
8 months, 6 days ago


Contain spoilers if you have not figured this out... 

Mathew is Orchid's BIOLOGICAL Father and is a Shepherd of the desert village he lived in.

As Mathew and his wife (Jenny) awaited the arrival of their first born child, he was filled with joy and eagerness to be a father... but then, just shortly before that was to be... a strange three day storm hit. He was out trying to find cactus to make green dye when the storm hit. It's rain had made his skin feel like it was on fire. His wife was waiting outside the door for his return and they both were soaked with the strange rain.

While trapped in their home, the time had come. Unfortunately, his wife did not survive the childbirth as the child seemed to have been still born... or so he thought. While it was still raining he covered himself and dragged his wife and child just a quarter ways away from the village, buried her and place the child on her grave... he fell into despair and just felt miserable afterwards, feeling as though he has failed his family...

But the village cleric (Father Syrus) not believing his story of them being dead went to go find them and returned with a crying infant.

Matthew only grew and despair and hatred as he watched Father Syrus raise his child, who's skin was gray as stone... All the while fighting back rage and an urge to kill that was not his own...

One day, when the child was 5 (or 6) he decided that he would admit to her that she was his child and finally let go and try to show her affection for the first time in her life... Only after he stepped out the door he lost control of himself and watched desperately as his body moved of its own accord. He had forgotten he was still holding the shovel until he saw that the first strike hit the child's arm, causing her to cry in pain. At that moment the desert village chief (Betty) had gotten between him and the child. He witnessed his body move of its own dealing a killing blow to the old farmers skull. He gained a little control when the iron going watching over The village grabbed his head. 

Mathew told the golem to stop him with the last control he had... Which resulted in his death.

Matthew became a Vex upon returning to the world of living as he regretted all of his actions from the day his child was born up to the moment in which he killed the village chief. All the guilt still weighs heavily upon him but in an attempt to try and rectify what he had done, he becomes very persistent and protective of Orchid... Using the very shovel he used as a weapon in life as his choice as a Vex...

Sometimes to keep him calm, Jenny (now an Allay) will snuggle close to him and hold him tight, sometimes trying to hold him back from doing something he might regret later...