force of will, whether it's using them to capture someone, making them sticky or slippery, or by using them as a form of transportation.

Though they are primarily used in a support role, his bubbles can also be used offensively when needed, namely by making them explode on contact with a target or amassing them in a large group and manipulating them to detonate all at once. He can also create a large bubble barrier in order to protect himself and his allies from certain kinds of attacks.

As is the case with all Conductors, Percy's supply of Gold Dust is stored within a special brass whistle, hence them sometimes being called "whistleblowers". These whistles serve as the conduit through which they can activate their magic. Each whistle will sound slightly different depending on it's owner, and they are also near indestructible.
Outside of his Conductor abilities, Percy appears to be rather artistically inclined. He has a knack for photography and will frequently take pictures of his surroundings, since he considers it a way to be part of the world at a safe distance. He has a particular affinity for old analog cameras and instant camera selfies. In addition, Percy displays a talent for sewing. He presumably developed this skill due to his parents being too poor to afford new clothes for him when they wore out, thus leading to him having to fix them up himself. He has a knack for acting and musical theater, which he is unfortunately unable to pursue due to his crippling stage fright. On a more niche note, he is also quite good at origami.


Percy spent most of his formative years in Bristol, where he was born. He was concieved out of wedlock, and since neither of his parents were particularly well-off, they both had to work full time in order to support him. Most of his earliest memories about his parents centered around their constant arguing over bills and money.

Growing up, Percy was something of a latchkey kid. His parents weren't around much, and when they were, they both behaved rather coldly towards him. They weren't exactly subtle about the fact that they never wanted a child, even going so far as to outright tell their son that he was an "accident" (though Percy wouldn't fully understand what this meant until he was older). They showed little interest in him, which lead Percy to start playing pranks in order to get their attention. More often than not, however, this just got him in trouble.

Fed up with the emotional abuse and neglect, Percy pretended to run away by hiding in a closet. He stayed there for hours, patiently waiting for his parents to notice his absence start worrying about him. He wanted desperately to believe that, deep down, his mother and father both loved and cared about him in their own way. But in the end, they never did. Even when they discovered the fake note he left, their reaction seemed more annoyed than concerned. After concluding that he was in fact unwanted, Percy resolved to run away for real. At only thirteen years old, he packed what few meaningful possessions he had, hopped a train in the middle of the night, and never looked back.

After arriving on Sodor, Percy was taken in by an older gentleman named Toby. He, along with his wife Henrietta, became his unofficial foster parents. They allowed him to stay with them, and even managed to get him enrolled in a local high school. Eventually, with some light networking on Toby's part, Percy was able to land a job delivering mail for the local post office. Despite his young age, he proved himself to be a highly capable and efficient worker.


  • Speaks with a working class (cockney) British accent.
  • Has a pet carrier pigeon named Harold.
  • Has a naturally high, yet soothing speaking voice.
  • Incredibly ticklish!
  • Simple gestures of physical affection make him feel loved: holding hands, being held, etc.
  • Used to be mistaken for a girl a lot when he was younger. This still happens occasionally, but he usually doesn’t care enough to correct people.
  • Incessantly compares himself to others.
  • Hums and sings to himself frequently.
  • Dyslexic, resulting in reading and spelling difficulties, along with a tendency to mispronounce words.
  • Has vivid, violent nightmares; thus, he likes to sleep with others.
  • Closet fudanshi.
  • Has a rather impressive stamp collection.
  • Absolutely terrified of the dark, so he sleeps with a night light.
  • Finds horror movies deeply upsetting, and refuses to watch them.




Best Friend

Percy’s best friend and confidante. These two are practically joined at the hip, whether they’re at school, work, or on some crazy misadventure orchestrated by Thomas. It’s no secret that Percy holds a great deal of admiration for Thomas, and he is inspired by him every day to be the best person he can be. While their friendship has been turbulent at times, Percy knows full well the lengths that Thomas would go for him. He does at times feel guilty for relying on Thomas so much, and part of him wishes that Thomas would lean on him a little more.



coworker, friend

While Percy does consider James a friend, their relationship can at times be somewhat tumultuous. Percy’s clumsiness and timid nature makes him an easy target for James’ teasing, and these jokes often cross the line from playful teasing to outright bullying. Fortunately, Percy will put his foot down when he gets fed up, though this is often after the damage has already been done. That being said, they have a fairly positive relationship overall, and James has little tolerance for when anyone besides himself tries to pick on Percy.




Percy finds Gordon’s controlling attitude extremely irritating, as he is seemingly never satisfied with anything he does. This, alongside Gordon’s rampant perfectionism and short fuse, means that Percy is often the one most subject to his criticisms. Gordon will chastise Percy for even the most trivial mistake, and while Percy tries his best to take it on the chin, being a verbal punching bag does eventually start to take a toll on him. As of late, Gordon seems to be easing up a bit, and isn’t quite as harsh as he used to be. However, there is still an air of tension between them.




Percy doesn’t have a strong opinion of Henry one way or the other, as the two seldom interact unless it’s related to work. That said, while their interactions are largely neutral, there is a mood between them that seems to foster a sense of security and understanding. Percy is surprisingly intuitive when it comes to Henry’s physical condition, and will often remind him to sit down or drink some water when he begins to feel ill. Percy will even take on extra work in order to accommodate him. When push comes to shove, the two of them make a commendable team.



coworker, friend

Edward might just be Percy’s favorite co-worker, due in large part to Edward’s boundless patience and gentle demeanor. Edward doesn’t yell at Percy when he makes a mistake like Gordon does, and he doesn’t make fun of him all the time like James. Suffice to say, the two of them get along quite well. While Percy doesn’t mind Edward’s coddling as much as Thomas does, he still finds it a little embarrassing at times. Not enough to ask him to stop, though.



coworker, friend

An unexpected, yet surprisingly wholesome friendship. Duck is one of the few people (besides Thomas) who will actively stand up for Percy when he is being picked on by his colleagues, and has been instrumental in teaching Percy how to advocate for himself. It is largely thanks to Duck’s influence that Percy is able to stand up to people like Gordon and James whenever they cross a line. Percy also admires Duck’s authenticity and how he isn’t afraid to be himself.