


8 months, 5 days ago


Theodore is Jay's father and Fern's husband. He is a cartographer, and a very good one at that. He takes pride in his skills and his maps.

In his youth, Theodore was always off exploring and always worrying his parents as he would be gone long periods of time... On traveling one evening he was exploring a new swamp biome and came across a lone female villager (explained in Fern's bio). After bringing her home he had to be more careful with her as there was a law against harboring a witch. Eventually his cautiousness became strictness and it only got worse after Jay was born... 

He became a very strict father to the point where friends was trying to warn him that he needed to be careful... Spend the day came when a hero had arrived to their village only to destroy it. In his attempt to find his son to keep him safe he came across the hero... and was killed. After the onslaught and devastation for in return to find Theodore as a Vex.

His regret was that he never developed a close bond with his son...

A bit of a spoiler... Theodore was born and died centuries before the story takes place...