Father Syrus



7 months, 25 days ago


Father Syrus is a cleric who started his career in a desert village. Though it's a mystery who his parents were, one of them passed the knowledge down from generations before a secret recipe given to them by the god of Minecraft himself... Notch. The recipe given was that of the 'Enchanted Golden Apple' along with a book that keeps record of all who learn the recipe from the moment they learn it to their last breath. Within the book are several rules that must be kept at all times...

His family was taking him across desert when they had unfortunately gotten themselves bidden by zombies. They took him straight to the village Chiefs home (Betty at the time) who had taken them in for safety and by morning they were gone. He had developed a crush on Lilly, the chief's daughter, only to watch as she and her older brother (Duke) left the village to search for a prosperous one. He stayed behind in order to take care of Betty, hoping Lilly would return one day... She never did.

Eventually, Betty became like a mother to him as he helped to take care of the villagers. Eventually his health just started deteriorating... and not even the Enchanted Golden Apples could keep his health up. During the storm he had a dream of seeing a strange villager, one whose skin was gray of stone. After the Storm passed he found out from Matthew that the shepherd had taken his now deceased wife and their newly born daughter out into the desert and left them. Father Syrus was not having any of that and decided to go retrieve the bodies and give them a proper burial... Only to find the infant that was left at the graveside to be that of a gray skin tone... Like Stone. 

Taking sympathy upon the child he took her home with him back to the village, and when he finally took responsibility of raising the child he dubbed her the name of his favorite flower: Orchid.

In the Main Timeline, a thought rushed  across his mind after she has aged some, telling him to save a child zombie and cure it with a regular Golden Apple. After curing the child, he adopted the boy and asked him of his name if he remembered... Which was Mason. From then on Mason had become orchids older brother and took on responsibilities of keeping her safe while Father Syrus trained her in the job of the cleric, eventually passing down the recipe of the Enchanted Golden Apple...

His only regret in life was having not told the Villager he had fallen in love with how he felt and allowing himself to show weakness in front of Orchid as he tried to be strong for her... in turn becoming a Vex...

The books rules read as follows:

1: You must never pass the secret of the recipe to anyone but your apprentice.

2: You must never sell the Apple, only hide it in the world. This is for the safety of the recipe holder.

3: You must never use the recipe to try and cure the infected of the zombie plague. It results in a mutation in the infected. (A more recently added rule to the book by a holder)