
8 months, 7 hours ago


Betty is George's wife, mother to Duke and Lilly, and (spoiler) is Smith's Grandmother.

She lost her husband to a zombie horde but he encased himself in the iron golem that he had was building... Then she had become chief of the village as well as a single mother to her son and daughter.

Some months after, Syrus arrived to the desert village near midnight and was rescued before he was taken by The horde of zombies, His parents however we're not so fortunate. He was old enough to already be a cleric and had already been passed the secret his mother passed him... 

Betty then helped Syrus feel more comfortable in her village...

Years later, her son and daughter leave for a more prosperous life and Syrus stays for Lilly, to care for Betty in her old age. Betty knew that Syrus loved Lilly, but he was adamant on staying to help her...

As year went by, the village population continued to shrink until there was only 6 of them left, Betty, Syrus, Mathew, Jenny, Rob, and David... (Rob was a ironsmith like George and David didn't have a job. They were also Brothers...).

When Matthew and Jenny explained that they were going to have a child, there was cause for commotion and a big celebration. Did you know the villagers can only have children when they feel safe and secure... Betty did her best to prepare young couple for their new arrival... For disaster to strike.

When Syrus returned with a new infant, she was overjoyed not caring that the child was possibly A different race than their own... A child was a child that needed to be blessed. Betty helped Syrus care for Orchid and was basically a grandmother to the child. One evening while caring for a kid she had him to the child some golden carrots and found out that Orchid could not have anything gold covered as the effects are reversed...

Betty hoped that one day her daughter would return with a grandchild that she could finally meet... But it never happened.

When Orchid was 5 (or 6), Mathew had finally snapped and was about to cause great harm to the child. Betty's first Instinct was to get between him and the child and try to talk him down from his actions... But it did not work that way.

Betty never regretted anything in her life, and was happy that her final act was in protecting an innocent child. She had to go down that was the one way she saw herself going.

As an Allay, she can produce the crops that she would normally make in case anybody was needing food. She is able to reveal golden carrots and golden apples to those in need. She keeps her motherly attitude as she watches over everyone in the group, seeing everyone younger than her as her child~